Chapter 10: Davy

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"You've got some explaining to do." Anna grabs Caspian and I by the arms and pulls us into the kitchen. "Mainly you, Cas."

Caspian bites nervously at his bottom lip.

"Well?" Anna's glare bores right through us. "Start talking before I call your brother back in here."

"Anna, let's not get too extreme." I'm immediately silenced by Anna turning on me.

"Davy, you're in just as much trouble as Cas right now!"

"Okay, I'll tell you why I left Yna." Caspian finally speaks up. His eyes are already red and watery. "My Uncle Caius died a couple weeks ago. I- I watched the life fade from his eyes. I suppose it was harder on my Uncle Rhys, but I couldn't take it."

"So you ran away?" Anna removes the sharpness from her glare, but her voice is still every bit as steely.

"Well, no. Uncle Rhys told me to leave. He said that people like Uncle Caius, people like me, we're not safe in Yna. He's treated about seven people before my uncle and the connection-" Caspian begins to sob, leaning onto my shoulder for support. "I can't say it!"

"Cas..." Anna places a comforting hand on his back. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pressured you."

"Are you okay?" I gently put my forehead to his. "I know you're not, but it's worth a shot."

He laughs weakly, taking my hand in his. Anna's breathing becomes constricted for a second, but she goes back to normal in an instant.

"I shouldn't have doubted you." Anna brings Caspian's face up so she can see his eyes. "Looks like we're both running from our pasts, huh?"

Caspian says nothing, but puts his arm around Anna's shoulder, pulling her into one of his little side-hugs. She returns the gesture, and they squeeze each other tight.

They're not too different, Anna and Caspian. Maybe that's why I find myself increasingly attracted to them both.

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