Rumors (Part 2)

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This is tied to the last chapter: At Fault. You might want to read that one first if you haven't.


Sophia's Defense👊
Kennedy: Tell me when you get to school
Don't go to your locker

Sophia opened the message, prepared to update Kennedy on her arrival status when her mother spoke and Sophia lowered her phone.

"Thanks for letting me drive you," she said.

"You could drive me more often but since Kennedy and Harrison pass our house I thought it would be a waste of time and energy on your part."

Yvette smiled as she tucked a strand of Sophia's hair behind her ear. The smile and the gesture all seemed to convey an affection that Sophia knew that no matter how many words she knew she could never explain it.

When the world felt loud, overwhelming, and intrusive, her mother's calm presence and actions of love was the island Sophia could always escape to. Even if escape wasn't necessary, she could always run to her mother.

"Time spent with you is never wasted," Yvette said. "I hope you have a good day."

The affection and encouragement held onto Sophia as she climbed out of the car. When she shut the door, she returned her mother's wave and walked up the school steps. As she entered the hallways, she felt students shift and split ways for her. This occurrence merited no cause for reaction since it happened often.

What Sophia had not predicted for the day was the mass of students congregating around her locker. But instead of needing to ask them to move aside, they instantly created a path for her.

Sophia walked forward but stopped when she saw her locker. Scrolled across it in black letters were words that she'd never been called before and she didn't comprehend what their association with her was.

She looked from her locker to the mass around her, noticing some pointed their phones at her while the rest eyed her and whispered to each other.

The level of Sophia's confusion rose. Since arriving at this school she had slowly become accustomed to people watching her, saying things behind her back, and giving her names that she, in some way, could connect in her mind. The names on the locker and the looks she received now, were new and unexplainable.

"You deserve it," someone yelled at her.

Sophia scanned the crowd for the offender but she refused to speak again and Sophia failed to pin her down. Not understanding what was going on but aware that the words written for her were incorrect, she took the next logical step. Retrieving her phone, she took a photo of the locker and walked away.

Someone else shouted something at her back, but Sophia ignored the accusation. As she cut her way towards the main office, she saw more and more how the eyes of those she passed were less curious as they had been and were now narrowed, judging.

With each passing group, Sophia felt her heart rate slowly pick up, though she couldn't decipher what it was about the looks that made her body react in such a way.

By the time she made it to the main office, she needed to take a moment to breathe in slowly, willing her heart to calm down.

"Do you need something, sweetie?" the main office woman asked.

Sophia took in one last breath before answering.

"I would like to see Principal Wright," she said.

"She's free at the moment, you can go right."

"Thank you."

The bell rang as Sophia crossed the office to the principal's door and knocked. When she received an 'enter', she pushed open the door.

Principal Wright's office felt like a safe place. Nothing was out of order. The pictures were symmetrically positioned and an old grandfather clock sat in the corner, rhythmically ticking off the time.

Entering the space, Sophia found her heart rate slowing. This was a woman in control and her control made Sophia feel comfortable.

"What can I help you with?" Principal Wright asked.

Sophia set her phone down on the desk, displaying the photo of her locker. Wright picked it up.

"I believe this falls under the term slander," Sophia said. "I do not know where the accusations come from. I have never been in a relationship therefore I can never have cheated on someone. This goes for the vulgar word implying I'm a... I have never even kissed a boy."

Wright set the phone down and gestured for Sophia to sit. "I see. The locker will be cleaned within the hour. Do you have any idea who would do something like this?"

"No. I keep to myself and what interactions I have with others are often very short. I don't see how in such a small span of time I could create enough antagonism for someone to want to say falsities about me."

"I see," Wright said. "I will look into it. I'm sorry that you've received this mistreatment."

Beyond the office door, Sophia heard the office lady raise her voice, telling someone to stop. A second later the principal's door banged open and Kennedy, along with Harrison, rushed into the room.

"What are you going to do to stop this bullying?" Kennedy demanded. "This is defamation!"

"Technically it's only slander," Harrison said.

Kennedy spun on him. "Whose side are you on? Whatever this is, it's against Sophia, someone who is innocent, and whoever did this needs to be found and kicked out."

"Kennedy, Harrison."

That was all Principal Wright said and Sophia watched as they both became silent. The command helped Sophia feel safe. If anyone could make Kennedy calm down with a single word, that was someone who could be relied on. Whoever was behind what was happening to Sophia, she didn't feel worried.

"I will handle this," Wright said. "Now the three of you should get to class. I believe you'll take it upon yourselves to see Sophia to her first period?"

"Like anyone could stop us," Kennedy said.

"Very good." Wright focused on Sophia and again Sophia felt the weight of this woman's control. "Don't worry, Sophia. I will take care of this."

"Thank you."

When the trio stepped into the hallway, Kennedy whirled on Sophia, her expression so fierce that it caught Sophia off guard, the intensity of it overwhelming her.

"What did I tell you!" she said. "I told you to tell me when you got to school and not go to your locker! Why didn't you listen?!"

Harrison put his hands on Kennedy's shoulders but looked at Sophia, who felt her eyes sting at the harsh tone. Why was Kennedy yelling at her? One second ago she'd been on Sophia's side. Now Sophia felt as if she was in the wrong, though when she'd crossed over into it, she didn't know.

"Sophia," Harrison said. "Kennedy isn't mad at you, she's just pissed that anyone would do this to you and failing to handle this well."

Kennedy jerked out of Harrison's hold. "Yeah, I'm pissed! No one has the right to say any of those things about Sophia. I want to find whoever did this and beat the living s-"

"Yeah, Kenny, we know but you yelling isn't helping anything." He spun her around and pushed her away. "Go take a breath. Go."

Kennedy stormed a few steps away, her hands on her hips and cursing the whole time. Harrison faced Sophia, blocking Kennedy from her line of sight. He reached for her shoulders but paused. Sophia nodded to his question. He rested his hands gently on her shoulders.

"I'm sorry," he said. "How are you doing?"

Sophia tried to analyze her emotions but felt lost on what labels to attach them to.

"I don't know," she said.

"That's understandable."

"Do you know what is going on?"

With a sigh, Harrison nodded and let go of Sophia.

"You know how you gave apology cookies to Charles yesterday?" Sophia nodded. "Apparently, someone saw you and took a photo of it. Someone else saw you giving cookies to Zander and took a photo of that as well."

Harrison grimaced and dragged his hands through his hair. "It seems there's an account where people can send gossip about Hamilton Prep and it will be posted. The photos were uploaded and the account made speculations about you cheating on Zander with Charles. Since Zander is the First Son and impossible to hate, everyone is hating you."

The facts helped Sophia organize the events of the morning and make sense of her confusion.

"But I'm not dating Zander," Sophia said, finding the linchpin to the false accusations.

"It doesn't matter, you're the one seen with him the most that people believe you are. And because Zander isn't here today to say any different makes people think it's true."

"He's not here?"

"No. Everyone thinks he's so devastated that he didn't come."


Clarity helped Sophia but did nothing to solve her emotions. They felt misaligned and she didn't know how to set them right.

The door to the office opened.

"You three need to get to class," the office lady said, offering Sophia a sympathetic look.

"We're going," Harrison said. "Kennedy, are you rational again?"

Kennedy threw him a dirty look but nodded. "I am thinking of ditching my classes to go with Sophia to hers."

"That won't be needed," Sophia said.

Now knowing the truth, she felt she could handle the looks and whispers. They were all based on misinformation and therefore shouldn't be given any thought.

Through her first three classes, Sophia held to this mindset since whispers weren't allowed in class and when she focused on the teacher, she wasn't aware if others glancing at her. But in the bathroom as she reached for the stall door to leave for lunch, she heard her name spoken and paused.

"Where does she get off thinking that she can do this to the First Son?" one girl said.

"Have you ever talked to her?" another said. "She's so full of herself, it doesn't surprise me at all."

"I don't know how anyone could do that to Zander," another girl said. "He's so kind. Imagine giving the guy you're cheating on the same cookies you made for the guy you're cheating with. I'm disgusted. I can't imagine how Zander feels."

Sophia turned away from the door. She knew the facts of cheating were baseless but she had baked the cookies at the same time. They had been for Charles but she'd intentionally made extras for Zander. But was that hurtful? She hadn't told Zander that half of the batch was for Charles. Did that somehow make it a betrayal? Zander wasn't at school after all.

"I honestly hope she moves schools for his sake," one girl said, her voice quietening as the group headed toward the door. "So Zander never has to see that b-"

The door closed, cutting off the girl's words but Sophia felt the sting of it all the same.

Leaving the bathroom, she turned away from the path to the cafeteria. When she pushed into the library, she found it empty. The silence comforted her as she climbed to the second story and tucked herself away in the back corner. Sitting cross-legged, she took out her phone.

Sophia: Did you not come to school today because I gave you cookies that I also gave to Charles as an apology?

Sophia set the phone in her lap and rested her head back against the bookshelf. Words, they were only words. But waves could wear down a mountain with enough time. Sophia knew she was not the things they called her. She knew she wasn't. But why didn't that stop the tiny pricks she felt in her chest at each word aimed at her?

Zander: What?
I didn't come because I had a family photo shoot.
What's going on?
Give me a second.

Sophia felt a fraction of her emotions relax at his reassurance. Only then did she realize she felt fear that Zander might not like her anymore. That what she had done had been as damaging as everyone made it seem. But he said it wasn't about her, that was all she needed to know.

Zander: What the donuts!
Someone did that to your locker!
Someone posted about you and Charles!
What is going on?
Who posted this?
It's not even true.
How could someone think this is true?
We're not even dating so how can you be cheating on me?
Who would say this?
I'm not at school because of a photoshoot
Not because I'm devastated
And I'm not crying and listening to sad music
Who would do this?
And who would call you these things?
Are you okay?

Despite the overwhelming flood of messages and her phone buzzing in her hand for a full minute, Sophia didn't mind it. Each message felt parallel to what she'd gone through. She understood him.

Sophia: I don't know.

It was the truth. Though she could logically explain away everything, she still felt... Fragile. It was a strange word and one she'd never felt applicable to herself. But sitting alone in the back corner, in a school with hundreds of students ready to take fire at her, she felt defenseless.

Zander: I'm sorry
I'll fix this
I'll figure out a way to fix this
Don't listen to what people are saying
They are all wrong, got that
They are all wrong and stupid and wrong

What followed this final statement was a string of angry emojis and gifs that ranged from furious to kicking things to tearing out hair. Sophia smiled a little because it all felt true to Zander.

But as she thought of having to finish the rest of the day, the smile fell away.

A second later, she heard pounding footsteps and Patty, the librarian, telling someone to stop running. But the footsteps continued and Kennedy and Harrison appeared.

"There you are!" Kennedy said. "We couldn't find you in the cafeteria and it freaked us out."

She took a breath and seemed more composed than the last time she'd literally run to where Sophia was sitting. Kennedy held out her hand.

"Come on," she said. "I'm not letting you sit here and appear cowered by everyone else. We're going to eat lunch and I'll knock off anyone's head who dares say anything or even look at you."

"I feel like that would lead to your expulsion," Sophia said.

"Fine by me. I'll call it graduating early."

Though Sophia appreciated the sacrifice Kennedy planned to make, she didn't think her parents would appreciate their daughter being expelled.

"I will come with you as long as you promise not to get into a fight," Sophia said.

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "You take the fun out of everything. Fine. Doesn't mean I won't show them the sharp side of my tongue."

"All sides of your tongue are sharp," Harrison said. "I don't think you have a nonlethal side."

At this, Kennedy shrugged and wiggled her hand for Sophia to take. Sophia accepted the help. As they walked to the cafeteria, Kennedy and Harrison walked on either side of Sophia. Though she knew words could still be said to her, something about the barrier they created made Sophia feel like even if the words came, she wasn't defenseless.

When they entered the cafeteria, Kennedy paused and planted her hands on her hips. Those who stopped to stare at Sophia were given the most scathing look Kennedy had in her arsenal. Everyone who received it quickly turned away.

Sophia wondered if she possessed such a look. Though her father told her that her natural expression was antagonistic, it didn't seem to have the same effect that Kennedy's glare did.

Seated at a table, Harrison appointed himself waiter and brought them a tray of food that they divided among the three of them. As Sophia ate, she surveyed the tables, noticing how some met her gaze unabashedly and others looked away. It was the first time she found she could understand the thoughts of others without knowing them personally.

Halfway through the lunch break, the doors to the cafeteria burst open and the room seemed to quiet. Sophia blinked in surprise at seeing her father standing in the doorway.

Mason gazed over the room and as he did all conversations stopped.

When he locked eyes with Sophia, he strode towards her. Though he had one hand casually tucked into his pocket, Sophia knew the sharp tap of his footsteps. He was angry.

For a second she wondered if he'd heard and believed the rumors about her. But when she met his eyes, she saw his usual softness. No, his anger was not for her.

"Kennedy, Harrison," her father said. "Thank you for notifying me and looking after her. Sophia."

He held out his hand and Sophia stood up. As she joined him, he removed his hand from his pocket and studied his phone. He then searched the room again.

He walked away and Sophia trailed after him, not knowing where they were going. Mason stopped at a table occupied by a group of girls. Again he looked at his phone and then pocketed it.

"Jenny Holt, Sasha Duncan, Mara Yun get up," he said. Though his voice wasn't harsh, Sophia knew the tone. It was a tone that was not to be disobeyed.

Three girls slowly rose, all the while exchanging looks.

"Come with me," Mason said.

Without waiting, he headed back towards the doors. Sophia looked over her shoulder and found the trio following along with them, exchanging looks.

As they entered the hallway, her father took her hand. He didn't look at her as he did, but he squeezed her hand once.

When Mason lead them into the office, the office lady stood but Mason ignored her and walked directly into the principal's office. Wright stood, taking in the sudden entrance. Sophia stood off to the side with her father as he gestured for the girls to sit.

"Mr. Douglas," Wright said.

"These are the girls who run the gossip account about Hamilton Prep. The evidence of this is right now in your inbox," Mason said. "They are responsible for spreading lies about my daughter which has made the whole school turn on her. If you will not expel them," the girls gasped, "then I want them severely punished."

"Mr. Douglas, why don't you sit-"

"I also want you to hold a school assembly and have these girls apologize to everyone for spreading baseless lies and damaging the reputation of an innocent student."

"What!" Jenny said, half rising.

"You can't be serious?" Sasha said.

Sophia looked at her father as his grip on her hand tightened. When he slowly turned his gaze onto the trio, Sophia knew she'd never seen this look in his eyes before. She didn't know what word to pin to it but felt the coldness of it.

"You think I'm asking too much?" he said in a startling calm voice.

He let go of Sophia's hand and took a step toward the girls. Sophia had never known that a simple action could be so intimidating. But it was and she felt this was a side of her father she'd never seen before.

"Because of your thoughtless actions," her father said. "My daughter spent this morning being glared at and bad-mouthed at every turn." He narrowed his eyes. "Anyone with less mental strength than her would have broken. Do you think playing with someone's mental and emotional health is a game? Is something to be taken lightly?"

"It's not," Wright said. "I will see to it that these girls publicly apologize for their actions and face consequences equal to their offense."

Mason nodded once. "I'm taking my daughter away for the day. I expect to hear from you by the end of the day about what actions you're taking against these girls."

"Of course," Wright said.

Mason held out his hand and Sophia slipped hers into it. Despite the stony way he still looked, she felt his tenderness in the way he carefully closed his fingers around hers.

Out in the empty hallway, her father faced her, all the harshness of his expression completely gone. All that Sophia could see was her father, not a man demanding action. She let out a shaky breath as the tension and stress of the day finally hit her, landed on her now that she was safe.

Tears pricked her eyes and her father cupped her face.

"You did it," he said. "You remained strong. I'm extremely proud of you. It's okay to feel scared now."

Scared. That was the emotion she'd been unable to identify. Fear had always been related to situations where adrenaline kicked in or high-stress instances when she knew nothing.

But it was fear that she had felt. Fear of not knowing what everyone around her would do or say to her. It was common for her not to know what people thought or how they would react to her. But today those unknowns had been backed by a strong negative emotion.

A few tears slipped out and her father brushed them away. He hugged her and Sophia held on tightly, like her mother, he was a safe place she knew well.

When she felt strong again, she pulled away. Mason smiled at her and she felt the warmth of his love.

The doors to the school slammed open and Sophia jumped at the sound.


Zander sprinted down the hall towards them wearing a three-piece suit and dress shoes. A foot behind trailed his Secret Service agent. As Zander neared he slowed but slid, lost balance, wobbled, tripped, fell, and scrambled to his feet.

"Hi. That was embarrassing. You're here. Good. I was worried I would have to look everywhere for you. I came as soon as I could. I'm sorry I wasn't here before. I can't believe what people are saying. How could they even say that about you! I'm going to fix it. I'll figure out who is behind this and I don't know send, George, my Secret Service agent after them. Don't worry, I can-"

"Zander," Mason said.


"I dealt with it."

"Really?! That's great! That's fantastic! I'm so relieved!"

Zander made a move towards Sophia with his arms out wide as if about to hug her but jerked back.

"Right, no hugging." He turned and hugged Mason while looking at Sophia. "I'm really glad it's all fixed."

Sophia looked at her father, expecting to see a reaction to one he had with the girls. After all, she knew that physical touch was reserved for those he felt comfortable with. Something Sophia understood. But surprisingly he didn't look annoyed.

"Zander?" Mason said.

"Yes, sir?" Zander said, still holding on.

"Let go of me."

"Okay." Sophia saw Zander tighten his arms once then release them. "I'm really happy everything worked out. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that."

"Yes, now I'm leaving with Sophia for the day," Mason said.

Zander nodded, an action that somehow seemed to make his whole body bounce a little.

"Okay, I'll walk out with you. Technically I got the day off too for a photoshoot. I told my mom what was going on and she let me come here. But since it's all solved I don't have to stay. I'm not saying that means I have to come with you. I can just go back to my house. Unless you want me to come with you and in that case I can."

Despite the rapidity of Zander's speech, Sophia found herself smiling a little. For half of the day, it felt like everyone around her had become unknown. Even her father and Kennedy acted in ways she hadn't seen before. But Zander flooding her with a stream of endless words was normal.

As they pushed out of the front doors, a car raced towards the entrance and skidded to a halt behind Zander's car and her father's car. The driver's side door opened and Yvette leapt out. Without even closing the door, she ran up the steps and embraced Sophia. It took a full ten seconds for Sophia to come out of her daze of seeing her mother drive recklessly and return the hug.

"Are you okay?" she asked, holding her tighter.

"Don't worry," Zander said. "It all got worked out. Your husband handled it. I don't know actually how it was handled but he told me that it was handled so I assume it was handled completely. You could ask him though, he most likely has more details than me."

Sophia felt the soft laugh of her mother. "Thank you, Zander. Mason?"

"It's handled."

There was a beat of silence and Sophia knew what the silence meant, it was her parents' way of exchanging thoughts.

"Okay," Yvette said. She pulled back and held Sophia's face. "Why didn't you call me? You could have told me what was going on."

"I didn't think of it."

"Next time think of it. I don't want you having to go through that alone."

"I had Kennedy and Harrison."

"And me!" Zander said. "She texted me. I came as soon as I could. Though by the time I got here, it was kinda pointless since Mr. Douglas solved everything."

Yvette smiled. "Thank you, Zander." She squeezed Sophia. "Let's go home."

Zander bounced down the steps to where George waited at the car. Zander waved at them and climbed into the back of his car.

"I can't decide," Mason said. "If that kid is the biggest idiot in the world or really lovable."

Sophia watched the car as it drove through the gates. Zander had come to the school and only remained for about ten minutes. There had been nothing for him to fix. He chose to not even stay for the afternoon classes. He would spend more time in the car than he would spend with her. From the outside, his whole trip had been a waste of time.

But he'd come for her.

"I think it might be both," Sophia said, smiling.


Oh my gushy gooey heart!

Say it, we're all thinking it might as well say it: awwww!

Okay! We saw Mason in full on Protective Dad Mode, you have to have some thoughts! Unless you're also a pool of goo and in that case good luck reforming. 🗯💭💬🥰🫠

Did I fall more in love with Mason in this chapter because he was amazing and protective of Sophia?

There is literally no another answer to that question then HECK FREAKING YES A MILLION TIMES OVER YES TO THE MOON AND BACK TO THE NUMBER OF STARS YES!!!

Are you kidding me! He banged into the cafeteria and I think my heart stopped!

Of course it started beating again because I finished the chapter, as you can see. But it was a close call there! I mean, how could anyone not be clenching their chest and staring wide-eyed at the screen when that happened.

Does this mean he beats Captain out for best dad...

No. I don't think so. But I think it puts them on the same level.

Also it was so interesting writing this because what Mason did isn't something Donovan would do.

Before you pull out the blades and guns, let me explain. You know my love for Donny Boy is strong, so calm down.

Donovan has raised Kennedy to be strong and so he lets her fight her own battles.

Mason raised Sophia and knows that there are some battles that she wouldn't know how to fight and that's why he steps in. In time will she fight them herself? Yes, but for now she's still young and needs her father to do it for her.

I thought that was an interesting factor.

Anyways if you didn't like it then I'm sorry this is where we part was forever.

Just kidding you could keep reading silently and I would have no clue.

But I'm hoping you liked it! Possibly loved it!

If you do and want to share that positivity then vote, comment, follow!

Shout out comments from: 48 Hours Before. Not gonna lie I love seeing ARMY in my comments! 💜

Now here is an actually picture of Mason protecting Sophia

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