04 Begin

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Big thanks to @TheGeniuses for editing my story, I really appreciate it! 


inappropriate Language 

Happy reading! 




"As the heir of this family I command you to do it."

"This is the only way..."

"I hope you understand and can cooperate with the plan."

In the cold night, a girl read a mysterious letter, her eyes were empty.

She grabs a silver sword...

"If this is the only way..."

"I shall do it..."




I open my eyes - its morning already. I take a shower and wear a new dress. "What a horrible dream..." I mumble.

Someone knocks at my door.

"Who?" ask me.

"It's me,"

I open the door and see Albert smiling or smirking at me.



"Let's go to the breakfast hall together," said Albert.

Albert brings me to the breakfast hall, I look around and notice something odd.

"You lied..." said me.

"What do you mean I lied?"

"You told me last night, you would bring your brothers for breakfast. But the chairs, it's only 2 of us!"

This man! He is dangerous!

"William has another business while Louis, I'm sorry he is not here..."

I suddenly blank out.




There's a hole


I forgot!

When we first meet, did he introduce himself as William?

"What kind of business?" ask me.

"I don't know..."

I sigh, "Fine..." I decide to take a seat, Albert follows after me.

"What is your true goal Albert?"

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, I envy you, I'm the one who meet William and Louis first."


"I was planning to adopt them but you were faster..."

He laughs. "I'm sorry..."

"No, never mind..." said me.

"So, about the plan..."

"William, no, we, lord of crimes want to set London on fire and turn London into crime filled city."

"Interesting, how will the plan go?"

"All citizens are about to witness the many crimes and deaths that we tailored for them. Which is to say, the city shall be turned into a stage through the crimes, and all the citizens shall be the audience bearing witness those crimes."

"So, make a London into the theatre eh?"

"You get the point, don't you? And the subject matter we shall present our audience will be deaths that most vividly expose the imbalance of the world. It is the death that we choreograph, dramatize, and give significance to that will truly open the eyes of this country's people."

"What a good plan, can't wait for the next one! You should invite me." I smiled. "I hope everything will go well."

"Thank you,"

"Where is everyone going?" ask me when I see people moving already.

"Oh, the ballet performance will be starting." he then takes my hand.

"Let go of my hand!"

"No.." he laughs.

We walk to the other side, because we are first class passengers on this cruise and thus have special seats.

"Take a seat here," said Albert. I nodded.

"Hmmm... so the ballet performance will be changed into murder scene? Are you sure about the plan?"

"Of course, I trust my brother after all."




Celestine looks at me, she thinks I'm suspicious, about the plan, about what I'm doing now. Almost 13 years ago, I did some research about her.

She resembles William

Her intelligence

Her actions

However some of data is missing and some things don't add up

I don't know why

Then she told me.

"Don't ever.... Do anything suspicious to William..."

Her blue eyes glaring at me.

Then she got confused, "Eh? What?"

What is it...?

Isn't she angry?

She directed such a firm voice at me just seconds ago but now

She is back to herself?

"Did I say something?"


"Ah.... The show is already beginning... well I mean the murder show." She smirks and watches it.





I did it again...

It is really hard to move away from the past eh?

The theatre turns into dark and the music stops. A blonde man stabbing someone. All audiences gasping and frightened at the same time. Except Albert and me...

"He's a murderer!"

I see Lord Enders getting angry, he grabs his knife and jumps on to someone but a man with navy hair runs and kicks him away.

A man with navy hair...

"You leave first," I say.

Albert nodded and he left.

I observe the navy haired man, it seems like he knows a thing or two about the forensic. I bet he knows that the corpse died a night before and not now.

I also see a girl with brown hair held in a ponytail beside him.

I suddenly recognize her.

"WHY IS SHE HERE?!" shout me.

What... is happening?!

I thought she was in France?!

How can she ever come back to London and right now why is she here on this ship?

The girl then turns to me and she nods...

'Oh My...'

I decide to go outside




The outside is totally crowded, and we can see Lord Enders trying to run but it was late. He already fell into the ocean.

I can see William smirking from side.

His plan was a success then.

After this incident, the ship returns back to the port.

I saw William and the navy blue man chatting with each other.

Then I decided to leave and go back...




"The rumour is true then." Said my Grandma.

"Thank you for your hard work, you can back now."

"Before that, I want to ask something."

"What is it?"

"How is Bella back in London? I saw her on the ship." I said.

"Is she?"


Grandma is smiling.

"You're the one who doesn't know anything Dear.."

"W-what do you mean?"

"A month ago... she came back to London."

"Couldn't believe my grand daughter would be missing a puzzle piece~"


My grandma really likes to tease me.

"Fine! I will go to my room."

"Wait." Said my grandma.


"Did you find out about that?'

"Find out about what?"

"Your friend being an enemy while your enemy being your ally. Do you know what that means Celestine?"

I'm speechless

"Judging by your expression now, you understand. It seems like you have found out?" she smirks.

"This is the reason why I signed you up for this task."

I decide to leave the room and walk to my room




What is it?!

What the hell is going on?!

First the dream

And then the puzzle piece I missed!

I have to find it!

I will find it!




Hello! Kei is here! This is chapter 4 and maybe you realize the game has already started! I hope you guys enjoying this! 

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