Spotting A Tail (Part 5)

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Oh my gosh! Will you ever just let me 'no' be a no? No? Of course you won't. Jeez! Whatever this is a continuation of the saga starting with Rear Window (part 1). You're the worst.


"Okay this is option two," Bridgette yelled from inside her closet.

Carter sat on Bridgette's bed, leaning back on her hands. In all black, she looked like a smear on a vibrant painting compared to her surroundings.

Bridgette hopped out of her closet and held up her arms, giving a small twirl for Carter.

"That's the one," Carter said.

Bridgette beamed. "Great! But why this one and not the last one."

Carter pointed to her. "You're wearing a sweater so that's practical with the temperature change. But it's still thin enough that you could get cold, offering Edwin the chance to give you his jacket. The skirt is cute and feminine but the tights say that you're not an idiot to go barelegged outside. The boots say: touch me in the wrong way and I'll drop kick you."

At the last blunt statement, Bridgette burst out laughing and Carter smiled for no other reason than happy she could amuse her step-sister.

"You've given me self-defense lessons for only like ten days. I hardly think I'd be able to dropkick someone."

"No, you couldn't. But Edwin doesn't know that."

Still wearing her laughter, Bridgette skipped over to the bed, spun around, and fell back on it.

"Is it weird that I'm equally excited to Edwin but also equally excited to prove that I'll be able to spot you as you tail us?"

"Yeah, considering you have zero chance of seeing me."

Bridgette popped up, her face serious even as her eyes sparkled with mischief. "You say that, but I know what you look like. I'm planning for you to tail me. Honestly, you're just in denial about your ability if you think I won't instantly spot you."

Carter poked the tip of Bridgette's nose, an action she never thought she'd do before but felt natural with Bridgette.

"Sure. You keep telling yourself that."

On the comforter, Bridgette's phone buzzed and she flopped over to reach it.

"That's them. They are outside the house," she said.

She bounced up, grabbed her purse, and tucked her phone inside. Standing before Carter, she held out her hands again.

"I'm good to go?" she asked.

"You are. Have fun?"

Bridgette smirked. "I will. Because I just might tell my friends to look out for you."

At this, Carter raised taunting eyebrows. "Oh scared you'll miss me on your own?"

"No." Bridgette made a face as if not sure whether she wanted to retract her declaration or not. "I will find you on my own."

"Sure you will."

Bridgette pinched her face together and pushed Carter's shoulder.

"Stop doubting me. You're my sister. I could never lose you."

The words were playful but the truth of them struck Carter. The reality of her life and work was that Bridgette could lose Carter. Carter didn't live an easy life. What happened to Mason was proof of that. They'd been on a surveillance mission and still, he'd been taken and beaten. There was no guarantee in Carter's life or work.

"You should get going," Carter said. "I'll see you there. Though you won't see me."

Bridgette rolled her eyes and left. After a second, Carter followed and paused at the bottom of the stairs, resting a hand against the banister and placing her other hand on her hip.

"Have fun," she said as Bridgette opened the door.

Bridgette looked back and Carter knew the image that would be solidified in Bridgette's mind, Carter wearing all black with her hair in a ponytail. Challengingly, Bridgette motioned to her eyes then to Carter. Carter smiled mockingly.

When the door closed, Carter acceded the stairs and walked to the guest room, where she and Donovan had moved into for their final night there. Closing the door, she removed her shirt as she walked to her suitcase. Donovan looked from up his book, eye-widening.

"Uh," he said.

"Get changed, it's date night," Carter said.

Donovan quickly closed his book and leaned forward. "Date night is tailing a bunch of teenagers to a movie."

"Why not? I haven't seen you in weeks. This could be fun."

Donovan grinned. "What am I wearing?"

"I need you to borrow a bright polo shirt from Darrell, and pair it with jeans. I'll have to mess up your hair."


Donovan left with his instructions and Carter rifled through her suitcase. Though it had been a surveillance mission, she'd been aware that she'd come there under the guise of a daughter visiting her mother. Which meant she'd packed a variety of items to make her look normal. Most of the items were Maddy's since Carter's closet didn't lend itself to simple or soft looking.

She took out the outfit that would have stuck out in her own closet and changed into it. In the bathroom, she took down her hair and let the natural wave to it settle around her shoulders. Borrowing a few of Bridgette's things, she highlighted her features with makeup. Thanks to her undercover work as Kat, Carter had gotten more accustomed to doing it. Adding a pair of fake glasses, her appearance was complete.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, ready to leave and only seven minutes behind Bridgette, Donovan stopped in the middle of tying his shoes to stare at her. Carter held out her hands, asking for his approval.

"You've never done this much for our usual date nights," Donovan said.

Carter laughed. "Nope. Should I for you to love me more?"

Donovan stood up to kiss her. "No. But I love seeing the effort you're putting in for your sister."

Her sister. She didn't know why the word felt foreign and familiar to her. But she liked that she was adjusting to the sound of it.

"You ready?" Carter asked.

Donovan repeated Carter's pose for her approval. Having arrived the day before in a button down and slacks then dressing that way since, Donovan didn't look like himself in the purple polo shirt and jeans. To complete the image, Carter ran her hands through his hair, taking away the neatness of it and giving it a more wild look. The effect of it made Donovan look like someone college boy who played golf with his father's friends on the weekend.

"You're ready," she said.

Taking his hand, Carter led them out and down the stairs. At the bottom, they crossed paths with Carter's mother. She paused at seeing them.

"Oh," she said. "Uh that's-"

"Unexpected," Carter said. "People often know exactly what they are looking for and so changing what they think they expect to see means that you can go unseen."

"That makes sense," Erica said. "She was very determined to be able to spot you."

"She could. But it's highly unlikely."

Erica smiled. "Have fun."

Once they were on the street, Carter glanced at Donovan.

"You're very quiet around my mother," Carter said.

"I am."

"Any specific reason why?"

Donovan studied the sidewalk for a bit, not talking and Carter waited. Her relationship with her mother was a tangled one. They'd found peace but their past wasn't peaceful. They were moving on but some of the bridges they were making weren't completely stable. It was a paradox of healing and still being hurt.

But for Donovan, Carter never thought about it being an issue. He was a neutral party in the situation. He'd never met her and when he'd met her, Carter had been his focus so that there was barely an interaction. Even for the whole they were at the house, Donovan hadn't spoken more than a few words to Carter's mother, even though Carter could sense her mother wanting to know more about him.

Finally, Donovan lifted his head and focused on Carter. She could see his emotions weren't as neutral as she assumed they'd be.

"I don't like your mother," Donovan said.

This took Carter by surprise and felt a little reminiscent of Mason's reaction to Carter's mother when they first arrived.

"You don't," Carter said.

"No. I love that you are healing, that you've found some way to work through the past and find a semblance of normalcy with her. And that's important for you. But I don't have to like her."

"Uh," Carter said, still unsure how to handle his blunt declaration.

"Carter, you forget that I love you."

"Wait, you do?"

Instead of laughing or even smiling, Donovan gave her a serious look. "You forget that the girl I met was damaged because of that woman. I saw the emotional damage she did to you when she returned. I held you on a set of stairs while you cried after seeing her years later. That woman has been a source of pain for the woman I love. So no, I do not like her."

Donovan held up his hand as if Carter were going to argue with him but Carter found herself lost for words.

"I am so proud of you for going through all of this and working through your hurt. But I have no problem not liking your mother. I will not be rude but for now, I also don't have to like her. And I understand if that might be hard for-"

Carter wrapped her arms around Donovan's neck and kissed him.

Naturally, he didn't fight it, holding her close. Still holding onto him, Carter pulled back so she could look into his eyes.

"I love you," she said softly.

"Wait, you do?" Donovan teased.

She smiled and kissed him again, messing up his hair a bit more.

When they started walking again, Donovan took her hand. "As amazing as it is for you to kiss me. Why exactly did you kiss me?"

"Because even though I know I needed to work through my issues with my mom, having you not like her also reminds me that what she did wasn't okay. I can forgive but I don't have to justify what she did."

Donovan gently touched her cheek. "No, you don't."

They walked in silence the rest of the way, Carter holding onto Donovan's hand comforted by who he was and the depth he understood her. Where Mason had been someone who could be there with her in the hard moments, Donovan was the one who guided her out of them.

When they reached the movie theater, Donovan reached for the door.

"Playing this completely opposite to who we are?" he asked.


With that, he smiled, opened the door, walked through, and hung his arm across her shoulders. In response, Carter laced her hand with his. Walking with a swagger that would annoy or draw attention from people close by, they got in line to buy tickets.

Carter scanned the lobby and spotted Bridgette with her friends. In a glance, she took in the fact that Bridgette had barricaded herself amongst her friends, giving no opening for Edwin to approach. Taking out her phone, Carter zoned in on them, snapped a picture, and sent it to Bridgette.

Carter: You're too closed off. Move to the outside, he can't get close if there's a wall of friends around you.

With the message read, Bridgette instantly whipped her head around, searching. Carter tilted her face up to Donovan and put on a cute pout.

"I love you so much," she said in a cutesy voice.

Donovan leaned in and brushed his nose against her playfully. "I could get really annoyed with this voice very fast."

Carter laughed, pitching it higher than usual but making it loud, drawing a few looks.

Having positioned Donovan with his back to Bridgette and her friends, Carter had a view of them with part of her blocked by Donovan. Even when Bridgette laid eyes on the couple, she moved on quickly. Carter smiled. She knew the unfamiliar clothes along with the overly intimate position would instantly eliminate them from Bridgette's mind. The most she'd seen was Donovan holding Carter's shoulders when she was crying at the counter. Beyond that, Carter hadn't shown affection in front of the family.

Affection in public was something she didn't do often and thinking about doing it in front of her mother and sister was something she hadn't felt comfortable with at all. It was a different side of her life. One that she didn't want to share. At least for the time being.

But because of this decision, it worked in her favor since it went against what Bridgette knew of them as a couple.

"She looked but didn't see," Carter said, beaming up at Donovan with an overly bright smile.

"Look at you being all cute and smart," Donovan said, tapping her nose.

Carter scrunched it up cutely making Donovan laugh.

Bridgette: You're here?

Carter almost laughed.

Carter: The photo is evidence. Just admit defeat now.

Bridgette: Never.

Carter: Okay. But I'm serious, get out of the wall of friends. Edwin keeps glancing at you.

Carter pocketed her phone and watched as Bridgette edged herself out of the center of her friends while Donovan bought tickets.

Edwin looked like the more hesitant type but once Bridgette put herself in a more accessible spot, he took a step closer to her. He didn't move beyond that. But it was progress.

"You want something to eat?" Donovan asked.

"Yes! Chocolate!" Carter bounced a little.

Donovan laughed as he took her hand, pulling a half-bouncing Carter behind him.

"This is something I don't think I'd ever see from you," he said.

At the line for the concession stand, Carter wrapped her arms around Donovan's waist, looking up at him.

"What? You don't like bubbly girlfriend Carter?" she asked, tilting her head and batting her eyelashes at him.

"You know, she has a certain endearing quality to her but I think I like the girl I married more."

Carter wiggled with happiness and pressed her forehead into Donovan's chest.

"This is going to get old real fast, isn't it?" she said.

"It's already old," Donovan said. "I'm just waiting for its death and the reading of the will."

Carter laughed, her laugh, and lifted her head. "I'm sorry for torturing you."

Donovan took a loose strand of her hair and tucked it behind her ear, then kept his hand there.

"It's okay. You're bonding with her sister. That's all that matters to me."

Carter felt the bubbly Carter disguise slip away. "I never thought I'd have a sister. I have Danny but the age gap is really big. But with Bridgette, it's only a few years. I could actually be a big sister to her but..."

"We live insane lives."

Carter nodded, her gaze trailing off as she thought about how she hadn't even been with the Bureau for that long but the situations she'd found herself in were unpredictable and dangerous.

"I feel like I would be a terrible older sister. I can't offer what good older sisters would give."

"For normal siblings, maybe not. But you're her sister. That means something even if the relationship will look differently than most."

Carter nodded again but already felt she lacked what Bridgette needed for a sibling.

"I don't want her ever hurt because of us," Carter said quietly.

"I know. That would mean there'd have to be distance but again, just being in her life in whatever way you can means something."

"I have no idea how that would look."

"I know. This is new. But we'll figure it out."

Donovan leaned and kissed her forehead. Carter closed her eyes, knowing it was to comfort her and for any other reason.

Carter's phone buzzed and she pulled it out.

Bridgette: Found you!

The photo Bridgette sent was of a woman in black tucked into a corner where she was barely visible and on her phone.

Carter sent a picture that came from a completely different angle than that woman had.

Carter: Not even close. Keep trying. Remember our strategy to get a seat next to Edwin.

Bridgette: I will find you! And I'll remember.

If I don't spot you in the theater, I'll definitely spot you after at fro-yo or on the way home. I will spot you.

Carter: Keep dreaming.

Carter watched as Bridgette read her message and scrunched up her face in determination. Edwin stepped over to her and said something. Bridgette brightened but paused, her phone in her hand.

Carter: Tell him.

Bridgette glanced at the screen, and searched the lobby once again, still missing Carter even though they were closer than the last time. When she focused on Edwin, she gestured to the lobby as she spoke and Carter saw Edwin perk up with interest and also give the lobby a scan. Since he had no idea what Carter or Donovan looked like, it was pointless but Carter saw it got him hooked. It also meant that as the group walked towards the theaters, Bridgette was walking right next to him.

With their multiple forms of chocolate, Carter and Donovan slipped back into their rolls and followed the group to their theater. As they entered, Carter waved and pointed to where she wanted to go, even bouncing a little as if an eager child. She knew the gestures would bring attention but with the personality contrasting what Bridgette knew, she'd pass on.

"Are you going to bounce like an eager bunny the rest of the night?" Donovan asked as he led them to two empty chairs.

"Do you not like it?" Carter asked him, bouncing again while he stared up at her.

Donovan burst out laughing and ducked his face away.

"So embarrassed by your girlfriend," Carter said disappointed. "This doesn't show promise for our future."

Donovan took her hand tugging her down to the seat next to him and kissed her. "I apologize. You can be whoever you want and I fully support you."

Carter bounced and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Never mind," Donovan said. "I take it back. I want to break up."

Carter smacked him in the chest. From an outside perspective, it could have looked teasing or even playful but Donovan flinched and rubbed the spot.

"Ow," he said.

Carter smirked and faced the screen taking a bag of Reeces Pieces from him. As she opened it, she found Bridgette and smiled at seeing her sitting next to Edwin and completely unaware of Carter and Donovan sitting only four rows behind them.

As the movie played, Carter half watched the screen and half watched Bridgette and Edwin, noting how Edwin leaned in to make comments that she laughed at but also didn't try to invade her personal space.

Carter jumped as Donovan leaned in close to her.

"Reminds me of when we tailed Link and Maddy," Donovan said.

"You mean the date that wasn't a date?" Carter said.

"I mean the one where you pretended to be scared to clutch my arm."

"I was."

"Sure you were. I thought it was very cute of you to try to win me over. Little did you know I was already a goner, I just kept denying it."

"So you did see it as a date, I knew it."

"I never figured out what it was for you," Donovan said.

"A distraction from other issues."


Carter shrugged. "I wasn't a goner. That came later."

Donovan cupped her face and kissed her. Carter let the kiss linger, hidden by the darkness of the theater.

When the movie ended, Carter and Donovan continued their tailing and their act. In the frozen yogurt place, they were that nauseating couple that laughed and fed each other. But Carter knew their dedication wasn't as necessary since Bridgette was in a conversation with Edwin and neither seemed to notice much else. Even when Carter texted a photo, Bridgette didn't glance at her phone.

When the group broke up to head home, Carter and Donovan followed further back and on the opposite side of the street. Bridgette laughed and chatted loudly with her friends. When they were halfway back to the house, Carter stopped Donovan from walking.

"I'm tired," she said. "Carry me?"

He eyed her with a question, knowing she could survive a ten-mile hike with a fifty-pound backpack on and they'd barely been walking for fifteen minutes.

"Okay," he said. He knelt down and Carter climbed into his back.

As they walked, she sent another message to Bridgette.

Carter: No longer looking. Unobservant. So sad.

Carter rested her cheek on Donovan's shoulder as across the street, Bridgette read the message and paused. She looked around but skimmed over the guy giving his girlfriend a piggyback ride. Carter watched as Bridgette searched the shadowed places, trying to make out a skulking figure but naturally, she found no one.

Bridgette: I don't believe you're still following me.

Carter: You're about to cross Madison Avenue.

"My feet hurt," Carter whined loudly into Donovan's shoulder as Bridgette again attempted to spot Carter.

"She's really bad at this," Donovan joked.

Carter laughed softly. "She'd untrained and we're very good."

Eventually, Bridgette's friends dropped her off at the house and split off. As Bridgette slid her key into the lock, Donovan and Carter arrived at the bottom of the stairs. Carter lifted her head off Donovan's shoulder.

"Hello, Bridgette," Carter said in her usual voice.

Bridgette let out a small scream as she spun around. Carter grinned as Bridgette stared at them.

"But! But I saw you!" She raced down the stairs as Donovan let go of Carter's legs and she stood. "You were in the lobby, the theater, and the fro-yo place! I saw you how- How did I not know it was you!" She stomped her foot in disbelief. "I even noticed you across the street and thought about how you must live nearby. How!"

Mixed with her disbelief and self-frustration, Bridgette looked amazed.

"It was easy," Carter said which produced an unamused reaction from Bridgette. "You were looking for me. Carter, all-black outfit, ponytail. You weren't looking for a perky girlfriend out with her frat boyfriend-"

"College athlete. Don't make me a frat boy."

"Fine, out with her college athlete boyfriend. Your mind was searching for signs of familiarity, that's why even though you saw me you didn't really see me. I wasn't acting like the person you knew."

Bridgette gaped at Carter and Donovan with wide eyes. "I think I want to be a spy."

Carter laughed, spun Bridgette around, and directed her up the stairs. "That can be talked later but first, we need a debrief on your date."

"Over ice cream!" Bridgette asked.

"Sure over ice cream."

As Carter headed to the kitchen with Bridgette, Donovan snagged Carter's hand, turning her back to him.

"I'm going to let you have girl time."


Donovan kissed her quickly. "Thanks for the date night."

"Thanks for not hating Perky Carter."

Donovan laughed. "She's lovable too."

"Only you could call what I did lovable."

"It's cause I love you."

Carter kissed Donovan once more then walked away. "Okay. Let's begin this debrief."

Carter stepped into the kitchen knowing that she would spend most of the night listening to her sister talk because in the morning she was leaving. She would return to a job that, even though her skills could seem like a party trick, what she could was a tool for the dangerous life she lived.

A life that Bridgette would be a part of but only in a way where Carter felt she could keep her safe. She'd just gained a sister, she would do all that she needed to do to never lose her.


No, you don't get a cute happy greeting, you don't deserve it.

I was fine with the saga ending! I was more than happy! I was thrilled! I was delighted! I was tickled pink about it! (That's such a weird phrase, what does it even mean! Whatever)


There you had to come with your 'please Joy' 'We want more, Joy', 'We love you, Joy' 'Do this for us or you won't ever see your ice cream again,  Joy' and those big pleading eyes and I'm putty!

What's the point of even being a human when you bend me so easily to your will.

*sighs* Share your thoughts. That seems the least you can do for having complete control over my life. 🙄🗯💬💭

Gosh, it's so annoying having loving, supportive, encouraging, and slightly threatening readers. What a burden!

But jokes on you! This is the end! I didn't even let you see what Bridgette and Carter talked about so ha! I still have the last laugh in the end!

Also the chapter was already so long and I really didn't want to add more. I'm lazy, okay! What do you want from me! I already give you everything, at least give me this.

Okay, I'm done complaining...

Well for now at least.

I hope you enjoyed perky Carter, I think real Carter would have taken her down if they ever met. But at least Donovan has a higher tolerance than Carter herself. I think even I would be annoyed with perky Carter.

Any who, vote, comment, follow and do not demand more.

What am I even saying? I can't stop you no matter how hard I try.

(You do realize the way I can't say no to you means I'm the Yoongi to your Tae, right? And specifically in that one Run Episode)

Shout out comments from Breaking In (Part 4)


💜 Yup that's Carter and Mason

It's so true


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