Part- 5 ( The Fragile Girl )

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      Approximately Eleven Minutes Ago

After entering the room, Evelyn began to scan her surroundings with sharp but seductive gazes. She had an incredible ability to mask her curiosity, anxiety, or nervousness with her facial expressions. Her cool, alluring stare could create a delusion in others' minds. The angrier she became, the more her facial expressions transformed into those of a cute, sexy, or happy person, depending on the situation. This talent earned her the nickname 'Chamelyn' (a combination of Chameleon and Evelyn) from the Special Crime Department of New York.

She saw the whole room was decorated with dim purple lights. A fancy couch was placed on the left side, with a designer glass center table in front of it, holding several drink bottles and two glasses.

On the right side of the room, there was a large cage containing a bed for hooking up. The bed was covered with a deep red velvet sheet, two pillows, and four fancy cushions. Beside the bed, sex toys decorated the corner rack, which didn't escape her notice. Romantic music played softly, making the atmosphere more erotic.

She frowned when she noticed two closed doors. She guessed one was a bathroom, but she couldn't understand the purpose of the second door in such a small room.
"Maybe it's a room where they store other sex toys, drugs, or alcohol," she thought to herself, limping as she carefully observed every detail of the room.

But she was forced to stop in the middle of the room when Maria pulled her, holding her waist from behind, and enveloped her in a tight embrace.

Maria then rested her chin on Evelyn's right shoulder and asked in a seductive tone, "Babe, do you like it?"

"I love it." Evelyn replied, smirking.

But, out of the blue, her smirk turned into a groan of pain when Maria grabbed her hair with her right hand and harshly pulled it back.

"What are you doing? It hurts!" she said with pain in her voice, struggling to free herself from Maria's strong grip on her hair.

"That's why I'm doing this. You fucking bitch! Do you think I'm a fool who wouldn't recognize that you're a cop here to catch us?" Maria asked angrily through gritted teeth as she threw her onto the center table, causing it to break into several pieces along with the drink bottles and glasses.

Evelyn's left hand became ensnared by countless pieces of shattered glass as she instinctively shielded her face from being scratched. The pressure of her body weight bore down on her left hand, embedding the glass fragments deep into her skin, eliciting a small scream of agony. Consequently, blood began to trickle from her wounded hand.

Maria asked several questions with a serious expression, tinged with curiosity: "Tell me why you took the case by yourself. What do you know about us, and how much? Who are you?"

But Evelyn didn't reply to her. She lay on the floor like a helpless person who had been injured, fake tears streaming from her eyes as she howled.

At that moment, the second door opened, and a man entered the room, loading bullets into his gun. He was wearing black ripped wide-leg jeans and a white t-shirt.

With a curious look, the man asked Maria, "Who is she?"

"A cop," Maria replied with furious facial expression.

"Today I'll kill you with my bare hands, cutting your body into several pieces. Then, we will throw your body parts in front of your useless police department. They will learn their lessons for betraying us. We never forget to send their commissions every month, so how dare they? How did they not know about the change of plan? They sent a female cop to catch us when they said two male cops would come. They didn't know about the change in their plans.

You know, John, if Morgan hadn't informed me that this girl convinced that bastard to change the plan and send her instead of the two male officers, we would have fallen into her trap," Maria's expression radiated anger, and her eyes were alight with hatred as she spoke to her partner.

After hearing everything, John furrowed his eyebrows and, with a smirk, said in a voice tinged with curiosity, "It means this girl has a special power to convince that bald bastard."

Maria laughed in response, then said in a mocking tone, "It's funny that they gave us wrong information. Besides that, the bald bastard sent a fragile girl to catch us who didn't know how to protect herself. Look at her, groaning in pain just because her hand got several cuts!"

"Oh honey, don't be so cruel to her! First, let me enjoy myself with her. Look at her legs, they're so sexy that I want to play with her all night along. It'll be a great night when she screams in pain while I pound inside her non-stop! " John suggested, laughing as if he had made a great joke.

Maria also laughed in agreement with his perverted demand. Then, with an evil smirk on her lips, she said, "I agree with you, John. She's incredibly beautiful. So I've changed my mind. It'll be fun to record the wild night activities between you two, when she cries for mercy and you increase your speed instead of showing any pity. You can explore your wild kinks with her every day, and we can make more money by selling videos of her wildest sexual encounters."

"I can see you've already read my evil thoughts," John said, laughing. Then he handed the gun to Maria's left hand and winked at her before walking toward his prey.

Evelyn listened to their entire conversation while lying on the floor, pretending to be injured and sobbing continuously. When she sensed John standing behind her, with her right leg positioned between his, without hesitation and without turning around, she forcefully kicked backwards. Her kick landed hard on his crotch, causing him to scream in pain and collapse to the floor, clutching his groin.

She grabbed a broken bottle with her right hand and swiftly threw it at Maria's left hand just as she was about to pull the trigger of the gun. As a result, the gun slipped from Maria's hand and fell to the floor beside John's left leg.

Without delay, both girls' gazes shifted to the gun, and they lunged at John's leg to reach it. A tug-of-war ensued as they struggled for control of the weapon. In that moment, John's grip tightened around Evelyn's neck like a python, forcing her to release her hold on the gun to save herself.

Maria seized the opportunity, scrambling up from the floor with the gun. However, she once again missed her target as Evelyn smoothly rolled across the floor, clutching John's right hand. In the struggle, he ended up lying on Evelyn's back, his strong arm wrapped tightly around her neck.

"John, move!" Maria exclaimed in anger.

Evelyn was almost out of breath, so she closed her eyes to gather strength before striking John's forehead with her head. This forced him to loosen his grip on her neck, allowing her to catch her breath momentarily, though he still maintained his hold.

Maria became restless, so she approached them and grabbed John's t-shirt collar to pull him away from their prey's body, which was obstructing her from killing their target.

At that moment, Evelyn took a piece of broken glass and struck Maria's right ankle, causing her to release John's t-shirt collar and sit on the floor beside her, emitting a small scream.


In the blink of an eye, she stabbed him in the left eye with the broken glass. He released her neck instantly and screamed in pain, lying on the floor on his back while holding his injured eye.

"John!" Maria uttered in a shocked voice, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"You bitch, what have you done?" his words came through clenched teeth, each one marked by visible physical pain.

Maria was about to point the gun at their new enemy, but Evelyn grabbed her hand, initiating another tug of war between them.

After that, they both stood up from the floor, each pulling the other's hand while gripping the gun.

Out of the blue, Evelyn's facial expression darkened into an evil glare as she replied to Maria in a cold, sarcastic tone, "Do you want to see what a fragile girl can do?"

Maria was stunned after witnessing Evelyn's fearless gaze for the first time. Before she could comprehend the meaning of Evelyn's question, Evelyn tightened her grip on the gun, clasping Maria's hands. In the blink of an eye, Evelyn aimed the gun at John and pulled the trigger. The gunshot echoed loudly as the bullet struck John in the middle of his forehead.

"John!" Maria uttered in shock. An evil smirk appeared on the corner of Evelyn's lips as she watched the pain registered on Maria's face. Blood began to flow from John's head to the floor simultaneously.

Evelyn wasted no time. She forcefully struck Maria's nose, causing her to release her grip on the gun and cover her bleeding nose with her palms.

Evelyn knew that people would come there after hearing the gunshot, so she hit Maria's head again with the back of the gun to render her unconscious.

When Maria collapsed unconscious on the floor, Evelyn heard banging on the closed door. She knew time was running out. Quickly, she placed the gun in Maria's palm and smeared her bloody, wounded hand across her own face to disguise herself. Taking a few deep breaths, she then lay down beside John's lifeless body, appearing as though she too had been injured and fainted.


At the parking lot, after loading the stretcher into the ambulance, the EMTs rushed toward the nightclub with Ron, forgetting to lock the door behind them. This oversight allowed Evelyn to escape easily after they left.

Upon reaching the main road, she entered a Yellow Taxi she had rented for the mission, driven by one of her trusted men.

She then arrived at Hotel Orchid where she treated her wounded hand.


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