🖤💚luna plays truth or dare with the others🖤💚

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Before we start the story remember the last story in the casino Luna tells chips her flashback and chips blush when luna sleeps on him and chips put luna to his bed so will luna know chips blush when we know so let's begin
As luna wake up she see that she in someone room she see chips sleeping so she go to shower so she put her dress shoes gloves and Socks in the floor she put a ring and necklace on the table and she go on to a shower and chip wake up and hear shower on so he follow it and is was luna so chips steel luna clothes and walk away as luna done shower she see her dress shoes gloves Socks ring and necklace is gone
Luna:well I got no choices
-----2 minutes later-----
As wheezy cuphead and mugman telling there see chips with luna something
Cuphead:dude did you steel luna stuff
Until luna came with a black something
Black dress

This black gloves

this is black shoes

this is necklace

this black ring

Cuphead and Mugman is amazingly
Wheezy is fine
Chips is shock
Cuphead and mugman:Dude you look amazing
Luna:i know
Chips:well here you stuff
Luna takes her something and come back
Cuphead:hey luna do you want to play truth or dare
Chips:ok Cuphead turth or dare
Chips:ok I dare you to go outside shirtless and sing the top of you lungs
Cuphead sing the top of his lungs and shirtless and someone throw a shoes at Cuphead
Cuphead:whew someone throw a shoes at me
Chips:well is a little cause
Cuphead:well i dare you to amend the rest of the game in a flapper dress
Mugman:and luna i dare you to wear chips cowboy clothes
So luna and chips did
Chips with a flapper dress

Luna with chips clothes of her sides

Luna blush of embarrassed
Chips blush of luna wearing his clothes
Cuphead:psst mangosteen tell chips to dare to kiss luna
Mangosteen go to chips
Mangosteen:truth or dare
Chips:dare come on let's step it up
Mangosteen:I dare you to kiss luna!
Luna is shock and blushing and chips is shock

Then chips looks at luna with a smile and luna see chips is looking at her

Luna is worried that chips is going do it
Luna:ha ha No
Then chips do a evil smile and walk to luna

Then luna again run away
Luna:No NO
Then luna run away and chips is going follow luna of the kiss

Then pirouletta and king dice sitting the chair
Pirouletta:you know half of the game won't work nobody here will not say the truth
King dice:well at least the other half is still entertaining
Phear:a kiss from luna won't help her happy addiction
Mugman go to King dice
King dice:hey mugs truth or dare
Pirouletta:of course
King dice:i dare you to write a note to cala Maria finally confessing to-
Mugman blush and shock
Pirouletta:alright truth what would you say in a letter like that?
Mugman:what-? I-I don't know i don't really think about it that much...
King dice:truth so you really not think about it or are you lying
Mugman is trying to say something but he didn't say anything
Meaning in the background wheezy got luna and chips is going get closer
Wheezy:hold still so chips will give you a kiss
chips:Bugger up
Luna:No no no
Chips kiss luna ad wheezy let's go when the chips dare was done luna going get wheezy
The truth or dare was done so im going make new character soon

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