The Impossible Questionnaire

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Hey Doodle Noodle!

(Cause we know the noodleist of noodles always doodles)

So! I know you were expecting a chapter, a one shot, a glimpse into the lives of the characters we love, a snippet of happiness to brighten the dark clouds of our week...

Clearly that's not what this is and for that I'm truly sorry.

Please imagine me looking adorably apologetic with a cute pout and soulful puppy dog eyes because that's how much I'm sorry, to the point where I've transformed into an irresistible animal that just wants to love you and feels terrible when I disappoint you.

Why have I made this great transformation?

Good question. The answer is that aside from having my normal pain of just being chronically sick, I am came down with a cold! Yay!! Living life to the fullest of illnesses!

I shouldn't joke, I know a lot of people are facing a lot of illnesses but dealing with my chronic pain with jokes is kind how I deal with mine.

Anyways, this all means that I don't have a chapter for you this week.

This is where we come together, wrap our arms around each other and start crying.

But hold up! Before we go to the extent of needing tissues I thought we would do something fun for this week...

An Impossible Questionnaire where you have to make decisions on who, what, and which is your favorite!

That's right, it's time to get down to the core of your love! There will be different categories and you will either have multiple choice or have to written in your answer.

Let's jump right into it!

(Again I'm sorry that this is all I have for you this week.)

Favorite Friendship!
(You can only vote for one)

The Keller Brothers

Carter and Mason

Mason and Link

Donovan and Link

Harrison, Kennedy and Sophia

(Ha I feel bad for you and I'm not even going to attempt to chose, just kidding it's totally Carter and Mason there's no doubt about that)

Favorite Meet Cute!
(You can only vote for one)

Carter and Donovan - outside of chemistry class

Link and Maddy - in the library

Mason and Yvette - at the bar

Harrison and Kennedy - birth (hahaha)

Sophia and Zander - in class

(Oh that's a tough one, I think I'm going with the classic and saying Carter and Donovan)

Favorite Second Generation Kid!
(You can only vote for one)





(I should say it's hard and you all might killing me for it not being as hard as it should be but it's Sophia all the way. She's something so different and I can't get enough, she's so fascinating to me to write.)

Favorite Carter and Donovan Moment!
(You can only vote for one)

This one you have to input, it can be a specific chapter or a single moment, comment it right here.💬

(Mine? Jeez there's just so many of them. But honestly I think it's that first kiss. It's classic, it's impulsive, it's everything I wanted it to be. I think I have to go with that. Second would be the museum moment where their bantering)

Favorite Keller Brother Moment!
(You can only vote for one)

Poker Night

Beach, night before Donovan leaves


Getting Carter back when she's taken

(Beach before Donovan leaves, I don't know why but I love this moment between all of them, the vulnerability but also the rough affection they have for each other. I don't know, it just makes me happy)

Favorite Carter and Mason Moment!

This one you have to input yourself! Comment it right here!💬

(I think mine has to be when they first meet because I never in a million years would have seen Mason being the one that helped Carter out of her rough spot but he did. Something about it just setup their relationship for the rest of their lives)

Favorite Parent/s!
(You can only vote for one)


Donovan's Parents

Carter and Donovan

Mason and Yvette

(Sorry Link and Maddy, we just don't see you as parents as much)

(For me it's honestly a three way tie between Captain - Carter and Donovan - Mason and Yvette. They are all so different yet so loving in their ways.)

Favorite Moment of All Time!

This is the moment that you come back to when you're having a hard day or just because for some reason it is the one you like the most! Let me know here!💬

(Mine is... Honestly if I go back to a single chapter it's New Beginning, the chapter after Carter has come back from faking her death. Super depressing but something about the way I wrote it sticks with me. I found something in my writing in that chapter and I think that's why I love it.)

Anyways! Thanks for not being too bummed or even if you are not letting me know you're extremely bummed about the lack of a chapter. I hope you enjoyed this!!

I apologize if I don't get to all the comments, I definitely will be reading all of them! Pray this cold doesn't last long and I can just go back to my usual chronic pain.

Hahaha oh what a life!

Here's a cute animal!

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