Taking Him Along (Part 4)

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As you have eyes, I assume you see that title and notice that it is part of a set therefore those previous chapters should probably have been read before you read this! The last one is titled The Assembly.


Sophia felt she had been brave enough for the day. She no longer wanted to have to be brave. Coming to school without knowing the state her fellow classmates would be in and view her in, that she had been brave for. Facing half of the day with their looks, whispers, and comments, she'd been brave. The assembly, feeling their attention split between the podium and her, that took bravery.

But walking into the cafeteria without Kennedy and Harrison, who were serving lunch detention for being out of uniform, that was one step of bravery she felt she did not have.

If she didn't go to lunch, would that negate the bravery of the whole day, or could bravery be fractioned out? Would her father see the morning's bravery and forgive her for her lack of afternoon bravery?

One question trailed another in an infinity loop in her mind. With her eyes closed, sitting in the corner of the second story of the library, with her legs crossed and hands resting in her lap, Sophia could visualize the questions like a train on the figure eight track.

Music played in her ears, keeping, what small part of the world was in the library, muffled. It gave space for her to judge whether it was okay for her to be sitting alone instead of facing a room full of her peers.

Though the evidence of Jenny, Sasha, and Mara's actions against Sophia had been brought to light, that hadn't stopped some from disregarding it. The fact of Sophia being the victim had been brought to light still some chose to stay in the darkness. That meant her reception in the cafeteria was unpredictable.

Logically, she knew many would let the issue rest, but what amount of others would hold it against her? And hold it against her, they would. Months of data from being at Hamilton showed her that though something was true, it did not mean it would be believed. Therefore, she would be at a disadvantage in the cafeteria.

Was Zander on her side? Yes. But his table held people that she felt looked at her like a science experiment, always poking at her to see what she reacted to. There would be no peace sitting with Zander. She did not like the company he kept. She didn't think he did either but like her, she knew he did not understand how to make them go away.

The muted sound of footsteps penetrated Sophia's music but she did not react. Eyes closed and tucked into a corner, she hoped that whoever moved about would leave her in peace.

The footsteps stopped and she sensed someone near. She squeezed her hands together, wishing them to leave. But no sound of retreat came but neither was her peace disturbed.

After a minute, Sophia eased the grip on her hands. Something light landed on top of them and finally, she opened her eyes. On her lap, lay a torn sheet of notebook paper with a drawing on it. It was a cartoon bear hugging a panda. A comment bubble hung above the bear's head with the words: Cheer up, Panda.

Sophia lifted her gaze to Zander sitting crosslegged from her.

"You can draw," she stated, pausing her music.

She no longer felt the need to block out the world. Not since the world meant Zander.

"I can," Zander said, in French keeping his word and only speaking in that language to her for the day, making her feel as if they had a small bubble around them when they spoke. "But basic animals. Beyond that, my skills don't go very far. I mean I want to be better but there are a lot of things I want to be better at and I focus on those over this. This I usually do for fun or when I'm bored. I do it a lot in class. And I thought that you might be cheered up by something like this, so I drew it for you."

"You are the bear?"

"Yes. My mom calls me her Stupid Bear and so since you are a panda I thought it would work if I also had an animal to represent me. What do you think?"

"I don't think you're stupid. I find you to be above average intelligence, if a little clumsy and...floppy."

Zander smiled and Sophia stared at it, not fully understanding how a smile could simultaneously be a smile but also feel like a hug. It was an expression, not a physical action, how did it share similar properties with a comforting gesture?

The smile slowly faded. "What?"

"I don't understand how your smile can feel like you are hugging me without you touching me."

Zander's cheeks flushed bright red.

"Your cheeks are red," Sophia said. "Did what I say embarrass you? If so, I apologize. I didn't mean it to."

Zander grinned even though the color in her face didn't diminish. "I never thought my smile could be a hug but you saying that makes me proud, like I have a good smile. Lately, I've been around people who I don't really like their smiles because they never feel real and I have been told that I sometimes smile too big and I need to contain my smile but you like it so I don't think it needs to change."

"I hope you never change your smile. It looks like you."

Zander tilted his head to the side, making Sophia think she understood where his mother got the image of a stupid bear from.

"I don't think I know exactly what that means but I like the sound of it. So thank you. When you smile it looks like the sun when it's just rising. I saw it once with my grandfather in Colorado. The sun slowly came up over the mountains and it felt like everything would be okay in the world because there was something so warm about it. Also, it's rare to see the sun rising so that also fits with you because you don't smile a lot."

"Do you think I should smile more?"

"I think you should smile if you want to."


Sophia looked back to the drawing in her lap. The top edge of it was rough from where it had been torn and the drawing wasn't centered on the page. Following the lines of the page, she creased the edge and tore it again, creating an even line. After that she diminished the sides, giving herself a perfect square that framed Zander's drawing.

"If I'm panda, should I call you bear? I don't want to steal a nickname that is between you and your mother."

"You can call me bear or stupid, I would probably answer to either of them."

"I would prefer not to call you an insult."

"So you'll call me Bear?"

"If you feel that would equal to you calling me Panda?"

"It would."


Sophia didn't attach his new designated nickname for the reason she felt the first use of it should be in a meaningful way. Nicknames were signs that, not only were you friends with someone, but that they were trusted to call you something other than your given name. Nicknames from strangers or simple acquaintances felt like forcing a relationship that had no foundation.

"Why aren't you in the cafeteria?" Sophia asked.

Zander flopped back onto the floor of the library, reaffirming for Sophia her choice in description of him. He had a very floppy nature.

"You weren't there. What was I supposed to do? Eat lunch by myself at a table full of people? That is a terrible way to eat lunch. Nothing is more lonely than a table of people and no friends."

"Do you want to go eat lunch?" Sophia asked.

Maybe with him by her side, she could find a fraction more of bravery to face other people.

"No. I'm fine here. You didn't go so that must mean you didn't want to eat lunch with everyone looking at you so I won't make you go with me. We can stay here and snack on air and books."

"I don't think books are edible."

"They are to our brains."

Sophia smiled a little. The image felt fitting and one she had never thought of before. Zander dropped his head to the side, looking at her. He stared but without any force behind it that she didn't mind the attention.

"Yeah, like a sunrise," he said.

Since his smile was a hug and her's a sunrise, that made sense to her.


"Yes, Panda."

"Would you like to go to the museum with me after school?"

"Just you and me? That sounds like a date and you already hugged me today and so I would hate to make your father hate me by saying yes and making him think I didn't take you seriously when you said you couldn't date until after high school."

"It's not a date. Your secret service agent will be with us and I have no romantic intentions for asking. I simply would like to have your company going to a place that I like."

"Okay. As long as you tell your father that I made no advances to you and I acted like a proper gentleman."

"I will."

"Then I'd love to go with you."


With the future of visiting the museum and with Zander, Sophia felt she didn't need to be brave to face the remainder of the school day. The expectation of what came after kept her focused on what was to come instead of what was around her.

By the time she exited the school and found a spot in which to wait for Zander, she felt she could report to her parents that she'd handled herself very well that day. Remembering they would expect a message about her arrival at home, Sophia extricated her phone from her backpack.

Sophia: I will be going to the museum today.

Father: Do you want me to join you?

Sophia: No thank you. Zander and his agent are going with me.

Father: Which museum? I'll pick you up.

Sophia: The American History Museum.

Father: Is two hours efficient?

Sophia: Yes. Thank you.

Sophia: Mama. I made it through the day and I am now going to the museum.

Mama: I'm proud of you. Do you want company?

Sophia: No thank you. Zander and his agent are going with me.

Sophia held her phone, waiting for her mother's response, predicting it would be similar to her father's in an offer to join. But even though Sophia knew her mother to be swift in her replies it took a full minute for her response to come in.

Mama: Have fun!

Though not as predicted, Sophia appreciated her mother's hope for her enjoyment.

"Panda! Are you ready to go? Where are we going by the way? I mean I know that we're going to a museum but there's a lot of them so I feel like for time's sake we should narrow it down or we might be wandering about a lot and I don't think that would be much fun."

Zander spoke as he cut through the column of exiting students, all of whom looked at him. Whether they were caught by the bright tone of his voice or the rapid French, Sophia could not conclude. Or maybe it was the factor of him being the First Son and any sighting of him would be of note.

"I decided that today we would go to the American History Museum," Sophia said as Zander, trailed by George, stopped before her. "But since you are coming with me, I am willing to change my mind about which museum if there is one you prefer inside."

"Nope. That one sounds good to me. I honestly am just happy to go with you so I don't care which museum we go to. We could go stare at the Washington Monument for all I care."

"I don't think staring at a pillar of stone would be very interesting."

"Probably not so it makes more sense to go to a museum. The car is this way."

Sophia followed along with Zander, again struck by the number of eyes that watched him and then watched her. From the encounter in the morning with the three girls, Sophia wondered if others would believe that they were only friends. She didn't understand how they could think otherwise, though they walked next to each other, there was no evidence they shared a romantic connection. They didn't display any of the actions Sophia associated with couples.

"Do you think people believe we are a couple even though we show no sign of being one?" she asked.

Zander shrugged. "I don't know. People thought we were before the rumor thing and that was only because we hung out. I'm working on not trying to think about what people think about me because there's a lot of them and only one of me and I don't know how to handle so many opinions."

"I think that is a very smart plan."

Zander smiled. "I got it from you."


Sophia didn't know how to process that something she had done or said, for she could not recall exactly what advice she had given, had been positively impactful to Zander.

Zander kept leading them to the car, seemingly fine with no more response than a single 'oh'.

Though from what she knew of Zander, Sophia expected to spend the car ride to the museum listening to his stream of conscious. But to her surprise, Zander spent the ride like her, staring out the window and watching the passing world.

Only when they were encased in the peace of the museum taking the path Sophia always followed, did Zander revert to his normal state of communication.

"Why do you like museums?" he asked, craning his neck around to take in everything without seeing most of it. "I mean it's not that museums aren't interesting, because they are. I like museums. But they aren't the first place I would pick to visit on an average day. I usually only visit them if I'm in a different city because that way I have a better understanding of that city's history. Visuals are the best way I can take in information. Words on a page are hard for me a lot of the time, there's no life but seeing it always helps. Do you feel that way and that's why you come to museums? You struggle in history and this helps?"

Sophia calmly kept walking, pausing at each plaque. When she felt certain that Zander's thoughts had been emptied for the time being, she faced him. He stopped inspecting the entire room and focused on her.

"I don't struggle in history," Sophia said. "I find museums peaceful. A lot of the time people confuse me. I can never be sure of who they are without knowing them for a long time or knowing what their intention is. But here." She slowly gazed around the room they were in. "Here everyone's life is summed clearly. Their intentions are succinctly put in a way I feel I can understand what they wanted to do in life. People make sense in museums."

"Ah, it's the real people that are hard to understand. I get that. I mean it's why I like you so much you always just say what you feel and explain where you're at. Even if you don't know you'll say that. It's really nice because I feel like I went from knowing the world I was in at my last school to not really knowing what people expected of me. I don't know if that's also because back there I wasn't anyone and now I'm the First Son so more people interact with me. Either way, I can see why you like museums. It is peaceful here. Though maybe not with me because I talk so much."

Zander swallowed as if there were more words that wanted to escape but he was trying to keep them back. He scratched his chin and looked away from Sophia. After getting to know him over the past three weeks, she felt she could decipher his avoidance of her gaze. The confirmation came with his next statement.

"You're probably regretting bringing me since I talk so much, it means the museum isn't as peaceful anymore."

Sophia waited until he met her eyes before she spoke, wanting him to see the truth of what she said. "The museum is peaceful because here I understand people. I feel peaceful with you because you never feel confusing to me. You talk a lot but that means I don't have to guess your thoughts. I don't regret bringing you with me."

Zander smiled so wide that Sophia found herself smiling in return. Though she didn't fully know why, Zander's face turned red. But she decided that if he wanted to he would share with her why it did.

"Should we keep moving on?" Zander asked.


For every word Sophia spoke as they made a methodical path through the museum, Zander returned it with fifty of his own. By the time the message came from Father that he was waiting outside, Sophia felt the only thing she would remember about the day was her visit to the museum with Zander, not the looks of the other students, the assembly, or the fear she'd felt.

She would remember two peaceful hours spent with someone who felt safe.

Seeing her father waiting at the curb, Zander pounded down the steps and hugged him.

"Hi, Mr. Douglas thanks for not killing me for going to the museum with Sophia," Zander said.


"Yes, sir?"

"I might kill you for hugging me if you don't let go."

Zander leapt back. "You don't like hugs either, I'll remember that." He spun around to Sophia. "Thanks for taking me with you. I had fun, more fun than I thought I could have in a museum but maybe that's because I got to be in the museum with you. That would make sense if that's the reason why. I like being with you. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Bear."

Zander halted, one foot frozen in mid-step. He teetered but quickly put his foot down and regained his balance, his arms flailing a little in the process. He grinned.

"See you, Panda."

He swiveled around, nearly lost his balance again but found it then skipped down the sidewalk, attempted a cartwheel, almost fell but was caught by George.

Beside her, Mason let out a deep sigh.

"Bear?" he asked.

"Yes. His mother calls him her Stupid Bear and he said if I wanted to I could call him bear."

"Stupid Bear, rather fitting. Why do you need to call him anything other than his name?"

"Because it feels nice to have someone I feel like having a nickname for."

Her father looked at her for a long moment and Sophia stared back, knowing if he had something to say, he would say it.

"You like him?" he asked.

"I do."

"Can I ask why?"

Sophia looked to where Zander stood at the open back door to his car, grinning and waving goodbye to her.

"Because...with him, I don't feel out of place."


Darn tootin! That's just too cute!

Okay, show of hands who love Zander and feel he needs to be protected at all costs. 🙋‍♀️

Seriously! How can he be this cute, I feel like it should be illegal.

Let me know where you stand on Zander, Sophia, this chapter, and of course, Mason! 🗯💬💭

The more I see of Sophia and Zander interacting, the more it makes sense to me that, though they seem like complete opposites, they work so well together.

He always speaks his mind, which means Sophia never has to guess. While she is very direct, so he never has to make assumptions about where's she at.

Wait?! Is this my first Sunshine and Grumpy trope?! I mean, I don't think Sophia is grumpy, just logical but Zander is totally Sunshine!

Oh yay!! I always wanted to do this but haven't. 🤔 Or have I? I've written so many books at this point that I'm not sure. Let me know if I've written this before.

Okay! Hope you liked it! Before you dash, race, run, scroll, flip, switch off to something else: vote, comment, follow!

Shout outs from Closed Doors.

💁‍♀️ why tank you!

Awww 🙈

Wouldn't we all!

Sure, this is Zander 😂

The two of them!

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