Mom Problems

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One Void Day, Count Bleck was about to sit on the couch. But right before he did—

"COUNT!! BE CAREFUL!!" shouted Nastasia, dashing over.

"What is it, Nastasia??" Count Bleck asked, poised one inch over the couch.

Nastasia hurriedly reached underneath him and pulled out a tack. "This was it," she said, showing the tiny, shiny, sharp object to the Count.

"DARN, SHE FOILED US!" yelled Mimi from the doorway.

"AGAIN!!" added Mr. L's loud Italian voice.

"You minions!! For shame, said Count Bleck!" Count Bleck said, putting his hands on his hips.

Mimi and Mr. L walked in. Mr. L grabbed the tack from Nastasia. "Dimentio made this," he said sadly.

"We were this close to pranking the Count!!" Mimi complained.

"That's very bad of you two, considering the Count doesn't have a rear!" Nastasia exclaimed. " you?"

"That information is classified, Nastasia," replied Count Bleck, gathering his cape.

Mimi and Mr. L were arguing, until eventually Mimi slapped Mr. L.

"HEY!" interjected Nastasia. "Violence is very bad!!"

Then she slapped Mr. L. "And so is disobedience!"

"GEE! Lay off the slapping of my face!!" Mr. L shouted, and tromped off, followed by Mimi.

Nastasia sighed. "What am I going to do with these people??" she asked.

"Perhaps punish them," said Count Bleck. "Or maybe act like a mother, suggested Count Bleck."

"But I AM already, aren't I?" Nastasia wondered.

"Sort of, shrugged Count Bleck," Count Bleck shrugged.

Later, Dimentio was painting the castle black. Nastasia came outside, and observed the teetering ladder he was standing on.

"Dimentio, come down from there!! You'll get hurt!" she called.

"But the Count told me to paint this board!!" Dimentio replied.

"That's a grown-up job!! Why don't you clean your room instead?" suggested Nastasia.

"What the #$$@?? I AM grown-up!!" Dimentio retorted.

"I DON'T WANT YOUR SASS," said Nastasia. "And no back-talking!! And no language, either!!"

Dimentio groaned and hopped off the ladder. He went inside, dragging his hands. Nastasia smiled happily.

Inside, Mimi was vacuuming. Nastasia came in and gasped.

"MIMI!!" she yelled. "Aren't you too young for a vacuum?!"

"Uh, no?" answered Mimi, sucking up one of Mr. L's bandanas.

"Is the noise scaring you?" Nastasia questioned.

"Of course not!!" Mimi said, eyeing Nastasia questioningly, and sucking up one of Dimentio's socks.

"Well, I think you should do something more safe," Nastasia said.

"Really, it's fine! I'm perfectly capable of vacuuming! Plus my orders are from the Count!" Mimi replied, sucking up one of Count Bleck's gloves.

"No excuses! Go do your homework!" yelled Nastasia.

"But I don't HAVE homework!!" Mimi exclaimed, sucking up one of O'Chunks Civil War books.

"Oh. Then...WATCH A GAME SHOW!!"

"Erm...okay!!" shouted Mimi.

Nastasia put the vacuum away and smiled...again.

In the repair bay, Mr. L was scrubbing Brobot with a huge green sponge. Water was everywhere, along with tons of hose piled up in places. Nastasia walked in and gaped at the horrid sight.

"MR. L!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" she cried.

"" he said.

"This is a suicide mission!! You'll slip on the soap!" Nastasia exclaimed.

"Uh, no I won't. I'm on a ladder," replied Mr. L, motioning to the green ladder.

"Well, you'll fall off the ladder! I just saved Dimentio from the same crisis earlier!" exclaimed Nastasia, kicking a green hose out of the way.

"I'm not gonna fall! I'm not a child," Mr. L said, exasperated. "You're acting too mom-y."

Nastasia gasped for about five minutes. "HOW DARE YOU!!" she screamed. "YOU'RE GROUNDED, YOUNG MAN!!!"

Mr. L's shoulders sagged, with sadness and non-believing-ness. "But I'm 26!" he mumbled as he walked away.

In the living room, the members of Castle Bleck were congregating. The only person not present was Nastasia.

"Nastasia is acting weird!!" Mimi complained.

"Yes, FAR too mothery!!" Dimentio exclaimed. "She thought I'd fall off a ladder."

"And she thought I'D slip on water!" Mr. L said. "Who does that?"

"Well, she stopped meh furm readin' my books cuz she thought I cudn't reed!!" O'Chunks exclaimed.

"Count Bleck hasn't noticed any changes," said Count Bleck.

"For real??" Mimi asked.

"Probably because she likes you," reasoned Dimentio.

"WHAT, demanded Count Bleck??" demanded Count Bleck.

"Er, nothing," Dimentio said, whistling a completely suspicious and not-innocent tune.

"Well, anyway, it may have something to do with the Mom Potion Count Bleck gave her," continued Count Bleck.

"WHAT?!? A MOM POTION!! WHY IN THE WORLDS DID YOU DO THAT?!?!?" screamed everybody.

"Because Count Bleck thought she wanted to be more like a mom," Count Bleck replied innocently.

Dimentio sighed. "Seriously, Count. Stop doing magic stuff. Somebody's going to get hurt."

"Yeah, like YOU care about US," Mr. L snorted.

"Well, how can you take away the effects of the potion??" asked Mimi.

"By spitting on her head," said Count Bleck.

Everyone just stared at him.

"Well, whatever. I'll do it," volunteered Mr. L.

"NO, sir. Your spit isn't good enough," said Count Bleck. "Only Count Bleck's spit is fit for the job."

Then, without any more debate, he marched out of the room on his non-existent feet.

Nastasia was in the kitchen, making cookies. When Count Bleck came in, she turned around.

"Oh, hey, Count!! I just finished a new recipe. They're called, Brownie Cookies," she said, showing a tray of dark brown cookies to Count Bleck.

"They look good, Nastasia," Count Bleck said, and ate one. His face twisted up. "But they don't TASTE good," he added.

"Well, that's probably because I put spinach in them," Nastasia said.

"That's something that will never change," whispered Mr. L, who was peeping from around the doorway.

"So, Nastasia, Count Bleck has to do something now," Count Bleck said.

"Oh, really? It better not be dangerous," she said.

"Not really, said Count Bleck," said Count Bleck. Then he spat on her head.

"WHA—" but she cut herself off. Her eyes rolled around like slot machines (except no one could see it because of the glasses), and then she shook her head.

"HOORAY, SHE'S BACK!!" yelled all of the minions, dancing around the room.

"What in the worlds is going on here?" asked Nastasia. She scratched her head. Then her eyes widened. 'WHY IS THERE SPIT ON MY HEAD?!?! MY LOVELY HEAD?! WHAT IN THE %#$$#, COUNT!!"

"Yep, that's Nastasia," said the minions.

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