Coming Over For A Visit

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Because it's been requested that we haven't seen Link lately and we need some Link and Mason time. Yo welcome!


It was pointless to look over, that's why he wasn't going to look over. He was going to continue to stay straight in front of him, even if he didn't care at all what Mr. Miller was saying. As The First Son, he should at least look engaged with the lesson. He should set an example.

The fact that he never cared about that before wasn't the point, today he would be the model of a model student. Because after all, there was no reason to look anywhere else. There was no reason to look to the right and three tables down. No reason at all.

Mason turned his head and looked three tables down. Idiot.

Link bent over the table taking notes, beside him, Owens looked bored out of her mind. She had her chin resting in her palm as she focused out the window. Not a model student at all. Though if called, she'd probably do that annoying thing where she knew exactly what the answer was.

Mason cut his gaze back to Link.


What was he supposed to do with one of those? He'd been a single, spoiled, lonely child up until three weeks ago. How did one shift their entire viewpoint that fast? Annoyingly, Evans had years to deal with knowing who Mason was. Mason was the one lagging behind here.

In his defense, it wasn't his fault. It was the fault of his father, that son of-

That was disrespectful to his grandmother, who he liked. It wasn't her fault that her son turned out to be a horrible person. Even if that horrible person gave Mason a half-brother and didn't tell him about it until it was impossible not to. He didn't even tell him. Mason'd had to find out while trapped in a secure room.

When he'd heard Smith talking to that Keller guy, he hadn't understood the implications of it. How was he supposed to? Who instantly thought, 'you know that random kid is my half-brother and that's why I've seen him a few times and something about him seemed familiar'? Who walks into a closet and expects to be attacked by skeletons?

Though with his messed up life maybe he should have expected it.

He felt bad for raging against Smith when everything clicked into place. The fear that someone was there to take him had been completely overshadowed by the reality of his father's actions and his massive lie.

Mason looked at Smith, who sat in a seat in the corner of the room. A smile almost appeared on Mason's lips, knowing that Smith was half dozing because he was wearing his sunglasses inside. He didn't blame him, chemistry was mind-numbingly dull.

Smith hadn't lied to Mason when he asked for confirmation on who the Evans kid was. When Mason had wanted to punch something, Smith had even hugged him. They didn't hug. Smith had kept boundaries between them. Mason hadn't even reacted to the hug. How did you react to the bodyguard who trailed you everywhere for years hugging you out of nowhere?

Also, Mason didn't do hugs. Other humans touching him made him want to shrivel up and die.

Maybe too dramatic but people's hugs rarely made him feel comforted.

His mother was the exception.

"Mr. Douglas," Mr. Miller said. "Can you tell me what the answer is?"

Mason focused on the board and realized he couldn't. From the corner of his eye, he could see Owens rolling her eyes. She knew the answer like he knew she would.

"No, I can't but Owens can," Mason said.

Instead of coming at him, as he would have expected like she'd done for the entirety of their high school years, Carter didn't. She answered the question, turning away from Mason.

What had been enjoyable bickering between them had shifted. Mason couldn't fully understand why but it was due to Link's presence. It's as if she'd seen him as the underdog, or helpless puppy seemed more fitting, and decided to be his guard dog for him. That result was that Mason was the one who she guarded him against.

Maybe it was his fault or maybe like usual, the girl was crazy.

That would make the most sense. He'd known her long enough to understand she was a little unhinged. This change in her fit completely with who he knew her to be. Though if it fit, why did Mason feel like he'd lost something?

He hadn't. Owens had never been anything to him to begin with. Her no longer there to piss him off was a good thing. It made his life easier. So much easier...

When the bell rang, relieving Mason of having to pretend to care about the lesson, he packed up his unused notebooks and slung on his backpack. Smith had enough awareness to wake up and join Mason.

As they left the room, Evans and Owens were hovering beyond the doorway. For one second, Mason wondered if they were waiting for him. But Owens skimmed her gaze over him to someone behind him.

The Keller guy. Not waiting for him.

As Mason walked on, Evans looked at him and the two brothers met gazes.

Mason wondered if he should acknowledge Evans. Say something. Hello. But who in the world said hello to each other in a school hallway? It would be strange.

So Mason broke eye contact and walked on. Evans was his half-brother, but what did that even mean?

A pack of boys surrounded Mason before he got too far away from his classroom. They talked and Mason let the inane chatter be enough to force thoughts of Evans out of his mind. Or to the back at least where they could be ignored. The constant presence of his acquaintances in class and between them made it easy for Mason to not dwell on Evans until lunchtime.

Sitting at the center of his table, Mason leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. Across the way, he observed his half-brother. He sat with a group of girls, along with Owens and the Keller guy, but only focused on one of the girls. From the way Evans blushed and smiled stupidly, Mason guessed that was either his crush or girlfriend. Either one, he was a sad sight.

Who showed so much emotion to a person? Was he not aware those emotions could be used and manipulated by her? It was almost like watching a helpless animal approach a predator. Though the girl didn't seem all that dangerous. She also wore stupid happy looks. Maybe the only two naive people in the school had found each other.


Mason turned his head to the voice.

"Why are you looking over there?" Jennifer asked.

"Do you know who the dark-haired girl is?" Mason asked.

Jennifer looked defensive, which Mason found idiotic. He hadn't agreed to date her before, why would she think that would change even if she clung to him? Her nearness often annoyed him more than flattered him. Why couldn't girls who liked him act normal? Instead, they acted like they had to constantly be putting on a show. It was sad.

"Why do you want to know?" she asked.

Mason didn't answer, turned to the other side, and nudged Monique. She perked up at his attention.

"The dark-haired girl over there," Mason said. "Do you know who she is?"

At least Monique hid her feelings better than Jennifer did.

"That's Maddy. We have English with her," Monique said. "But she's dating that guy next to her. Just so you know."


"Are you going to try and steal her away?" Monique asked.


Why they would think he'd care enough to put in that much effort for one person when he'd never had before baffled him. They watched him but understood nothing about what they saw.

Though Monique looked like she expected more of an explanation from Mason, he didn't give it and went back to watching Evans. His half-brother.

When the bell rang for the final class, Mason had made a decision. He hadn't decided if that decision was a good one but it was a decision.

"What are we waiting for?" Smith asked as they stood off to the side outside the front doors.

"The end of the world, Smith. The end of the world."

"And why do we need to be standing here for it?"

"Because this is where it will take place."

"Is that so?"

Mason didn't react to Smith's sarcasm just like Smith hadn't reacted to his. They had an understanding, sarcasm in trade for sarcasm. That's how communication worked. Between them at least.

When Evans and the Keller guy appeared, Mason called them over. Before Evans could follow orders, Keller placed a hand on his shoulder. He said something to him and Mason had to wonder what it was.

Even if Mason didn't know what it was, the interaction showed him their bond. It wasn't like his with Smith, charge to emotionally supportive protector. It was more like... friends, even brothers.

After the Keller guy said his peace, Evans approached with Keller right next to him, giving Mason the kind of intense glare Mason usually expected from someone like Owens. Why he should deserve this, he didn't know. What had he ever done to this guy?

"Are you going to yell at me again?" Evans asked, though his tone hinted at playfulness.

"I've never yelled at you," Mason said.

Evans raised his eyebrows in a decidedly skeptical manner. Fine, Mason had yelled at Evans three days ago when they met with their father. The yelling hadn't really been meant for him, it was for his father which he'd already yelled at, and at that point, it seemed overkill.

"No, I'm not going to yell at you," Mason said.

"Okay, what's up then?" Evans asked.

"What are you doing right now?"

"Talking to you."

"Stop being a pain and answer the question."

Despite his harsh tone, Evans seemed amused. He didn't know what kind of friends this kid had if he found bruskness enjoyable. Never mind, he hung out with Owens, of course he found it enjoyable.

"I was going to go home and do homework," Evans said.

"Good that means you're free to come over to my house," Mason said.

Evans instantly exchanged a look with the Keller guy and Smith laid a hand on Mason's shoulder.

"That's not a good idea," Smith said.

"What? My dad can have another son but can't invite him in?"

Mason meant the dig against his father but he saw how the hit landed on Evans.

"Sorry," Mason said. "I don't see why he can't come over?"

"You really don't?" Keller asked in a tone that made Mason decide he didn't like this guy. It was condescending, smug, and neutral. How was that something anyone could pull off? And how could it both make Mason feel stupid, like punching him, and understand?

"People would put it together," Mason said. "Because of course, my father's image is still something that needs to be protected."

"No," Donovan said. "Link's safety, identity, and normal life does."

Okay, maybe Mason didn't hate the Keller guy as much. He wasn't putting his father first but Evans. That counted for something.

"Fine," Mason said. He smacked Evan's arm which made Donovan tense as if ready to lay hands on Mason. The guy needed to chill. "Where do you live?"

"You want to come over to my place?" Evans said.

"Were you not paying attention to what we just said? We can't go to my house, yours will have to do. Unless you don't want to hang out?"

Evans hesitated and Mason wondered if he would say no. It would be a first.

"Just follow us then," Evans said.

In the backseat of the car, Mason watched the back of the Mercedes which meant he caught every glance Smith took of him in the rearview mirror.

"Are you going to say it?" Mason asked when the glance count reached twenty.

"Be nice to him," Smith said.

"Why would you expect me to be mean?"

"You hide your emotions well but they often slip out in areas unexpected because of it."

"Don't let anything slip, got it."

The rest of the ride passed in silence with Mason staring at the license plate of Keller's car. Only when they turned into an underground parking garage did Smith speak again.

"I'm proud of you," he said.

Mason narrowed his eyes, sure he'd imagined Smith speaking.


"You could hate him for living a normal life but you aren't. I'm proud of you."

"I hadn't thought of that before but now that you've said I do hate him for living a normal life where no one knows him or stares at him. Drive away, Smith. I no longer want to be here."

Smiling slightly, Smith parked and climbed out.

"The help never listens," Mason muttered, getting out of the car.

Mason didn't know what the ride from school to his apartment building had been like for Evans, but from the way he looked happily at Mason, he figured it had been less silent than Mason's own drive.

When they arrived at Evans' apartment, Mason made a slow turn. Though spacious, the living room and kitchen could fit inside The Resident's ballroom. But that somehow made it... comfortable. It was a real home. Whose house even had a ballroom in it?

"Where's your room?" Mason asked.

Evans pointed down the short hallway and led the way. Before they got to the hallway, Mason stopped and held up a hand to the two shadows.

"Pretty sure if attackers come in it will be through the front door. Don't need you babysitting us."

The Keller guy looked like he wanted to throw Mason into the hands of the closest attackers while Smith nodded.

"Sounds good. We'll be out here," Smith said. He looked at Donovan and held out his hand. "I've had the pleasure of meeting your father."

The distraction worked and Mason followed Evans to his room. It was half the size of the living room with the generic setup of a guy's room. Now that it was them, alone, Mason realized he had no clue what to say or do.

Did they dive into telling each other their life stories? Did they spill on their parents' weird habits? Did they try to bond over shared experiences? Mason highly doubted they had any that they did share.

"Probably not like your room," Evans said.

"No," Mason said inspecting it. "It's better."


"Yeah, there aren't any antiques you could possibly break and cause an international incident over."

"Have you?"

"They never found the broken pieces, so no."

Evans grinned at the joke.

They fell into an awkward silence which Mason sensed would have no end since if he didn't know how to go about talking to a brother he hadn't known he had, he figured Evans didn't either.

The wall screen and the game console beneath caught Mason's eyes.

"You play anything good?" he asked.

"I don't know what you define as good. But we could play whatever I have together."

Each taking a controller, Evans scrambled into his bed while Mason opted for taking the desk chair and spinning it around. Evans chose the game and Mason slouched in the chair, getting comfortable. The game started and neither of them spoke unless it was to point out the other's failing.

As they played, all questions about what to talk about or how to form a bridge between their two very different lives vanished for Mason. All he did was bang away at the controller and yell at his brother when he messed up. And in return, his brother yelled at him too.

They were halfway through a mission when the door to Link's room opened and a woman walked in. Mason glanced at her back at the screen then at her again. Link's mother. His father's... The woman his father cheated on Mason's mother with.

Seeing her standing in the doorway, watching them with a soft smile crashed Mason back into reality.

"Hello," she said.

"Mason you're about to die," Link yelled. "What are you doing?" Link looked over as Mason abruptly stood. "What-"

Mason tossed the controller onto Link's bed. He felt what Smith had described about to happen. He might know he looked calm but his emotions were fraying at the edges.

"Gotta go," Mason said.

"You don't have to leave on my account," Link's mother said. "I just want to say-"

"I have to go," Mason said. When he looked at Link it was to find him confused. "Uh, sorry for yelling at you. I know I said I wouldn't."

Link relaxed a fraction. "I yelled at you too. I guess that makes us even."

Even. Not a chance. Link got to stay in this small, comfortable home with no one ever knowing him. While Mason would leave and return to a house that constantly vibrated with people walking about. Be surrounded by people who saw him but didn't care to really know him.

"Yeah," Mason said.

He walked towards the door and Link's mother kept her ground.


"Please do not talk to me," he said. Even though he'd wanted the words to come out hard, a defense for his mother, they came out like a scared little kid.

She stepped aside and Mason slipped out of the room. In the living room, Smith rose as Mason entered and headed for the door.

"He's all yours again," Mason said to Keller.

Mason exited with Smith trailing behind him. Before Smith could say anything Mason cut him off.

"Don't talk. Please don't talk."

To his credit, Smith didn't even acknowledge this with a verbal confirmation. He merely walked with Mason to the car and saw him all the way to The Residence entrance. Inside, Mason stood there, not moving.

Footsteps made him lift his gaze off the floor. His mother appeared in a doorway and Mason crossed to her, hugging her tightly. She didn't question his sudden need for affection. She hugged him back and rubbed his back in soothing circles.

"I hate him," Mason said quietly.

"I know."

"And I hate that I can't really hate him."

She didn't say anything, kept comforting him, silently telling him she understood and still loved him.

"Because of him, I have a brother."

"And you don't feel so alone anymore," his mother said softly.

Mason closed his eyes, his vision blurring. No, he didn't feel so alone anymore.


How's it hangin'? 🦥

Are you a functioning human being or a blob of blubber blubbering?

If you're functioning then tell me dem thoughts you have in that head of yours! 🗯💬💭🫠

I'm going to dive into mine cause I have a lot.

Something I find interesting having written Donovan's POV last week and Mason's this week. They are very different, which makes sense. But the difference is this, Donovan has a lot of insights, Mason just has a lot of thoughts.

Now I know you might confused, wondering why Carter and Mason in this chapter aren't the high school duo we know and love.

Let me break down Mason's character journey for you so you understand something: I rewrote history. Cause this is how Mason started.

Mason side character -> Annoying First Son, catalyst for Link -> Meeting Link, gained a little depth -> Graduation chapter, invited Link to hang out, gained a heart -> Mission chapters, was the tech guy, gained a personality -> Stuck in a tunnel with Carter and calls her out, gained a backbone -> More FBI chapters, gained more screen time -> Carter transferring to Hamilton and Mason being her lab partner, gained a backstory -> Became the character I couldn't live without.

As you can see, this is why I'm fudging a bit of the dynamics, originally Mason was not supposed to be anyone worth getting to know.

He had other plans, clearly. So if my timelines don't perfectly add up or make complete sense, this is why. The Mason from A Secret Service isn't really the Mason from the Open Case File high school one shots.

And honestly, I'm glad. He is without a doubt of one my favorite characters I've ever written. I hope you feel the same, or at least love him with a small fraction of your heart.

Vote, comment, follow if you have reformed from a blob of blubber into a human being!

Can you guess which one is Mason?

I'm sorry, I've missed doing this the last few updates. But here are comment shout outs from: The Monday After (Donovan's POV)

I died! 😂



☺️ I'm just glad, sometimes I feel bad for not posting the ones you asked for.

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