Chapter 7

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Sunnypaw opened her eyes to a dream. She looked at her surroundings. ThunderClan territory, good. She thought. Suddenly she heard a crash. She turned around and saw a fallen tree on the forest floor. Sunnypaw heard another crash behind her. She turned to flee and zig-zagged through the trees she leaped over another fallen tree and found herself at the WindClan border she leaped over the stream and raced across the moor. She found two cat-like figures and used all her strength to run toward them. There she saw a gray she-cat and a reddish she-cat is that.......Lilypaw? And the other cat...... It must be a WindClan warrior. She thought five other cats stepped up to make a small ragged circle. Two RiverClan cats....... Two ShadowClan and Lynxfur? The two RiverClan cats were an amber she-cat and a black tom. The two ShadowClan cats were a light gray she-cat and a gray tom. What? Where's everyone else? Sunnypaw heard a whisper and saw a stary cat "watch for the end. The Clans will crumble."
Sunnypaw jolted awake in the apprentices den. "Sunnypaw! Stop kicking moss everywhere!" Cherrypaw exclaimed "Sorry Cherrypaw! I...... um.... bad dream" she replied "sorry" shook off the moss on her fur. I need to find Icepaw she thought. She padded out of the apprentices den "Sunnypaw! Where are you going?" She turned around and saw her mentor looking at her. " there was a.......a thorn in my nest and it got in my fur overnight" she lied "okay" her mentor replied "don't take long though you and Cherrypaw are battle training today" as he padded off Sunnypaw sighed . She nosed her way through the bramble screen and saw only Icepaw in her nest she padded over to her nest. "Wake up sleepy head! It's past dawn!" Icepaw lifted her head and looked drowsily at her sister. "What do you want?" She asked "Come here I need to speak with you privately." Sunnypaw mewed. Icepaw stood up and stretched Sunnypaw padded out of the camp, Icepaw following. When they got to a quiet clearing Sunnypaw stopped "I had a dream and I think it was from StarClan." Icepaw's ears twitched. "Okay, tell me" Sunnypaw told Icepaw all about her strange dream. "Well um I hate to tell you Sunnypaw but I'm as clueless as you are about this sorry." Sunnypaw sighed "okay." She padded to the camp and found Riverclaw, Cherrypaw and Lynxfur at the entrance. "Are you ready?" Riverclaw asked she nodded Lynxfur padded out of the camp, the rest of the cats following. "Cherrypaw, you and Sunnypaw are going to do a safe battle, claws sheathed." Cherrypaw and Sunnypaw each stood in a battle-ready position. Cherrypaw leaped onto Sunnypaw's back lowering her so that she was pinned to the ground. Sunnypaw tried to roll out of it. Then she went limp. Cherrypaw loosened her grip. Sunnypaw rolled out of the pin, leaped up on all four paws and wrestled with Cherrypaw. She had no idea what she was hitting she just tried to find Cherrypaw's fur. When she hit what she thought was a shoulder blade she brought it down without all her force. She found herself pinning Cherrypaw. She started batting at Sunnypaw's belly. She took her paws off Cherrypaw and turned to see Cherrypaw launching herself at Sunnypaw. She was forced onto her side.
"Okay! Good job both of you!" Riverclaw mewed "Sunnypaw remember to use your size against bigger cats" she nodded "Now let's go back to camp" Lynxfur added and started heading for the Thunderclan camp.

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