Chapter One

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Chapter One

Present Time

Eros Petrakis stood up behind his desk when his sister, Chloe, entered his New York office on Monday morning. He was the executive vice president of Petrakis International Holding Corporation, a multibillion world shipping company that recently joined the global chain of luxury hotels, resorts, casinos, and restaurants. Since he earned his Business Administration degree at Harvard University, he devoted his time to their family business, making it more profitable and competitive around the globe.

"You are late." Eros said firmly while looking at the antique wall clock.

"No, I'm not." Chloe frowned at her brother, following his eyes, then, looked at her Gucci watch. "Your clock is fifteen minutes advance."

He laughed and went to her side. "I always enjoy teasing you. You immediately react, like a scared mouse." He hugged and kissed her cheek, then playfully rumpled her hair.

"Eros, no! You are messing up my hair."

"HAHA! I miss doing this to you." He looked at his sister adoringly.

"That's because you seldom go home since you bought your new mansion."

"A man needs privacy sometimes, little sis."

"I understand, and please...will you stop calling me little sis, I'm a grown-up woman now, okay?"

Eros sneered at her and said. "Okay, as you wish...but you will always be my little sister, it's my job to protect you."

"I'm twenty-one not eleven years old. Stop protecting me, Eros, you are even more protective than Dad."

"I just don't want you getting hurt by anyone, by men in particular." He shrugged and continued. "You are always so fragile, naive and seem so... weak."


"Yes, weak when it comes to men."

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are." He sat down on the couch and patted the space beside him. "I heard you are seriously dating. Is that true?"

Chloe smiled and sat down beside him. "Yes. His name is Martin Lambert, and he is an artist."

"A striving artist. Tsk...tsk...You should be careful in going out with men like that. They are extremely introverted and have idealistic minds."

"I know what you are trying to say, he is not weird okay?"

He smirked. "I'm sure he knows that your family is extremely rich. He could be an opportunist."

"Oh, Eros, Martin is different. You are just like Dad, both of you said the same thing. Just trust me."

"Well, I don't trust him." He shook his head.

Chloe sighed and put her arms together. "You will like Martin once you get to know him."

He grinned and shrugged. "Come, I'll walk you to your new office, then we can start discussing the interior designs of our new luxury hotel in California."

Chloe suddenly felt so excited and at the same time, nervous. Nervous because the new hotel would be the world's most luxurious and grandest hotel, and she would be designing its entire interior. Another thing was that the hotel was a joint venture of Petrakis International Holdings Corporation and Monteiro Land Group Incorporated. She was not against the merger, only the thought of meeting Iñigo Monteiro again in the process of decorating the hotel. She still hates him for what he did to her five years ago.

"Is it done already?" She asked her brother.

"Almost. The building is ninety percent done, and our engineers are doing their best to finish it in three months, in time for summer."

"So, it is ready for furnishing."

"Yes, most of the rooms are ready. That's why we need to talk and schedule your trip there."

"Well, I'm excited to start on it."

"You should be. This is your first project." He smiled at her. "Make us proud of your work, little sis."

"I'll do my very best, big brother." Chloe said, feeling so proud. She just graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design at New York School of Interior Design. Now, she was ready to practice her degree and assume a role in their family business.

Later in Chloe's new office, Eros showed her the blueprint of their new hotel. "This will be the world's most luxurious five-star hotel and beach resort. So we are expecting you to decorate with world class interior designs."

"Of course. Every design should be unique and a masterpiece."

"Yes. Remember, we only have three months before the opening of the hotel."

"Three months?"

Eros chuckled. "I told you, little sis, in time for summer." He touched her shoulder and tapped it slowly. "You can do it, just consider this as a big challenge in your novice career."

"Well, I don't want to waste more time. I have to be in California as soon as possible."

"Yes, you should." Eros agreed.

Two days after, Chloe was aboard the Petrakis jet plane flying to California together with her two male assistants. She was so eager to start with the project that she already made prospective interior designs for the hotel: the wall colors, window treatments, mouldings, ceiling designs, lights, curtains, carpets, beds, pillow patterns, etc. She went beyond cosmetic concerns to ensure that the space would feel harmonious through and through, from its floor plan and architectural envelope to the last nail head, tassel, and tuft.

The moment they arrived at the new hotel, it was already dusk. One of the project engineers, Engr. Ryan Valdez, showed them some parts of the hotel and gave them the details of the project.

Construction was still going on, dust was scattered everywhere. Tiles, paints, electric wires, cement, and other construction materials were on the floor. The whole building even smelled of paint. All rooms were barren, even the lobby was free of furniture or fixtures.

Bunkhouses were made for the workers, employees, and engineers. It was located near the hotel beach. Chloe and her staff, Butch and Rodrick, were introduced to them. She realized she was the only female there.

A special dinner was set by the beach. They continued discussing the status of the construction and the interior designs she planned in decorating the hotel. After dinner, Chloe decided to retire early. She was so tired after two nights of not sleeping well, planning, and making designs and layouts for the hotel.

She left her staff Butch and Rodrick. They would be staying at the bunkhouse with the project engineers.

A young male employee, Luis, showed her to her room. "Miss Petrakis, you will be staying at the loft penthouse. Your luggage is already there."

"Thank you, Luis. Is it fully furnished?"

"Yes. Mr. Monteiro made sure of that. The penthouse is a 2,000-square-foot, multilevel stunner and features a floating glass staircase, two bedrooms, jacuzzi, full kitchen with Wolf and Sub-Zero appliances, dining and living rooms, and a 600-square-foot private roof terrace overlooking California Beach."

Chloe wanted to ask if he was referring to the older or younger Monteiro. Most probably to the older one, Mr. Lucas Monteiro, Iñigo's father. But she decided to set aside her curiosity. She was so tired after the six-hour plane trip and wanted so badly to relax.

She was so relieved when she entered the penthouse. It was indeed fully furnished and beautifully decorated.

"Do you like it Miss Petrakis?" Luis asked her.

"Very much."

"If you need help, there's an intercom that connects you to the bunkhouse." Luis said pointing to the intercom near the main door.

"Okay thanks. Well, I'm so tired. Goodnight, Luis."

"Goodnight, miss."

The moment Chloe was alone, she studied the furniture and interior design of the penthouse. She ascended the floating glass staircase and inspected each bedroom. The master's bedroom was very homey with a big jacuzzi in it. I'm going to sleep here. She thought.

The jacuzzi was so tempting that she suddenly longed to have a relaxing soak in nice, warm water. She felt so sticky and itchy after being exposed to the construction site, but her luggage was still downstairs. She forgot to ask Luis to carry it upstairs. It was a bit heavy because she brought her sample textiles, wood and tile swatches, and other materials. She brought a few dresses since she decided to stay for at least a week only. I'll just carry it later. She said to herself.

At that moment, she wanted to enjoy a nice bath and couldn't wait to get into the tub. She turned the jacuzzi on and went to the master's bedroom to undress. Standing naked in front of a mirror, she twisted her hair in a bun and secured it firmly with a rubber band.

Like a child, feeling so young and carefree, Chloe ran to the jacuzzi and settled herself into it. She enjoyed the water jet movement massaging her back. It eased the stiffness and tension she felt after her long travel.

She leaned her head in the pearl tile and closed her eyes, feeling the pressure of the water on her back.

She must have dozed off because she was dreaming...of a man. She couldn't figure out who he was, but he looked so confident, tall, and so strong. He exuded power and magnificence. He slowly pushed the door open. In the dim light, he saw her lying in the tub. Slowly but surely, he approached the tub.

He looked down at her, looking so young, beautiful, and unbelievably naked in the water. He stood looking at her for several minutes; then he bent over and kissed her on the lips.

She stirred, her eyelids fluttered; then she opened her blue eyes and saw the same eyes of the man who hurt her five years ago.


"Nice to see you again, Chloe." He smiled and stood up. 

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