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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

"(Y/N)..." I whispered into your ear. A purr began to growl in the back of my throat as I began to nuzzle your hair. Your hair smelled like strawberries like I had remembered. "I'm so glad you came back to me! You remembered me!" 

I leaped down from your shoulder and into your lap as I began to stare into your beautiful, (E/C) eyes with my own pair of cat eyes. I adored you... It's been so long... I was so grateful that you came for me... I missed your (H/C) hair... that promising smile on your face. I trusted you... I always knew you'd come back... to me.

I exhaled my heavy breath and settled down into a comfortable cat position and fixed a stern look onto my face. "But, tell me... (Y/N)... Why did you come back?" I tilted my furry head. "You took awhile... I thought I'd never see you again!"

You sighed. "You're the perfect cat! And, I just couldn't understand why you so unwanted and unlucky! It's not fair!"

I widened my cat ears and my ears were open. "But, (Y/N), you do know the consequences on coming back, correct?"

You nodded. "I'm full aware and I'm willing to help you!"

I stared at you for a moment with my freakishly green, cat eyes in surprise... I didn't expect to hear those words... "Well, then..." I leaped off of you and gripped the soft carpet ground with all fours. "Gather your things... I'll go eat some food or whatevers... maybe take a nap!" I released a ferocious cat sigh and sent my gaze back to you. "You and me... We will get revenge." My ears folded up sadistically. "Meta will SUFFER!" I growled.

And, I went off to my golden cat bowl filled with scrumptious gourmet chicken and fish, shrugging off my vengeful feelings because I'm bipolar.

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