12. Remembrance

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I watched out of the bedroom window, curled up as much as I could be in the window seat. I watched the skies hoping, hell, even praying that the others might return with Waylen. It had been two weeks since we had heard from Mavis about the demons waiting for Waylens birthday, and the others had been searching non stop. It was wearing on everyone, but especially Gajeel. He hardly slept, his shoulders sagged more and more with each passing day, as if the worry was a weight itself.

I felt so useless, being unable to help in the search and I had only recently been able to get out of bed, but I had to use crutches. All I wanted was to find my son, my baby, and I couldn't even do that. I bit my lip as I thought back to our last conversation, and it had been a fight. Will that be my last memory of him? No, I couldn't think like that, I had to think of happier times, when we had been happy. As I watched, the others had returned, and watching Gajeel fly brought back a very special memory.

When we had taught Waylen to fly.


The sun was bright, the sky was clear, and the fresh spring breeze danced through my hair as I walked to the small clearing near our house. Waylen, barely five years old, was settled onto my hip. His tiny arms around my neck as I held him to me with my left arm, as well as my tail securely around his waist. Gajeel, who was slightly ahead of us, turned with a large grin, "You ready kiddo?" He asked brightly. Waylen, the shy sweetheart he was, mearly nodded slightly. Gajeel grinned again before lightly ruffling the boys hair, causing him to smile brightly.

Gajeel turned again, walking several feet away before jumping skyward and hovering. He was not far off the ground, I could have jumped and latched onto him if I really wanted to. It was a starting distance for Waylen, something that shouldn't be too much of a strain for him. "Are you ready sweetheart?" I asked him gently. Waylen looked up at Gajeel who waited patiently, tightening his arms slightly as he noticed the distance. "It's really far..." He whispered. I smiled and rested my chin on his head.

"It seems so doesn't it?" I said with a small smile. "Do you really think I can make it?" He asked nervously. I pulled away slightly so that we could look at each other, "I believe in you Waylen. You can do anything your little heart desires." I said it with as much conviction as I could muster, because I believed it to be absolutely true. Waylen had so much potential, I could feel it in my bones.

He looked up at his father again, and I could see the determination settle into his features before he looked back at me. "You'll catch me if I fall right?" I grinned at him before kissing his cheek. "Always."


I jumped slightly two arms around my shoulders brought me back into reality. Gajeel laid his forehead gently on my back as he held me, "I'm sorry Lev... Nothing again." He sounded so broken it hurt, and I mentally slapped myself. Gajeel has been out there day and night searching, and you had the slightest thought of giving up! I was ashamed of myself. I reached up and gripped Gajeels hand as tightly as I could, "We'll find him Gajeel." Gajeel let out a shaky breath, "Levy. Waylens birthday is in twelve hours. We have been everywhere, and there hasn't been a sign. Pantherlily even checked in other countries for us." He sounded like he was loosing hope, but I wouldn't let him. I would hope strong enough for the both of us. "Gajeel, I will not lose hope. Waylen needs us, we can't lose hope."

Gajeel was quiet for a moment before he let out a shaky laugh, "I'm a mess aren't I? I can't believe I was actually..." I shook my head an pat his arm. "You're tired honey. Try and sleep for a few hours, then we will all go looking. I wont be left behind anymore," I turned in his arms to look at him and smiled softly. Gajeel chuckled and shook his head slightly, "I'd try to talk you out of it, but it wouldn't work." I snorted. "Damn right. Now get some rest," I demanded. Gajeel nodded before giving me a gentle kiss and moving to the bed for some well needed rest.


Where am I? I looked around in confusion, I was surrounded by nothing but woods, and I could hear the sound of fire crackling. Why aren't I home? I had just gone to bed!! Did they come for me too?! I started panicking, taking off for the sound of the warm fire. I burst out of the trees into an open clearing, a large bonfire sat in the center, but there was no one around. No one, but a small figure curled up against a cluster of rocks. "Waylen!" I screamed, running towards him.

His head snapped up, and I nearly stumbled. His right eye was slightly swollen, and his lip was busted. He sported several bruises and his wings were chained together, the once snow white feathers now stained crimson. "Karyn get away from here!" He shouted, panicked. I shook my head as I ran again, kneeling beside him. I reached to undo his chains but gasped, as my fingers slipped right through them. I tried again and again to grab his chains but it was if they weren't actually there.

"What's going on?!" I nearly roared, trying desperately to free him to no avail. Waylen shook his head as he turned to curl back up, "Just let me sleep..." he sighed. I was ready to shout at him, when it suddenly occurred to me, and I slapped my forehead. "Sleep!" I shouted, causing Waylen to jump. "Waylen, you are asleep! And so am I!" I gasped, though Waylen only looked puzzled. "I think you've gone crazy. Or maybe I have." he mumbled the last part. I shook my head quickly, "Listen! Mom told me that, if a succubus is close to someone, on rare occasions they can enter their dreams! I'm in your dream right now!!"

I could see Waylens confused looked slowly form into understanding, and suddenly his chains vanished. "You can control your own dream," he murmured before pulling himself to his feet as I nodded excitedly. I pulled him into a tight hug before holding him at arms length. "Waylen, is this where they have you?" I asked, motioning to the clearing that sat on the edge of a cliff. He nodded and I grinned. "I know where this is!! I can lead them here!" I shouted and Waylen grinned before it dimmed slightly. "Karyn, hows my mom? Dad?" he asked worriedly and I smiled, "Aunt Levy is in rough shape but she's on the mend. Uncle Gajeel is tired and scared for you, though I don't think he'd admit it." Waylen nodded and I hugged him once more. "Hang in there Way, help is on the way.

Everything went black before I sat bolt up right in bed, gasping with my sheets tangled around me. I struggled out of bed, falling before untangling my legs. I bolted out of my room. "Mom!!"

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