2. 𝚠𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗

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This morning I woke up with a positive mindset.
"I will get hired!"
I thought. I had the confidence in me that didn't seem to occur on any other morning. I turn to look at my clock ⏰


I get up and race to the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and hair today I let my hair loose because I didn't have time to tie it in an elastic band. Instead, I put a cute mustard coloured headband on. My long hair looked beautiful but amber always told me that it would look better if I cut it up to my shoulders.

I look at the clock 🕰
I run out of the house not bothering about breakfast.

Mirae finally made it. she was at Jeon Corp.

"wait wasn't this That Jungkook guy's company??"

She turned around and was about to leave but she decided to take every chance possible. she needed to pay her landlord soon and it would only be possible if Mirae and amber pay it together. which meant she NEEDED a job. and fast. So she walked through those doors anyway and went to the reception lady at the desk. she was extremely pretty with blond hair

(it's Sana uwu :))))

"excuse me I'm here for a job interview?"

"oh yes, this way," the pretty blond lady said

she leads Mirae into a room full of other people waiting to be interviewed as well. Mirae sat on the chair at the very back since it was the only chair left.


I walk in and see many people just like me looking for a job. one by one they go into what seems like Jungkook's office. most of them look disappointed when they come out though.

"Why did I even bother to come" I mutter

I was about to turn around and leave the office to go to the next interview when--

"Uhh, Jung Mirae? Please enter Mr Jeon's office." the same blond lady announced when I walked over to her she said

"go straight then turn right"

oh god, I'm bad with directions. I thought to myself. I just smile and nod and tried to figure out where she was pointing to.

"straight then left. I mean right."

I finally made my way to his cabin and saw his name engraved on metal which hung on the door

"CEO Jeon Jungkook"

I knock on the door while clenching the folder I had with my hard.

"Come in"

says a deep voice from inside


I say in a sweet but clear voice. I bow 90º.

"Mirae?, I didn't know I would see you again!" he sounded almost sounding cheerful.

I was still looking at my feet. if I looked up then I would have to look at him...

And if I looked at him then I wouldn't be able to look away.

"Aish, so embarrassing," I thought to my self.

I realised I was still standing so I walked over to his desk and sat down on the chair opposite him. I gave him my folder which had all my details in it.I still had not raised my head and realised that I was being impolite and immature so I raised my head to look at him...

His face looks perfect.... everything about him looks perfect.....

"Aish what am I doing?" I think to myself and slap my own face for the second time in front of him...Oh crap, what have I done......



I was holding interviews today because since the company was growing we needed more workers to handle all the work. And today Mirae walked in. What? did she need a job?

Ever since I first saw her I couldn't stop thinking about her face. she was a true beauty. true beauty without the excessive amount of makeup. she was graceful and beautiful. And I haven't said that about a girl in 3 years... I feel that if she cut her hair short and wore contacts instead of her round-rimmed glasses she would look more pretty. as she is ruining her whole vibe with those glasses.

So many girls try to hit on me every day...just because of my looks and money. I'm sure every single female employee that has worked at my company has tried to hit on me but I just told them off with a warning. none of them meets the standards of what I want in a girl.

But this Mirae girl is so... different.? she doesn't even know who I am! everyone knows who I am I'm literally everywhere!! How could she not even care about meeting me? I guess that is what I liked about her.

last night I couldn't sleep because I couldn't get her face out of my mind. And now that I'm seeing her again...I'm realising that I like her...

She suddenly slaps her face.

"Are you alright Ms Jung?" I ask

"uhh yes" she stutters and looks don't her feet.

cute, I think to myself, I noticed that she did the same thing last night too. guess she does that to snap out of her thoughts. she seems to do a lot of thinking.

I looked at her again. Her cheeks were flushed red. and she was looking at the floor... again


I decide to break the tension in the room










"Jung Mirae you're hired, you start tomorrow..."












cya in the next chapter.❤︎

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