10. Strong Like Her

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We passed through the portal, entering hell in a burst of heat. "Who goes there!" A very familiar voice shouted, followed by a loud roar. We pulled to a halt as Cerberus lunged forward, landing inches in front of us. The beast paused in his growl though as he caught sight of Jellal, immediately licking his face and nearly knocking him over. "Jellal?" Erza called before jumping down from the demons back. She seemed startled as she saw the rest of us. "What are you all doing here?" She questioned as she sheathed her sword. "We need your help," Jellal said as he gently took her hands.

After explaining everything that had happened in the past month, she nodded, her face set in a hard mask. "What can I do?" I stepped forward, "We need into Lucifers chamber, to be sure they havn't found a way inside or had any contact with him." Erza nodded, spinning on her heal and leading us deeper into hell. The heat was not nearly as stifling as last time, and I didn't feel as weak. As we walked, I noticed small talismans here and there, they read purity. They made the space more bearable for us angels, though I didn't want to test how long they would work.

Erza stopped in front of the large sealed gate, a staff materializing in her hand. She pointed it forward till it just kissed the seal, and with a loud click, the gates swung open. "I can not keep this open long, please hurry." She said as she turned away, keeping her guard up for any intruding demons. We entered quickly, gliding down on our wings to speed our descent. The room burned just like before, and I felt like I was choking on the air itself. We spread out to cover more ground, and my eyes caught sight of the sacrificial table. I felt my stomach turn at the memory of Levy strapped to that table, screaming as the metal burned her skin and she bled out. Remembering how I had stabbed her. How this would be our sons fate if we didn't find him.

I felt a growl rip through my throat before I stomped forward, getting back to the task at hand. I wasn't sure how long we wandered before the heat and magic got too much, and we left. "Not a damn thing," I seethed as Erza sealed the gate. "Where would they have gone?" Juvia pondered, fist on her chin. "We've checked everywhere, there's no sign of them." Gray said quietly. None of this was helping the fear in my gut, my heart aching at the thought of Waylen scared and alone. In anger and frustration, I slammed my fist into the wall, startling everyone into silence. "Open the portal Jellal," I said quietly.

He did as I asked, and I didn't wait before returning to the human world. I returned to our house and began to look around for any signs. I had been to focused with Levy, but now I had a good look of things. I examined the damage in the house, doing my best to ignore the souring of my gut when I came across Levys blood in the kitchen. I had seen enough of it in my life time. When I couldn't find anything of use I turned to leave. "Gajeel." I paused as Mavis called, and I looked up to the ceiling. "I may be able to find Waylen."


I couldn't help but whimper in pain as I slowly came to. My head was pounding, and my shoulders ached from where, my arms were tied behind my back. I tried to remember what had happened, mom brought me home from school, I went into my room, there was a roar... I gasped. Mom!! I tried to stand before crying out in pain as my wings seemed to tear. I glanced over my shoulder to see my wings pierced and chained together, keeping my grounded. It didn't matter to me though, as I tried to struggle against my binds. Mom needs help! She hurt, she could be dying!!

I felt tears prick my eyes as I remembered, the cracking of her hitting the tile, so much blood, the demon snapping her shoulder. I felt like I was going to be sick. A loud thudding sound drew my attention, and I finally got a look at my surroundings. We were on the edge of a forest, over looking a small cliff, if you could call it that. A large clearing rested on the edge of the cliff, and there was a large group of demons surrounding it. The thudding sound I had heard were the footsteps of the demon who had captured me.

I glared up at him as he stopped in front of me and he chuckled, "Finally awake Halfling?" I growled slightly, "What the hell do you want with me?" He laughed at that and it sent my nerves on edge. "You will be the gift we use to bring back out lord Lucifer. You should feel honored. Your mother refused it many years ago, and now it has fallen to you. Her spawn." He growled out. I felt myself shake as I glared at him, "I... I refuse it too! I will never let you use me!" Again, the demon laughed. "And what will you do about it?"

I couldn't help but smirk. "I am my mothers son. You really think I'll make it easy? Just watch, she'll come for me. She and my dad. They'll both kick your ass," I had started to feel brave with my words. I knew I had been wrong about mom before, none of this was her fault, I had just been angry and taken it out on her. I had to get away from these demons, I had to find her and apologize. However, the demons laughter had all of my bravery draining away. "Your precious mother is as good as dead boy. And the only thing Gabriel will find of you, is your corpse." I felt a chill run through me as he laughed again before rejoining the others.

I curled in on myself as much as I could, biting back a cry as my wings tried to tear from the chains. Mom can't be dead, she's too strong! Dad will find her, he'll protect her like always!! I tried to tell myself this, but I had seen her. She could barely lift her head and yet she fought with all she had. And so would I.

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