01 A Little Story

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I hate this system 

Even my ancestor was the one who contributes for the sake of this country 

This is getting worse 

We're being limited to having our rights.  

This social system classifies into 3 classes. One is the upper class, the one who has the right to lead and role, second is middle class, the majority in Britain, and the last is the lower class, the one who never be able to get freedom. 

And the other thing 


We, women, cannot get our own freedom. As my grandma always told me to be a nice lady and marry someone wealthy. 

I am sick of that. 


"Bella!" I call my sister. Her name is Isabella but I always call her Bella. We have different  3 years. 

"I am coming!" She runs down from the stair. "I already told you to not running right? Be careful Dear." 

"I'm sorry sister, I won't do that." 

I kiss her forehead, "Good." 

"Good morning Bella, Elena, and Maria." I greet them. "Hello, Celestine," Elena greet me. I smiled and help her to organize our table for breakfast. 

For today's menu, we eat back bacon with sausages and fried eggs. Our maid, Christie has made it. 

But for me 

It's different. 

'Oh, so you all in here young Ladies?" A beautiful woman in her 60s years comes in. She is my Grandma, Louisa. 

"Hello, Grandma," I greet her, she nodded and sit in her chair. We are following after her. 

"Maybe it's too sudden for you Ladies, I have to go for a business in Paris. But, here I was receiving a letter from the emperor. They will hold a party." said my Grandma. 

"All of us are invited, Grandma? Oh My God!" Maria's face seems so excitedly. 

"We have to buy a new dress!" Bella said too. "I agree," said Maria. 

My Grandma turns into me. "And you, Celestine." 

I nodded, "I understand." 

"But, before I depart tomorrow, I want to ask you, Young Ladies, what kind of things you want?" 

"I want a new dress!" said Maria. 

"A new shoes," said Bella. 

"Same as Maria," said Elena. 

"Okay, all of you can go." My Grandma let my sisters go out. In this room, only myself and my grandma. 

"Am I count too?" ask me. 

"Of course, this is your first time right? I think your age is enough. But I won't let you attend the party." 


Although it's a party, actually it was a social meeting. All nobles gather there to socialize even finding lovers. 

As expected of noble 

"You know the reason right? Because you're a special, Lady.

I nodded. 

"Did you say I'm counting too?" 

"Of course, say to me what kind of things do you want. Oh, I limit it only just three." 

"I hope you think carefully before say it to me." 

"I want a private tutor, a daily newspaper, and money." 

I can see her smirk towards me, "Why is that so sudden?" 

"Maybe I just want to learn to be a proper lady?" I answer with a small laugh. 

"I doubt you can." 

"I do my best." 

"Sure, I will send you draft of noble names. You can choose from it." 

I smiled, "Thank You." 

My Grandma send me a paper contains a lot of nobles name. 

'So many than I thought,' 

Maybe I should choose someone who has an influence? 

According to the newspaper, some nobles arrange a charity for a low classes. They adopt a young child and bring into the family. 

"I don't think this way is effective." 

Put a lower classes into an upper classes? I bet they use them to doing work such as sweeping or cooking or a bunch of works. 

Why I said this? Because I know how the way nobles think. 

They just use them as a tools. 

Apparently, the duchess of some fraction able to use this as a way to raise her popularity. 

"She's so sly," 

And so many Lord of elite families participate, They so fool cause let them into the chaos. 

Knock, knock 

Someone is knocking my room. "Celestine?" 

That's Elena. 

"Come in, I am not locking my room, not yet." She enters my room, take a chair and sit beside me. 

"What are you doing in this late night?" ask her. 

 "I am looking for a private tutor." 

"Why so sudden?" 

I sigh, "You sound like Grandma," 

"I feel like it just a perfect time for me to have a proper tutor. After all I am a lady right?" 

She is smiling towards me, or I should say a smirk? 


Uh, I forget my sister has an ability to deduce something, I won't let her ruin my plan! 

At least for now. 

"Am I lying in your eyes? I never lie to my sister you know?" I said that with sad expression. 

"No dear, I know my little sister tells the truth." 

Huh, perhaps she already now the reason why I want a proper tutor. 

But I still  know that she doesn't know about my plan. 

"Hmm... Do you have a recommendation?" 

"Let me see," 

"How about Marchioness Alicia? She is well educated and has a popularity." 

Are you gotta be kidding me? I don't like a noble who has a scandal! 

"And also Viscountess Marie is good too." 

She is really hate me isn't she?

I just test her about recommend the tutor, she is annoyed with the fact of course. Because Grandma only care about me, not my sisters. 

In the fact, I also envy towards them. They are able to going out and doing something freely. 

Meanwhile me? I have to lock myself in some room with a lot of books. 

I'm glad I still alive until now, how can I ever not stress with my life? 

"Thank you for your recommendation Sis, you can go back to your room." 

Although I said I locked myself into room and friending with a lot of books, I also give a task to my trustable maid. 

"How's the outside?" 

Or you can say 

"How's the noble? What Are they doing? Does an interesting incident happened?" 

"Hmmm... To prevent things that will happen in the future, I will choose..." 

I left my room and go to my grandma's office. 

"Have you decide?" 

I nodded, "Of course Grandma, I decide to choose Lady Isabella." 

"Why you choose Lady Isabella instead others  Marchioness, Viscountess, even Duchess?" 

My Grandma is tricky, she can't be fooled with an easy way. 

"Because I believe learn with Lady Isabella can make me a proper lady." 

"Okay, tomorrow I send the letter to her. Maybe 2 days later you will have a lesson with her." 

I bowed, "Thank You so much." 


Next morning my Grandma left, before she depart, she give me and my sisters things that we want. 

Elena and Maria have a meet up with a famous designer 

Bella goes to the best boutique to buy a pair of shoes, or maybe she designs it by herself. 

I decide to go to British National Museum, not only sightseeing but also reading a book. 

"Go to National Museum." 

"As your wish, Lady." 

After I arrive, I go to meet Mr. Edward, He will guard me to the museum. 

"Good morning Lady, can I help you?" 

"I want to go to the library," I answer it with smile. 

In front of the library, I see a pair of blonde boys. 

I never expect our first meeting in here will become something good in the future... 



Kei is here and I want to add a few things :D

I want to say thank you so much to @TheGeniuses for editing my grammar, you really help me a lot :3 

Later I will publish changes about the chapters too. Thank you so much for enjoying my story! 

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