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Void, 3rd POV

Vladimir Dracula Tepes, the King of the Vampires, Ruler of Darkness and known as Vlad as the Impaler, was...perplexed. He should be in the firey pits of Hell, suffering and paying for all his sins he unleashed upon the Humans in his life. So you can understand his confusion when he says Hell is actually fancy.

Yeah he wasn't in Hell, in fact, he was in a fine establishment, with Victorian style curtains, oak wooden floors and tables and chairs you would find in a high society restaurant. But he looked to see a bar on the side, where a lone figure was seen sitting there, back turn to him, drinking what he smelled as high class whiskey. Dracula walked to him in hopes of understanding where and why he is here.

"Excuse me, but where am I," Dracula asked the figure

The figure turned around and looked at the Vampire King, who now had a good look at him. He was tanned skin, with snow white hair and deep crimson eyes, and he was about maybe 6'5 with a solid build. He wore tailored shoes, black pants with a white button up shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, with a black vest on, a red and black tie loosen around his neck, his black jacket on the back of his chair.

"The man himself," he said as he sipped his whiskey,"Vladimir Dracula Tepes, or Mathias Cronqvist? Which do you prefer?"

"I see you know my history," Dracula said as he sat beside the man,"and I would to be called Dracula, Mathias is...gone."

"Indeed, more then you, now I'll introduce myself. I am Tempest Sparda Creed, I am a Omniversal God and Guardian of the Omega Timeline."

"God," Dracula asked as he raised his eyebrow

"Don't worry, I ain't the capital G god, trust me. I met the guy, total dickhead!"

"I see, interesting choice of works."

"Hehehe indeed. So I take it you have questions?"

Dracula nodded as a creature walked out behind the bar, the creature was a dragoniod, with scales all over his body and massive wings on his back, plus a tail. He makes Dracula a drink as he glanced at Tempest, who drinks his whiskey and ate some chicken pasta. Dracula sighed as he took a sip and looked at the god.

"Now, why am I here Mister Creed," he asked him

"Please, call me Tempest," Tempest said as he ate,"Mister makes me feel old. Now, as for why you're here...I want to give you a second chance at life."

It was quiet, so quiet you can hear a pen drop from miles in a separate galaxy. Dracula stared at this man as he aye his food and drank his whiskey, completely bamboozled by this. A second chance at life, why would anyone in their right mind give him a second chance? A man who tried to wipe out humanity for the avengement of his wife, wrongly accused of being a Witch

Dracula took more of a sip as he tried to think of why this God was giving him a chance. Would he ask for a favor in return, kill somebody he needed removed or what other devious plot? Dracula didn't understand why this man was giving him, of all people, a new life when he should be burning in Hell

"Why," Dracula asked,"why give me, of all people, a second chance?"

"Well obviously, you deserve it," he said as he ate,"a man who lost his wife to greedy and egotistical asshats cause they wanted to keep everything in their control? Forced to fight his own son cause of the circumstances he made for it to happen? All cause...he couldn't keep going on with his life cause she wasn't there to be with him?"

"....," Dracula said nothing as he sipped his drink,"whats the price?


"Whats the price for being allowed this second life?"

"Oh that? Nothing."

Dracula looks at him like he was insane! Well....he ain't wrong! This god brought the most dangerous monster in history here, says he will give him a second chance at live and he wants nothing in return!? He must be joking!

"Seriously," Dracula asked him,"your giving me a second chance at life and expect nothing in return?"

"Yes," Tempest said as he refilled his cup

"I don't believe that. You don't go to such lengths by resurrecting a dangerous beast and not want anything in return!"

"Look, I have all I want in my live, and bringing you back is easier then setting off multiple Supernovas. I just want you to have a better life then what you had."

"Still, I would like to repay you for what your doing."

"Hmm, okay how about this? In this new world I will send you, you have to build up an empire to establish true peace and equality?"

"....Simple, I can handle that. Anything else?"

"Well there's the conditions you'll be reborn. You will be reborn into the body of a young boy who dies from a periced heart, from the jagged end of his ribs."

"...What," Dracula asked as his eyes went full red

"Knew that would set you off," Tempest said as he drank,"this boy was bullied cause he didn't follow the ideology of his world, where being a Huntsmen is everything in the world."

"Thats all, he was bullied and killed cause of a different opinion!?"

"Well it was an accident really, but still it was caused by their actions. But still, ounce your reborn in him, the damage will be undone and you both will be safe, though you will fade into his mind...are you okay with that?"

"...If it means that he will have my knowledge, strength, powers and memories, then I will gladly accept it. And what will became of me?"

"Lets say...someone special will be waiting for you in the end."

Dracula looked at Tempest as he knew exactly what he meant, the one person he wanted to see again. He smiled as he imagined how he will see her again, his Lisa, the women who changed his life and gave him a family he wanted for centuries. He smiled as he drank the last of his whiskey and looked at the god, who cleaned his mouth with a napkin

"How will it start," Dracula asked

"Simple really, Bens soul will meld with the Crimson Stone," Tempest said as he stood up,"which your body, mind and soul will already be sealed in. So that way, you and Ben can work together to form the Vampirian Empire."

"I understand, what else should I be informed about?"

"I have already moved you castle and the vampires of your world, both past and future, there to form a small country. Also I changed your people biology and now you can walk in sunlight with no problem. But be warned, since then, a order and religion was created to combat them, they are called the Church of the Light."

"So like the Church I presume then," Dracula asked as they walked in a hallway

"Yes, thou they worship the God of Light, a being different from the one on your world. And theres a line of Vampire Hunters, called the Arc clan, they fought Vampires for a few years in this reality. They will be a major pain in the ass, but you'll both manage."

"Hmm sounds like your making me appear a few years after you moved my castle and forces there?"

"Indeed I am, makes its more fun! But I have no doubts you will make use of what you have in your arsenal of centuries of life, am I wrong?"

"...No, I will achieve this goal you've set for me."

They reached a room, which was massive in size, filled with books, desks and in the middle sat a large table. Though in the middle, it was stainless glass table, with multiple images in it, all moving at once, as if it was showing multiple lives at once. Dracula was in awe as he looked at the massive collection of materials in front of him, even the mess in the corners

He looked at them as he saw ores he never saw before, some shined like stars, others were dark as night and so much more. He saw many blades, armors and potions from all over the world that he knew of. He saw books that spoke of ancient monsters he never heard of, and even Gods that look bizarrer then the last. He looked at the table and saw the many lives running through it

"I call it the Talream," Tempest said, walking to Dracula,"it allows me to see and interact with individuals from other timelines and universes, even allowing me to alternate them if given permission."

"Such...such spectacular magic used here," Dracula said as he eyes it

"It's nothing really, just normal things for people like me. Now, you ready?"

"...Yes, I am."

Tempest nodded as he tapped the Talream and soon a boy seen in his bed was seen. He was around 6'8, tanned skin, blue and black hair in an undercut style, wearing baggy pants and a tank top shirt. He looked like he was having trouble breathing as he seemed to be dying in his sleep. Dracula frowned as he sees the poor boy suffering in his sleep

Tempest sighed as he spoke into an ancient language, unknown to Dracula, hearing it as he he felt his body shake. He looked as his skin was falling apart, his skin turning to ash as it was skinning into his body. He looked at Tempest as he spoke the language, as he felt his soul letting with the Crimson Stone. But before he left, he had one more question

"Tell you know how it fells," Dracula asked him,"to be redeemed?"

"...I do," Tempest said as he smiled,"and trust will feel it as well."

"...Thank you Tempest."

Tempest nodded as he spoke the last incantation, soon Draculas body had completely melted into the Crimson Stone. Tempest sighed as he walked to it and grabbed the stone, rubbing it as he was about to send it to Bens universe. Soon a portal opened and the Zero came out

"Its done," lightcero , or Zero, asked him

"Yeah," Tempest said as he placed the stone into the Talream

"So guess my teachings have paid off?"

"Yep," he said as he drew some runes,"though I'm worried, this will probably be the most powerful Ben I've made, not nowhere Ignika is, but still he can be more powerful then the rest."

"Yeah, but luckily we can handle it if he gets out of control. Also did you tell him about his wife?"

"True, okay then, lets do this...I hope you live a better life then you did before. And no...I want it to be a surprise~."

Soon Tempest added the last rune and soon the Stone glowed a bright red as it started to fade away. Soon it started to disappear and merge to Bens soul, making his body change and adapt to the Crimson Stone. Meaning...his no longer human, get ready for hell kid

"Okay Ben..lets hope you can do this," Tempest said

Remnant, Bens room

Ben thrashed in his sleep, groaning in pain as his skin burned, his body stretching and turning as if like it was trying to kill him! His brain felt like it was about to spilt in half, his chest was beating faster and faster, as a shining glow was present. His heart throbbed a million miles per hour and his teeth hurt, like their expanding out

"Make it...make it stop," he said as he growled like a beast,"I SAID MAKE IT STOP!"

Soon a shockwave was produced from his roar, making the room shake and his personal effects go flying. He fell off the bed, landing on his hands and knees, panting heavy as he panted heavy, his body was still hot from the transformation. He grabbed on a dresser and suddenly the piece fell off as he fell down with it, making him see his strength broke it

"What the hell," he asked as he stood up

As he did, he almost bumped his head on the ceiling, making him groan.

"What the fuck," he asked, then looked down

He saw that he grew a few inches, making him around 7'0, he was surprised to see that. He groaned as he waddled to the bathroom, ducking a bit to get in, as he moved to the sink to see if anything else changed...and to his,(not ours), surprise that he had changed vastly different! His normal black eyes are now deep crimson red and he had two fangs on his upper teeth

"...What da....fuck," he asked

"I see your getting use to your new looks," a voice in his head said


He turned around as he didn't see anyone, making him think he was going crazy. He panted as he moved to the mirror and for a second he thought he saw someone else. He was massive, with long black hair and mustache, with pale skin and red eyes that stared into his soul. He jumped back he as he stared at the man in the mirror

"Who the hell are you," Ben asked him,"what the fuck is going!?"

"Calm down my boy, I am Vladimir Dracula Tepes," Dracula introduced himself,"and I am what you might call an reincarnation."


"Simple, I was reincarnated into your soul and body, due to a god and the Crimson Stone residing within you."

".....-_-, okay I must be either dreaming or I'm dead...hope its the latter."

"Well you were about to die, but luckily since I was reborn into you, my healing and regenerative abilities are now yours."

"What do you mean, I almost died?"

"From what I was told, a broken piece of your ribs was about to stab your heart. Luckily a god from the universe decided to give both of us a second chance."

"Wait, who are you talking-?"


Ben stopped as he walked to the door, after telling Dracula to stay silent for a second. He walked to the door and cracked it open, then he saw someone he hoped didn't want to hear him.

Weiss Schnee, she was wearing a nightgown with a bathrobe over it. Her face was filled with concern, worry and fear, as she looked at Ben, as she tried to study him. Ben was glad to see she cared, her team mates were other stories, as they were the ones who almost killed him and the other useless fools. She was about to ask but froze as she saw Bens new looks, making her a bright blushing face

"B-Ben, are you okay," she asked

"Y-Yeah," he said as he rubbed his head

"Well we heard you yell, almost making the room shake from it."

"Oh yeah, sorry, had a bad dream and almost dying a bit.


"Hehehe calm down Weissy, I'm fine."

"I-I see, well if your fine, I will take my leave...but please be safe okay? Miss Goodwitch will kill you if your unwell or anything."

"Yeah mom can be a bit overprotective sometimes, but thanks for the warning anyway Weiss, talk later."

She nodded as she walked off, making him look at her as the robe and gown swing to her walking, making him blush. He groaned as he closed the door and walked to the dresser mirror he had and saw Dracula there, who looked troubled

"Who was she," he asked Ben

"Hmm, oh that was Weiss," Ben explained,"shes a Huntress in training and the daughter of Jacques Schnee, a fucking dickhead. He runs the Schnee Dust Company, runs it like a sweatshop and hardly pays his workers and makes the working conditions harsher, but he doesn't care as long as he makes money."

"Hmm I see, and how does she act?"

"Oh shes the complete opposite, shes kind, worries for others and is smart as hell. She studies economics, science and even medical practices, she wants to set up clinics for the lower income areas."

Dracula froze as he remembered that was Lisas dream, to set up a medical practice to help those less fortunate in Wallachia. He then looked at Ben, who seemed to be a little happy from seeing her, making him smile as he knew what was going on

'I see, Tempest you crafty devil, you planned this huh,' Dracula thought

"Okay but now my questions," Ben said, interpreting his thoughts,"whats going on? And how did you reincarnate in me?"

"*Sighs*, sit down boy, this is a long tale," Dracula said the night was still young

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