Chapter 32: Eetu

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My wedding feast. I never thought I'd live to see the day. Caspian and Davy seem to be enjoying themselves, Anna and Coraene are talking together, and my parents are pretending to tolerate each other.

I stand, raising my glass to make a toast. "First off, I would like to thank you, the citizens of Yna, for coming. Really, it means a lot. But, this day isn't all about me, it's about my beautiful wife, Coraene. Or as most of us know her, Cora. Would you join me?"

Coraene blushes a little but complies.

"Would you like to say a few words?" I lower my glass a little.

"I don't know if I can... you've already done such a good job." She takes a deep breath and looks out into the sea of citizens. "But I'll try. I never expected that I of all people would be lucky enough to get a man like Eetu here. But, seeing as how I did-"

"Get it girl!" Anna winks.

"Thanks. Seeing as how I did, I look forward to the future, where I know many happy years await us."

"Amen!" I tap my glass against Coraene's and the citizens do the same with each other.

"Amen!" Everyone in the Hall drinks.

Everyone is laughing and joking with one another, it creates a sort of white noise. I look over to Caspian, who seems to be shrinking back into his seat. He's keeping his head down as much as possible, avoiding being seen. Davy is the only one who can get him to actually talk.

The door flies open with a loud bang! A man enters the Great Hall, flanked by at least twelve men either side of him. He could have been almost good looking, if not for the sick expression taking up his defined face. His sandy brown hair is pulled back into a knot on the top of his head.

"Well, isn't this a celebration?" His strangely steady laugh makes everyone in the Hall shiver. "I'm so sorry. I'm not late to the party, am I?"

"Guards!" My father finally calls for the assistance of the knights.

"Xavier, did you really think I was dumb enough not to incapacitate your men?" He spreads his arms open wide, revealing a sheath strapped to his thigh containing an ornamental dagger. "Oh, where are my manners? Please, allow me to introduce myself, my Lords and Ladies. I am Salvatore Malum of Physia."

Salvatore smiles, but there is no warmth in it. I take Coraene's hand instinctively. My Uncle Rhys shoots Caspian a terrified look from where he stands. Salvatore takes no more than five steps forward, toward the head table when my father jumps up.

"That's close enough, friend." He glares, stepping in front of my mother. She doesn't move, fear has her paralyzed.

"We're friends, Xavier?" Salvatore's sick smile grows wider. "That's sweet, but you don't even know me."

"What do you want?" My mother finally speaks, stepping out from behind my father.

"Oh, yes, I'd nearly forgotten!" Salvatore claps his hands together. "I came for something- well, no, someone. Give him to me, and we can all go home happy, okay?"


"Caspian Quillsnake." My blood runs cold. "Is he here?"

Caspian is pale, I can tell exactly what he's feeling. Which is why what I do next comes so easily.

"Yes." I speak up before anyone else has the chance to, standing and putting my hands up in surrender. "I'm here. You can take me, but you must promise you won't hurt anyone else."

"No!" Caspian stands. "I'm Caspian!"

"Forgive my brother, Eetu. He's always trying to jump into the flames for me."

"Would you like to set him straight, or shall I?" Salvatore slowly taps his fingers against the hilt of his dagger.

"May I have a word with him, then?" I swallow every shred of fear in my body when I see it reflected in Caspian's eyes.

I'm the older brother. I cannot be afraid if Caspian is, because someone has to reassure him. Someone has to help him survive in this battlefield. Where the battle is held is different everyday, be it his mind, his heart, or all around him. I have to help him. I have to save him. If sacrificing myself is how I can keep him alive, then so be it. He deserves to know happiness. I don't think he has yet.

"Eetu," I take Caspian by the shoulders, looking into his eyes, "I have to do this. I have to protect you."

"Please... I can't let you-"

"It's a good thing I didn't ask for your permission." I hug him for what may be the last time. "I love you."

"You can't do this! Please!"

"I love you." I repeat it until he says it back.

"That was beautiful." Salvatore pretends to wipe a tear. "Truly."

It's not until I pull away from Caspian that I notice nobody has said a word. Not my mother, not my father, not Uncle Rhys, not Davy, not Anna, not Coraene. No one.

Coraene is biting her lip, staring at me with tears running down her cheeks. She knows that I would do anything for Caspian, so she stays silent. I know inside, she's screaming at me to shut up. Shut up and back away.

My parents and uncle. They are huddled together, silent because they know if they protest, Salvatore and his men could kill us all.

Anna and Davy. Silent because they're confused.

The citizens are silent for the same reason.

Everyone is silent.

"So? Do you promise?" I now understand how Caspian feels when fear weighs him down, pressing down on his chest until he can't breathe anymore. Until he is so full of terror that he can't see, can't think. I feel everything. "Do you promise not to hurt anyone?"

"Of course! That was the plan anyways, Caspian." Salvatore steps up to me. The only thing standing between us is the table.

My lungs are closing up, but yet somehow I can reach the air that seems so far away.

Salvatore stops drumming his fingers along the hilt of his dagger. Instead, they curl around, pulling the blade from its sheath. The sun bounces off the metal and into everyone's eyes. I catch Caspian's eye as my peripheral vision loses the silver glint.

I feel my stomach being torn open. Blood runs down my hands. I can't hear anything but a sharp ringing noise. Coraene and Caspian catch me as I stumble backwards. Anna and Davy tackle Salvatore as my parents take on his army.

I'm not in pain. My stomach doesn't hurt, I thought it would have. I blink away the darkness consuming my peripherals.

"Go... Cas..." My lips move to the words. I can't hear if I'm actually speaking.

"I'm not leaving you!" He wails.

My Uncle Rhys joins the mix, lifting me and draping me over his shoulders. As we leave the Hall, I catch a glimpse of the chaos ensuing. Coraene looks me dead in the eye as one of Salvatore's men knocks her unconscious, dragging her out of view.

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