I: Cleaning Up After the Winchester Boys

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Sam and Dean prank Cas by throwing pies at him. Abigail helps him get cleaned up.

I was right in the middle of scouring the internet for information about the newest case when I heard the familiar whooshing of feathers that alerted me to Castiel's arrival. With a sigh, I closed the laptop's lid and looked up. My eyes widened when they landed on Cas. "What happened to you?" I asked.

The angel was covered from head to toe in what appeared to be cool whip. He frowned at me. "Sam and Dean threw plates of whipped cream at me. Apparently, it was a joke. I don't get it."

I rolled my eyes. Of course those imbeciles had decided to prank Cas. He was too gullible to leave alone. So now I was going to have to clean up after the Winchester boys again. I mentally added it to the list of things they owed me for and stood up.

I walked over to Cas and stopped in front of him. Unable to resist, I reached up, got some of the cool whip on my finger and popped it into my mouth. I laughed at Cas' confused expression before gesturing for him to follow me to the hotel room's bathroom. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

Kneeling on the floor beside the tub, I turned the knob for the hot water. Nothing happened. I tried the other knob, but got the same result. Stupid two-star hotel, I thought with a sigh.

I moved past Cas and tried the water in the sink. With any luck, we'd at least be able to get his hair clean. Thankfully, water began to pour from the faucet steadily.

Flicking the faucet off again, I told Cas to take off whatever had whipped cream on it and throw it in the tub. We'd clean them in the sink after he looked like a person again.

While he did that, I went back into the main space and closed the bathroom door behind me. He may not care for privacy, but I would rather pretend that he did. There are some things that I just didn't need to see.

I approached Dean's clothing bag and rifled through it. This was his fault, so he was going to help me fix it, regardless of whether he knew he was contributing. I found a pair of jeans, but it seemed like he'd already gone through his clean shirts. With that knowledge, I crossed the room to Sam's bag and took one of his.

Newly borrowed clothes in hand, I went back to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Put this on, Cas. And open the door when you're done," I instructed, passing the outfit to the angel.

A minute later, the door swung open, revealing a casually clad Castiel. Dean's jeans hung off his waist a little and Sam's shirt sleeves were too long, but he pulled the look off rather well. The outfit coupled with his whipped cream dotted face made him look rather adorable.

I smiled at him and patted his shoulder as I stepped through the doorway. "Ready?"

He cocked his head at me. "Ready for what?"

I wet a washcloth and turned back to face him. "To look like Castiel again." Before he could respond, I reached up and pressed the cloth to his face, holding onto his shoulder with my other hand. I wiped his face gently, finding it a bit difficult to concentrate on the task at hand with the angel this close.

I felt his eyes on my face, but I didn't meet them with my own until every last inch of his handsome face was clean. When I did meet his gaze, I found myself unable to look away. I saw something in his bright blue eyes and felt compelled to figure out what it was.

"Abigail?" The sound of his voice pulled me out of my trance.

I flicked my eyes up to his hair. The dark brown strands were coated here and there with white. "Guess we'll have to wash your hair, too."

I used that as an excuse to step away. My legs were starting to feel a little wobbly, but I forced them to stay straight. Curse these emotions, I thought, heart pounding in my chest.

I grabbed the desk chair from the main room and set it down, back pressed against the vanity. "Sit," I ordered, pointing to the chair. Cas did as I asked and leaned back, not once taking his eyes off of me.

Careful to avoid meeting his gaze again, I turned on the sink, testing the temperature until it was warm enough for my tastes. I didn't really know how warm he would want it, but I doubted that he really cared about that.

"Why is your face red?" Cas asked out of nowhere.

My eyes flicked to his in surprise before quickly returning to the sink. I racked my brain for a moment, desperately searching for an answer that could replace the real reason. "I-I'm a little hot, that's all," I replied after a second. It wasn't a total lie, I was hot. I just left out the reason why I was hot.

I thought that would be enough to satisfy his curiosity, but I was proven wrong when he reached a hand up to touch my cheek. I struggled to resist the urge to lean into his touch, closing my eyes momentarily at the cool sensation of his hand on my skin.

He hummed thoughtfully. "You do seem to be warmer than usual."

I raised an eyebrow playfully. "And how do you know what usual is for me?"

He broke eye contact with me and lowered his hand, not answering my question. I laughed and tested the water again, finding it perfect. "Ok, Cas. Lean your head as far back as you can."

I pressed one hand to his forehead to shield his face and began to rinse the whipped cream from his hair with the other. The white topping flowed into the sink as the water hit it, swirling its way down the drain. It was very pretty to watch.

Once the whipped cream was out of his hair, I popped open the lid on the shampoo and rubbed a bit between my palms. As I began massaging the suds into Cas' dark brown locks, I heard him exhale. His eyes flickered closed and he let out a content hum.

I smiled at him. This was probably the first time he'd ever had his hair washed. It must've been relaxing for him. "Feel good?" I asked.

He nodded. "Very."

I massaged the shampoo into his hair a little longer than I had to partly for his sake and partly because I enjoyed the feeling of running my fingers through his hair.

Eventually, I rinsed my hands and began to wash the suds from his locks. And then he was clean. I turned the water off and patted his shoulder.

He sat up, hair swept back and sopping wet. He looked very different like that and I wasn't sure I liked it. Grabbing a towel, I rubbed at his brown locks in an attempt to get them a little drier.

After a moment, I stopped and removed the towel, letting out a small laugh when I saw the new style I'd created. Cas' hair stuck up in crazy spikes all over his head. I smoothed it down and lightly mussed the longer bits in front.

I moved to step back and take a look at my handiwork, but Cas' hand on my arm stopped me. Confused, I looked into his eyes. He didn't meet my gaze, directing his eyes at my lips instead. My heart started pounding again. He was so close that I could feel his breath on my skin.

"Cas?" I whispered, my brain slowing down. I couldn't hear my thoughts over the steady reminder of how close he was.

His beautiful blue eyes finally met mine. "Thank you, Abigail," he replied. He moved his head closer to me, flicking his eyes back down at my lips before closing them and leaning forward further.

The clearing of a throat drew us apart. My eyes snapped to the open bathroom door to find Sam and Dean staring at us with a mixture of amusement and confusion.

Dean pointed at Cas. "Are those my jeans?"

"And my shirt?" Sam added.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course they're yours. You created the problem, so I figured it was fitting that you help fix it." They both raised their eyebrows. "Now if you'll excuse us, we were kinda in the middle of something when you so rudely interrupted."

With that, I closed the door and turned back to Castiel. "Where were we? Oh, that's right." I smiled and looped my arms around Cas's neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

Word Count: 1,475

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