Chapter 8

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There's couple of days they has been bear attacks in town Charlie has been warning us to be careful, most of my time I hang out with Mia and barley come home, so I'm safe and Bella well she has Edward. Bella's birthday is coming out she's turning 18, old hag. Funny thing is my birthday was like in 2 months yea. The day before her birthday me and Mia went drinking I try to be careful so Charlie won't notice I told him I was going to have a sleep over with Mia and of couple of friends at their house, I hate lying to him but he actually gives me a lot of free time, im so gald for my fake id I have a fake name, Lisa Martin and I'm 22. Mia is Alex lee 23. We go to this bar that barley ask for ids the bartender is cool Dave. He's cool but don't want a relationship. When we got there it was pack not as actual but I wanna drink and have fun. Me and Mia got super wasted. We were screwed since we were both wasted and can't drive. Luckily Dave gave us a ride we went to mia house since her parents were still at work thanks god!

The next morning I woke up with the house hangover, well we both did, "oh god why did I drink for much" I groan I went to her bathroom and splash some cold water in my face, I wear a shirt from mia closet and my sunglasses. I got a text from Charlie 'don't forget to tell bella happy birthday' oh god 'fine' I texted back "dude I feel like shit" Mia said "so do I" I said. We made it to school in one piece, we pulled up to the parking lot and saw Bella's taking a picture of her friends then I saw her watching Edward walk towards, I swear thinks he's like a god to her. We went inside, "I'll see you at lunch Cat" Mia said I wave bye to her. I went to my locker to her my Romeo and Juliet book which I have not read at all. I mean we all the story they fell in love, both families hate each other and both died. I hate that class, even worse guess who I have...Edward and Bella ugh why. I was walking to class when I see Bella and Edward with Alice, jasper. I try to see if they didn't see me when Alice blocked my way "Cat! Hi!" She said so happy. Oh god my head I haven't talk to them since her boyfriend almost attack me. I saw jasper looking at me I rolled my eyes. I try to walk away but Edward stopped me "Cat isn't there something you have to say to your sister" he said I looked at "what are you my dad" then I turn to Bella "happy birthday old hag" I said laughing "thanks" she said smiling. I try to walk away again but this time Alice stopped "we're throwing a birthday party for Bella, at our place you should come" she said "yea pass" I said "come on it's for your sister" she said "well she never celebrated my birthday with me so why should I" I said walking away this time.

I went to restroom first to fix myself, I brushed my hair and took a mint for my breathe. I made it to class, I saw bella and Edward sitting together, I sat behind them since my seat is there. We're watching Romeo and Juliet movie, I fell asleep with my sunglasses on. When I tap waking me up, Bella looked at me worried "teacher is calling you" she said "miss swan would you like to share your thoughts on Romeo and Juliet?" He said yea the movie is shit I thought, my response made Edward smile. "Their both dumb kids that fell in love and died, what else is there to know" I said "so your saying you don't believe in love" he said "there's no such thing of love" I said I glance at Bella. She turned away back at Edward, we kept watching the movie when he called on Edward, and he gave his answer, the almost boring answer ever. After class I walked to my next class, a familiar face stopped me it was Rosalie by herself, "oh god your not going to make me go to Bella's birthday party are you?" I said she smiled wow first time I see her smile "no I'm not, Alice told me you won't going, I'm actually jealous your not going, non like me I have too" she said "sucks for you, I know you don't like my sister. That's one thing we have in common" I smiled "how did you know?" She said "come on, the day I met you guys at our house, she kept making a bitch face to Bella the whole time. Don't lie because I can tell" I said "that's not true" she said lying "your lying I can tell" I said she smiled again "okay your right, I'll see you around, also I'm sorry about jasper" she said I nodded. Emmett join her "hey little swan" he said "really little swan" I said "hey your bells little sister so it's fair" he said "I guess, I'll see y'all around" I said smiling, I wave bye to them.

At night bella went to the cullens house to celebrate her birthday. I spend the night at the house. I watched Tv and did some cleaning, I made some dinner for dad when he comes home from work, after I was done I went to shower. The phone ring "hello" I said "Bella" a woman said on the other line "it's mom honey" "Bella's not here she's celebrating her birthday" I said "oh god Cataleya baby girl it's mom" she said happy "wow you can't even recognized your daughters voice" I said "honey I'm sorry, you sound so different in phone now" she said "yea I mean you never called to say happy birthday to me when it's my birthday! So I can guess why you wouldn't recognize my damn voice! But now that she's here I guess I can expect a call from mommy dearest! I have to go my really parent is here" i said hanging out on here. I can feel my bleed boiling in me, clam down she's not worth it I said to myself.

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