16: Into the Dark

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Unable to handle her emotions anymore Lyla just let them out in the form of tears. Sobs raking through her body. Head in her hands, knees pulled up into her chest, arms wrapped around herself in some desperate attempt to hold her broken pieces together. 

Fear, panic, confusion and a few other emotions that were too minor for her to process, clouded her mind. Unable to focus on anything for more than a few seconds. At least the thudding footsteps haven't started up. 

Pulling herself up by her bootstraps she numbed her emotions. Reminding herself firmly that she has to pull it together. Captain was rubbing against her legs and purring loudly. Wondering when he became so affectionate was a nice distraction. Sadly it only lasted for a fleeting moment.

Leaning forward to pet the soft fur on Captain's back.  Feeling her fragile mind relax and piece itself together.  The vibrations of his purrs comforted her. Forgetting for just a moment that she was in one of her nightmares.  Once her emotions settled, she knew she had no choice but to try to get Gerard online. 

The silence rang in her ears. It wasn't lost to her that she was more than dependant on Gerard. That didn't stop her from going to the computers and seeing why he was down. 

He was her right hand, after all, and maybe he could tell her who was in her house. Checking the camera feeds confirmed her suspicions. They cased the place before they came here tonight. All the feeds have been disabled. 

Closing the tabs on the feeds she pulled up Gerard command prompt. The computer screen became distorted. For a fleeting second, she saw Gerard was up and running smoothly. The screen corrected itself, now it was saying, Gerard had been completely erased. Lyla's heart plunged to her stomach.  

Tapping on the refresh button frantically. She was hoping that would bring Gerard back. On one the refreshes, the screen flickers again. This time Gerard's program is up on the screen. Confusion fills Lyla's brain. 

"What the hell," she mutters. Her confusion turns to anger. At least she isn't crying anymore. Quickly clicking the launch button that was on screen. Just as he started to reboot the screen changed again. 

An insidious thought entered Lyla's mind then.  Someone was using her feed against her. That means they had full control of not only her sight but her house, and Gerard. 

Her mind began to race, trying to figure out what to do. How does she combat this? 

Feeling like she had no other choice, she brought up her implants programs.  Nervous and uneasy she spun in her chair and located the safe that hidden in the wall closest to her. Taking the time to correctly put in the right code even though her hands were shaking. It took a few tries but she finally managed to open it. 

Pulling out some of the important papers she had stored in there like the deed to her house, her shares in the company. The prototypes schematics for the implants. In the back were letters to her mother and father. Living through an almost fatal shooting, really makes you prepare for your demise. Hoping there was something in here that would help her, she searched the entire safe. 

The gun she had purchased for home protection was gone. A chill settled on Lyla. They knew about the gun, she racked her brain trying to remember who she told about it. Only one person came to mind. Emma, again Lyla pushed that thought from her mind. Shutting the safe she went to the cupboard that was tucked into the corner of the room. If the door was open the cupboard would be hidden.

Searching through the cupboard, and the bug out bags inside. Looking for anything she could use as a weapon. Forming a plan in her mind for when she shuts implants off. 

Coming up empty-handed on the weapon front, she opens the command center's door. Wanting to be prepared for when shes sightless. Settling back in front of the computer. Her fingers trembling as they wrap around the mouse. A sense of dread filled her as she pressed the click-pad down. Knowing she only had a few seconds of sight left. The countdown started.  She hurried to turn around. 

As her eyes landed on the hallway, she saw a human-ish figure at the end of the hall.  As her eyes locked on the shadow person, they began to walk towards. Quickly gaining speed until they were running to her. As they got closer she struggled to make out the details of their face. 

Right as they got to the door her feed cut out. Plunging her into the dark. 

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