2 🐱 Jiro

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"Unnie, I'm tired."

My brows clashed. Why is she tired? I actually didn't see her work around the house. She didn't even clean. When I visited her room, her room is still a little messy. So why?

"You're tired? Why?"

She sat up straight then glared at me. "You know the white cat?"

I nodded remembering the cute but intimidating white cat. Aren't all cats like that? Fluffy but at the same time scary.

"That. Cat. Made. Me. Tired." She emphasized every word with squinting eyes and breathing heavily.

I laughed at her having so much annoyance in her face. "You are worked up because of a cat? Very charming."

"Unnie, the cat is always here and I am wondering about its owner! So I took him, he's a good boy that time, to the neighborhood to know his owner."

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing but I can't help it though I burst out laughing.

"It's not funny at all Unnie!" She hissed. "I walked kilometers away to know where this cat belongs to." Jennie glanced at the cat sitting on the couch. "He's a really really bad boy."

I am still laughing at her outburst but more on her face which is already red due to irritation. I calmed a little and grinned at her. "That's too bad. Since you're here and the cat, it has no owners?"

Jennie deeply sighed. "No, the cat lives here."

I shook my head. "Poor little baby. Rest now and let this go. Besides, the cat doesn't do anything. I would love to keep him." I gently smiled at her.

She eased herself and breathed. Finally, she let out a smile. "If you say so, Unnie. See you later." With that, she went to her room probably to relax herself.

I should get to work my business now. I still have many writing to do or my publisher will kill me if I don't do my work well.


I looked around to find the cat beside me looking at me with his wide eyes. I sat down beside me and petted him.

"If you're living here, I should take care of you, right? What should I name you?" I scratched his neck and he purred. What a good boy.

"You'll be Jiro. My baby Jiro."



Published July 11, 2021

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