A Birthday Bash

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One Void Day, Count Bleck was busily blowing up balloons. He had never done it before, and didn't want to do it, but he tried to in order to make Nastasia happy, because it was her birthday. It was also VERY early in the morning. Pretty much everyone besides him was dragging themselves around, trying to decorate and whatnot. They had to be up so early because Nastasia was already an early-riser, and in order to surprise her they had to be up REALLY early.

So Mr. L was hanging up streamers carefully while Mimi held his tape not-so-carefully. O'Chunks was wrapping gifts—not a good job for him. Dimentio was valiantly trying to bake a cake; he was a tad more careful and awake than everyone else.

Mr. L came into the kitchen and began streaking streamers everywhere. He pulled it across Dimentio's eyes when he stretched it from the door to the fridge, so Dimentio dumped some extra flour into his bowl. When he looked in and saw how much was in there, he turned to Mr. L and created a clear box around him.

"Hey! Let me out! There's more streamers to be hung!" Mr. L yelled, trying to break a hole in the wall.

Dimentio started raising his hand.

"DON'T YOU DARE!!" Mr. L hollered.

Dimentio snapped his fingers and Mr. L blew up. Luckily, he survived and started rolling around to put out his flames.

Dimentio smiled and began to whistle merrily while stirring up his cake.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Mimi had decided to help O'Chunks wrap the gifts, since he was terrible at it. She wrapped all of them in one second, and then wrote who they were from.

"And that's how it's done," she said.

But O'Chunks was already halfway across the world, watching a Civil War re-enactment.

Count Bleck finished with his balloons and straightened the gifts and double-checked the streamers (Mr. L had broken out of the clear box by now) and checked the cake. Dimentio was just pulling it out of the oven. It was a three-layer chocolate cake.

"That looks fancy," Mimi said.

Then Dimentio went into the side-room to get some frosting tubes. While he was gone, Mr. L took his place and looked at the cake. When Dimentio got back, he was busy putting a piping cap on his frosting tube, and bumped into Mr. L. Mr. L flew into the cake, and ended up sitting on it. When he got off, it was squished down a lot, with many cracks in the bread.

Dimentio's mouth fell open, and so did everyone else's.

"Well, great, now your butt-print is on her cake," Mimi said. Dimentio shoved Mr. L's hat down so he couldn't see, then tried to squish the cake back into shape. Then he started piping frosting into the cracks and all over, trying his best to cover up the butt-print. He decided to put a giant blob of frosting there.

"Finally, it's done," he said, still mad at Mr. L for bashing the cake.

Count Bleck checked his watch. "Nastasia is waking up now, Count Bleck realized. We need to surprise her."

So they all went to Nastasia's room, opened the door, and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Someone may have said, "Happy BUTT-day," but no one could be sure. Butts HAD been involved.

Anyway, Nastasia had a heart attack and died. Count Bleck wasn't in the mood to forfeit a birthday, so he resurrected her with his magical spit.

"Hey, it's Easter! What better day to be resurrected, am I right?" Mr. L laughed.

Everyone went to the living room and showed Nastasia the stuff they had prepared.

"Wow, I can't believe you guys actually did something...nice," Nastasia said.

"OPEN MY PRESENT!" Mimi screamed. She grabbed it and ran toward Nastasia, but bumped roughly into Mr. L, who careened across the room and tore down a low-hanging streamer. That sent the network of streamers around the room falling down one by one. Finally, he landed on a conveniently placed seesaw-shaped piece of wood that flung a book across the room and landed on a flamethrower that happened to be sitting on a table. The flamethrower turned on, and since it was aimed at Nastasia's presents, it burned all of them to a crisp. Then the TV caught on fire, and soon exploded, covering everything with sparking bits of material. When the smoke cleared, everyone was just sitting there with blank expressions on their faces. The last streamer fell and everyone got a blanket of streamers.

They walked into the kitchen, trying to put the past experience behind them. They didn't know if they should blame Mimi or Mr. L.

"I didn't need any new stuff, really," Nastasia said. "It's the thought that counts."

Dimentio showed her his very chocolatey cake, which had a very big blob of frosting on it. After putting candles on it, he carried it over to Nastasia at her place setting while the minions sang, 'Sad Birthday.' (an evil-people tradition.) But while he was carrying it, he tripped on a wrench and the cake flew right onto the table. Everyone got plastered with poop-looking frosting. A big chunk of cake hit a fire extinguisher that was hanging on the wall. It sprayed white foam all over the kitchen until it was out.

"Uh, well, we can always make another cake," Nastasia sighed.

"Honestly, I'm glad you have such enthusiasm, because SOME people would throw a hissy fit full of crying," Dimentio said, looking at a brown-and-white Mr. L smugly. Mr. L scooped some of the mess off himself and threw it at Dimentio.

"Once again, you people ruined what should have been a happy day for the Bleck family," Mimi groaned, face-palming...but that just put more poop on her face.

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