Slowly Bonding

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Natasha cringed as she looks down, seeing Michael using an Alcohol Pad to clean her wounds. Michael has gotten her consent to touch her body, despite some hesitation, as she can't move her arms a lot due to the pain getting worse for her.

Michael was being as careful as possible, cleaning the left over blood while also stopping more from dripping out. Once he does so, he reseal them with bandages and some cream for the bruises that are noticeable and to help close of open wounds.

Michael: Looks like you went through more than a fall. Did you fight those agents and not tended to your wounds?

Natasha: ...

Michael: okay?

Natasha: ...

Michael: Look, you're not gonna just get yourself healed by just staying there, silent. You gotta talk once in a while, to try to not focus on the pain.

Natasha: ...Yes. I fought them. I wasn't there to fight, so I tried to make it fast and be done, but they were able be even with me.

Michael: I see. That explains the bruises on parts of your body. *finishes as he sighs*

Natasha: Where did you learn this?

Michael: I had a Medical Class in college. It gave me some tips about having the skills to treat wounds of others and yourself's. There. Try not to move much until the wounds heal. I'll get you some painkillers for the pain.

Natasha: Okay.

Michael picks up the used medical stuff and walks off. Nat watches him as she looks around the house. Soon, Michael came back with some pain medication and a bottle of water.

Michael: Here.

Natasha said nothing as she took the pain meds and drank them down. She sighed as she finishes the water.

Michael: You hungry?

Natasha: Not right now.

Michael: Okay. *sits down* Just tell me when you're feeling hungry. I'll get you something to eat. Here or take out. Anyway you want. Okay?

Natasha: ...Why are you being so kind to me?

Michael: Why do you ask?

Natasha: I attacked you and nearly choked you out. Yet, you treated my injuries, let me stay here, and even gave me something to eat. Why?

Michael: Well, yeah. You see, I understand you suddenly attacking me as I would be too if I'm at some strangers houses all weak and vulnerable. But, I want to help those in need of help and that's why I brought you here. To help. That's about it. *chuckles*

Natasha was astonished by this young man's desire to help and that he understood her reaction. The fact he continued to help her even after she attacked him proves his point. Is this man crazy or is he that kind? Maybe both?

Natasha: Who are you?

Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't introduced myself throughout all this. I'm Michael McMahon.

Natasha: ...

Natasha: Michael McMahon? The young man doing charity in the United States, Africa, and Sokovia?

Michael: Yep. Wait you heard of me?

Natasha: The news has always talked about you, when they don't have anything about us.

Michael: Oh right.

Natasha: like helping those in need, huh?

Michael: Yep. That's why I took bumps in wrestling and do my own stunts in films and shows unless I'm unable to do so. It helps getting a lot of money so I can send it to different states and cities affected by storms, disasters, and so on. Just want to do so because I want to help. That's who I am. I don't care if people say that I'm using my parents' money, because I know they're wrong and what I do, putting myself through that, is the truth.

Nat was surprised to hear that. She has heard of Michael moving from one company to another, one industry to the next, just to earn money to help people. She just wonders how much time does he have left until he has to go back and do it again.

It...made her feel sorry for him. He's out here, putting his body and mind on the line, just to help, when people that could help, waste their time and focus on something else, like capturing the Rogues. They don't help with problems going on in their cities, yet this young man has been doing their job since he was 17.

Natasha: You have a Heart of Gold, don't you?

Michael: Hmm?

Natasha: You value the people around you, those you don't know, and want to help them when they struggle. He help them financially and medically, rebuilding or build homes and buildings, and aid in the restoration of forests and other wildlife. That makes you have a Heart made of Gold.

Michael was surprised to hear that. From her of all people. Sure, she's a fugitive, but he still sees her as an Avenger, like Cap and the others. So, her comment about his good deeds made him feel...validated and valued. He tried to hide a smile but showed a sly grin.

Michael: Thanks. Coming from you, I'll take that to heart.

Natasha: Just don't get it in your head.

Michael: If I did, I would stop doing donations and brag about it. Luckily, I didn't do that, and will never do so.

Natasha: That's good to hear.

Michael: you hungry?

Natasha: ...I guess I am now.

Michael: *chuckles* See? Look how a conversation can change someone. I'll get take out.

Natasha nods as Michael makes a call.

*much later*

Natasha: Are you sure I should take a bath here?

Michael: Where else? Plus, you need to take a bath because you-

Natasha: I what?

Michael: You still have bloodstains that are dried up! That's it. Nothing more.

Natasha: Good answer.

Michael: How do you feel now?

Natasha: Hmm...I can move, but I still feel pain.

Michael: I see. That could be a problem...

Natasha: ...Can't you just ask if you could help me?

Michael: Listen, I'm a guy that respects someone's privacy, especially women's. I can't just blatantly say "Uh can I help you take a bath?" to you, especially when you're a Assassin that could still kick my ass even when you're hurt. It makes it weird, and you might take it the wrong way.

Natasha thinks about it and sees he's right. It would make it weird if he said it. She can't help but feel bad that someone like him can't ask that without her giving consent when it comes to things like this.

Natasha: I'm sorry. I should've take that into account.

Michael: ...*sighs* It's okay. Let me ask then. Do I have your consent in helping you take a bath?

Natasha: Yes. Just don't do anything funny, alright?

Michael: Okay. Welp...gotta do an old habit I had when I was a kid whenever something over the top happens during the show.

Natasha: What?

Michael: Blindfolding.

Natasha: ...Blindfolding? You do realize that you have to see me while helping me, right?

Michael: ...Just trying to respect your privacy.

Natasha: ...You're either too naive or too generous.

Michael: I get that a lot. *shrugs* That's who I am.

Natasha shook her head but hid a smile, due to finding this funny, while she understood Michael wanting to respect her privacy. She just finds it comical that he's going the extra mile to do that for her.

Natasha: I see. But you don't have to blindfold yourself.

Michael: Really?

Natasha nods as Michael had a uncertain look on his face.

Michael: Okay. I'll start the water. You like shower or bath?

Natasha: ...I think bath for now.

Michael: Okay. I'll fill up and bring you there.

Michael walks off as Nat watches and just grins. She just can't help but admire Michael wanting to respect her privacy that badly. Though...she finds it cute as well.

Nat then frowned. Did she really think that? Finding it cute? What is she thinking?

Soon, Michael arrives, breaking her train of thought.

Michael: Got it ready. Nice and warm.

Natasha: Thank you. Can you help me up?

Michael: Sure.

Michael helps Nat get up and brings her to the bathroom. Soon, Nat removes her clothes and enters the bathtub, and laying down with Michael's help. Soon, she sighed with relief, feeling the warm water surrounding her as it rises up.

Michael watches her feeling the warm water around her and he could tell it's been a while since she had a good bath. Soon, he starts helping her clean herself while taking her clothes to have them washed. Nat couldn't help but smile as she sees Michael trying to cover his eyes

Once she's done, he held her get dried as he then gave her some of his clothes for the time being as he plans to get her some more clothes for her. Luckily, the clothes he gave were loose and flexible, so it wouldn't press on her wounds and restricts her movement.

Michael: You want to sleep at the couch again? I can let you sleep on my bed of you like.

Natasha: No it's fine, Michael. I can sleep in the couch.

Michael: Okay. But, I still have my bed as an option.

Natasha: I'll keep that in mind.

Michael: Okay. Well, goodnight, Natasha.

Natasha: Good night, Michael.

Michael nods as he goes to leave.

Natasha: I gotta ask you something?

Michael: *turns to her* Sure what?

Natasha: Where did you learn how to fight? You managed to dodge most of my strikes.

Michael: Well, in different factors: 1. You're hurt. 2. I wasn't trying to hurt you more. And 3. I had some MMA and Martial Arts training, just to be prepared for a fight. And still doing so.

Natasha: Really? Interesting.

Michael: Yep. *goes to leave*

Natasha: ...Thank you.

Michael: Hmm?

Natasha: Thank you for helping me, even though I don't deserve it. You saved me from dying on the alley and help me in trying to recover. You really do have a Golden Heart.

Michael: ...

Michael: You're welcome. Just doing what I want to and need to do. Goodnight, Nat.

Natasha: You too, Michael.

Michael smiles as he leaves to his room. Natasha lays on the sofa and slowly goes to sleep.

Natasha: He's a strange young man...but has his heart in the right place.

*somewhere else*

Tony: So, Romanoff is seen in New York, and your agents not only let her escape...but were knocked out by flying rocks? How does that make any sense?

We see Tony Stark at his home as he speaks with someone through a holographic screen.

(Roast his ass. Ugly, souless MF 😡)

Ross: I do not know how those rocks appeared, not I care about it.

Tony: I have to admire that. It's not easy throwing rocks at someone standing on top of a building, let alone twice.

Ross: Stark, would you be serious with this for one second?

Tony: Alright, fine. So, Romanoff is around New York.

Ross: And that means the rest of the Rogues are there too. So, we will have to intensify the search for them there.

Tony: I mean, it took you two years to try to find them. So how could you find them when they evaded you?

Ross: We'll figure out a way, Stark. However, there's another situation we have at hand.

Tony: What? You're daughter ignoring your existence?

Ross: Again with this? I understand that you're becoming a father soon, but we need to focus on what's important-

Tony: And that's why Betty wants nothing to do with you.

Ross sighs to control his growing frustration before sending a clip from a recent news report. There, we see the opening of FEAST and Ross fast forward it to Michael McMahon setting the copy of the Sokovia Accords on fire before tossing it away.

Tony: Oh, that.

Ross: There has been a growing argument over the Rogues and the Accords after Germany. But now, because of that stunt from Michael J. McMahon, people have been more vocal about wanting the Rogues to be exonerated, even dismissing the Accords.

Tony: So, what? You plan to arrest him or something? If I remember correctly, you can't get in trouble by voicing your opinions, Ross. Listen, I may or may not agree with the kid, but he has a right to speak his mind.

Ross: Yet, he has no idea what kind of consequences this stunt can cause to us, you, and the other countries who agreed with the Accords. It creates distrust in the UN, which will lead to the Nations having seconds thoughts on the document.

Tony: Well, you should've taken care of your countries, then let a multi-millionaire young man do your job.

Ross: Stark. I want you to go find this Michael McMahon and get him straight about what he's doing after his stunt.

Tony: Me? Why me?

Ross: Because you and him are millionaires so I figured you two could talk about it.

Tony: That makes no sense. You're just making me do that as if this was leaked to the media, everyone will be barking at you for intimidating Michael.

Ross: Just do as I tell you. And report to me when you have him get his head straight with what he may cause.

Tony: Alright, alright. No need to blow a fuse.

Ross sighs as he cuts the call. Tony sighed as Pepper arrives.

Pepper: Your going to do that, Tony?

Tony: Unfortunately.

Pepper: I see. Though, it seems that Michael has a point about the consequences of signing the Accords.

Tony: He may have...but his comments about me and Rogers are a bit out of line.

Pepper: What do you expect? No one knows the full story about what happened.

Tony: And would it make it better if they have the full story?

Pepper: No, but at least they could decide on which side was right. However, that Michael kid is one of the more surprising ones for not siding on either of you.

Tony: Hmm...gotta give credit. He's taking all the things that happened into account.

Pepper: Just don't act like a jerk, Tony.

Tony: I won't. Don't worry, Pep. *sighs* But I don't think I'll ever get him to see that as...he has some very valid points.

A/n: how's the chapter?

Interesting stuff huh?

Hope you enjoy it.

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