Sudden Thunder

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Evelyn opened her eyes immediately and took long breaths through her open mouth, panting from her sudden surge of anxiety.

When she recalled the description of Vinson's bruised body, she couldn't stop herself from crying her heart out. She loved him deeply because of his sweet, polite nature. She also loved Edric for the same reason, as both of them were orphans.

A precious moment flashed into her fragile mind like lightning illuminating a darkened sky. It was none other than her dearest daughter's eleventh birthday party at their house.

"Good evening to all my friends and classmates. I hope everyone is enjoying my birthday party. People have often asked me who my best friend is since I started kindergarten, and I would always say that I didn’t have one. But today, I want to introduce you to my best friends. Yes, you heard correctly—best friends, not just one. I have three people in my life who understand my feelings, inspire me in my studies, and, most importantly, would risk their own lives to save mine. I'm blessed that God sent these special angels into my life as my best friends to protect me." As Olivia made her announcement, her voice was alight with happiness and gratitude, and her face was equally expressive of her excitement.

Then she approached the two boys her age, who were standing a little way apart from the other children. They seemed hesitant, their expressions reflecting their uncertainty. Olivia, brimming with confidence and a positive attitude, stood beside them and signaled discreetly with her eyes toward another boy who was quite popular among their friends, especially with the girls.

The third boy responded with a broad smile before walking toward them. He then stood beside Olivia and winked at the other two boys, who were feeling nervous.

Olivia confidently placed the microphone close to her mouth and spoke with a sense of pride, "So, guys, meet my best friends, Leo, Vinson, and Edric. Our friendship will last forever because we are connected by an invisible but unbreakable bond, not only by our hearts but also by our names.

We are 'LOVE': 'L' for Leo, 'O' for Olivia, 'V' for Vinson, and 'E' for Edric, and no one will ever be able to break our friendship." With that, Leo and Olivia held hands with Vinson and Edric as a sign of victory. This was especially meaningful because Vinson and Edric had been bullied at school for being orphans and getting admission based on their merits.

Evelyn and Ronaldo clapped loudly to support their daughter and their friendship. Meanwhile, Vinson looked at Olivia's parents with glittering eyes, silently expressing his gratitude for accepting them as they were and showing how truly happy he felt.

Recalling that treasured yet heartbreaking memory, Evelyn began to cry again, causing her throat to become dry. With trembling hands, she pulled a water bottle from her shoulder bag and attempted to sip from it after removing the cap. Unfortunately, she choked on the water, leading to a rough bout of coughing. Water droplets came out of her mouth and nose, making it difficult for her to breathe comfortably.

She took out some tissue to wipe the water from her nose. She felt as if the pieces of her broken heart were being crushed by something as she recalled the traumatic facial expressions and trembling voice of her daughter when Olivia said, "I never thought the end of 'LOVE' would be this pathetic: three of us are dead, and I have become a soulless body."

She understood how much pain her daughter had endured in the last few days, witnessing the end of 'LOVE'. Her heart pounded like a drum at the thought of the agony her daughter must be feeling in prison, especially the torture inflicted by other prisoners seeking revenge.

"Hold on a little bit, my baby, I'll come to save you," the words came out in a shaky whisper, a result of Evelyn's earlier crying. She closed her eyes for a few minutes to control her emotions. Then she opened her eyes, her expression serious, and wiped the tears from her cheeks with her hands.

She began organizing the items that would help her trespass into Snyder Villa. In her shoulder bag, she placed a lock-picking set, glass cutter, rope, flashlight, boot knife, evidence bags, water bottle, and crowbar. Afterward, she took off her coat and put on a black hoodie. She swapped her sneakers for a new pair she had bought for this specific purpose. She tied her hair into a strong ponytail, then turned it into a bun, securing it with some hair pins she took out from her purse. She put on gloves to avoid leaving any clues behind.

After that, she put on a bucket hat and a mask to hide her face. She opened the car door and got out. Carefully, she placed a tactical folding knife in the back pocket of her jeans. Slinging the shoulder bag over both shoulders, she closed the car with a beep and began walking toward Snyder Villa.


When she arrived at the back gate of Snyder Villa, she saw that it was secured with a thick chain and a lock, even though it was supposed to open with a password. With a deep breath, she pulled out the lock-picking set from her shoulder bag to open the lock. But as soon as she touched it, several flashlights focused on her, and a voice floated in the air, "Ms. Evelyn Taylor, you're under arrest for illegal trespassing into Snyder Villa."


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