Chapter 2

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   "Come on! Just do it!" Lakekit whispered Icekit sighed "fine"she crouched down like she was about to pounce. She leaped onto Sunnykits nest with Sunnykit in it she gasped "Icekit your really heavy. Mistyheart!" "Sunnykit what is it" "she's on me!" Sunnykit answered "Icekit" "fine but it was Lakekits idea." "Lakekit, I want you to go to your nest for a little bit" Mistyheart said "I was only-" "Lakekit go" "fine" she pouted Lakekit scrambled to her nest. "Sunnykit?" "I'm ok" "does it hurt anywhere?" Mistyheart asked "N-not really but on my back leg" Sunnykit staggered "is that where Icekit pounced?" Sunnykit nodded "if it still hurts later tell me" it really does hurt but I must be a real warrior. Sunnykit thought. She curled up in her nest and looked toward the entrance "when will I be a apprentice." Sunnykit said under her breath "what was that?" Icekit said "why do you need to know." Sunnykit said grumpily "I didn't know that it would hurt you and Lakekit incureged me" Icekit said "go away Icekit!" Sunnykit yelled at her "ok" Icekit whispered. She turned around to go play with Tinykit "one day left" she whispered to herself Sunnykit tryed to fall asleep but the aching pain in her leg wouldn't let her she growned "Sunnykit?" "Seriously when can I have some time alone!" Sunnykit turned around and saw Stormkit staring at her with a cocked head she hissed at Stormkit. He ran away toward Mistyheart. Mistyheart walked towards her nest "Sunnykit-" "I'm having a bad day ok?!" Sunnykit yelled. She sighed and put her head in her forepaws and closed her eyes then she moved the one that was injured "Sunnykit is your paw ok?" "Yes????" She said "Sunnykit." Mistyheart glared at Sunnykit she sighed "I wanted to be a true warrior so I delt with my pain without telling you." "Sunnykit if you want to be a true warrior you would tell me if it hurt now let's go to Moonleaf and see what she can do about it." "I-I'm sorry I should've told you." Sunnykit apologized they walked over to the medicine den. When she entered she could smell all the healing herbs "Moonleaf?" Mistyheart said "she's out looking for herbs." Waterpaw said from a corner of the medicine den. "To bad. We'll  have to stay here for now." "She has been gone for a long time so she'll be back soon" Waterpaw said "how are you doing?" Mistyheart asked "I'm oh most recovered" the leafs on the medicine den rustled Moonleaf came in the den with leafs in her mouth she placed them down with a group of the same thing "oh Mistyheart Sunnykit what's wrong?" Moonleaf asked Mistyheart "Icekit landed on Sunnykit her leg is aching now I better be getting back to the nursery" Mistyheart turned around and headed towards the nursery. "Here lay on this nest" Moonleaf pointed her head toward the one next to Waterpaw "hi Sunnykit!" Waterpaw said "it must have hurt when Icekit landed on you" the pain in Sunnykits paw seemed to hurt more than ever. "Here Sunnykit where does it hurt" Moonleaf pushed some herbs toward Sunnykit. She held out her right paw and said "right here" Waterpaw stared at Moonleaf and Sunnykit as Moonleaf started to rub the dock leafs on her paw. "Thank you" Sunnykit said "it's my duty" Moonleaf said back Sunnykit moved her paw it hurt less but wasn't all better yet. "Will you be ok here alone?" Moonleaf asked she stared at Sunnykit and Waterpaw conserned " I Think we'll okay it's not like there's going to be another fox attack" Waterpaw said Moonleaf nodded her head and walked out of the medicine den "so when will you be an apprentice, do you know?" Waterpaw asked "tomorrow!" Sunnykit exclaimed "what!" Waterpaws fur stood up "that's really close I might not be able to see it" Waterpaw sighed "you can't hear clan meetings from here?" Sunnykit questioned she could hear them in the nursery "nope" she buried her head in her paws and fell asleep.

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