15. Returning to Normal

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{Alright my lovely hatchlings, from here on out it is fluffy goodness! Plus a little extra ;)}


"What are you doing, Lev?" I startled at the sound of Gajeel's voice and his gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Just watching him," I answered, smiling fondly at my sleeping son. It had been three days since we had brought Waylen home, and he would be going back to school that morning. I had made it a habit of watching him sleep after I woke up, taking in the sight of him and letting the relief continue to wash over me that we had him home. And that's where he would stay.

"If you don't wake him up, he'll be late for school," Gajeel chuckled, wrapping his arms around me and planting a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"I know," I sighed. "He's just grown so much, and I'm afraid of sending him back to those little assholes."

"He'll be alright," Gajeel reassured me. "Those kids have nothing on him anymore. And if they bother him, he can say that his parents kicked most of their parents' asses."

To that, I chuckled. "You're right."

"I'm going to go get breakfast started," he said, giving me another kiss before heading to the kitchen.

"Waylen," I murmured, shaking him gently awake. "It's time to wake up, honey."

He grumbled something inaudible before yawning loudly and opening his eyes. "Morning, mom," he said, smiling.

"Good morning," I giggled, kissing him on the forehead. "Get ready, I'll meet you in the kitchen, alright?"

He nodded, getting out of bed as I left the room. In just a few minutes, he met us in the kitchen. "That smells great!" He gasped, piling his plate with eggs and bacon.

We chatted happily as the three of us ate, Gajeel telling us how the cleanup was going with the rest of Lucifer's followers. It seems that most of them had come out of hiding during the last attack, hoping to overpower us finally and bring back Lucifer. When they had failed, resulting in most of the group's death, the others had given up their cause and fled back to the underworld.

"Alright, Waylen, ready to go?" I asked as Gajeel cleaned the table off.

"Yeah," he nodded.


Waylen quickly went back to his room to get his school supplies, but paused when he reached the kitchen. He looked worried about something, and he had a small frown on his face.

"What's wrong, pipsqueak?" I asked, ruffling his hair.

"I-I'm a little nervous going back," he admitted, much to our surprise. "What if everything's exactly the same as it was before?"

"Come here," Levy told him, crouching down and pulling him into her arms. "Everything is going to be just fine, alright?" When she hugged him, she whispered something in his ear, kissing his cheek when she was finished and straightening.

"You sure?" He asked, looking up at her. She answered with a smile and a nod.

I shot her a questioning glance, to which she just responded with a small smirk and a wink. Shrugging, I flew Waylen to school, giving him a tight hug before he ran off to meet up with Karyn inside the building.

"What did you say to Waylen?" I asked Levy once I returned home.

"Oh, nothing," she sang, washing dishes.

"Whatever it was, it worked. He seemed less nervous to go to school than he has in a long time."

"That's just a mother's gift, I suppose," she smirked.

"And what's a wife's gift?" I chuckled, pulling her into my arms and kissing her.

She giggled, poking me on the nose. "Oh, that I would have to show you."

"Well then, let's-"

"Levy! Gajeel!" Cana shouted, bursting in through the front door.

"Damn it, woman! Don't you know how to use a telephone?!" I growled, releasing Levy.

"Lucy went into labor!" She exclaimed, completely ignoring me.

"What?!" Levy and I gasped together.

We followed her to Lucy and Natsu's house, the three of us flying as fast as we could. Natsu was in a panic by the time we arrived, running around like an idiot trying to make her comfortable and gathering he thought she might need.

"Enough of that," I snapped, grabbing the back of his scarf and throwing him into a chair. "Sit the hell down."

"Where is she?" Levy asked Laxus who was sitting on the sofa.

"In the bedroom. We moved her in there because they had everything ready for when she finally went into labor. We were just waiting on you two."

"Us?" I asked, confused.

"I'm helping Cana deliver the twins," Levy informed me, "and you're supposed to keep Natsu out of there until we're done."

"And in case it takes a while, you're picking up the kids from school," Cana added.

"Basically, I'm the babysitter," I grinned.

Cana smirked, "basically." A cry from the bedroom had Levy and Cana rushing off down the hallway.

When Natsu moved to get out of the chair, I shoved him back down into it. "Stay put, Salamander. They both know what they're doin', so leave it to them."

Over three hours later, Natsu sighed loudly, leaning back in his chair. "I still think I should be allowed in there," he complained.

"Well you're not, so get over it," I snapped.

"Having a lot of nervous energy in there will just make Lucy even more nervous, so it's best just to wait out here," Laxus added.

"Yeah," I chuckled, "take it from someone who knows. Cana about ripped his damned arm off when she had Karyn."

Laxus shivered. "I thought I was going to die that day."

"How was Levy?" Natsu asked, laughing at Laxus.

I felt my expression darken as I stared at my hands. I could still fell her iron grip on both of them. "She broke my damned index finger," I finally said.

Natsu burst into laughter and Laxus gave me a pitying slap on the back.

The three of us fell silent when we suddenly heard a small cry from the bedroom. A few minutes later came another one, the two little voices carrying up the hallway. Natsu stood when someone approached, and a very exhausted Cana appeared.

"You can come back now," she said. The three of us followed her, Natsu practically pushing her out of the way to reach his wife.

"Hey Luce," he said, gently, kissing her on the forehead. "How do you feel?"

"Pretty bad," she admitted with a weak chuckle. She was holding two small bundles, and smiled down at them. "A boy and a girl," she said, answering all of our silent questions.

"Can I?" He asked. She smiled and nodded, handing him one of the bundles.

"They're absolutely beautiful, Lu," Levy told her.

"Thanks," she sighed, trying not to yawn.

"We should let her rest," Cana said. Natsu took the other bundle and returned with the rest of us to the living room.

After about another hour, Gray, Juvia, Erza, and Jellal arrived to meet the newest additions to the Dragneel family. Erza and Jellal also announced their engagement before they left, Erza needing to return to the underworld.

Levy sighed as we left Natsu and Lucy's house when it was time to pick up Waylen from school. "I miss Waylen being a baby," she said.

"How about we have another, then?"

She looked at me, startled. "Really?"

"Really," I nodded, smiling.

"We should talk it over with Waylen first, though," she said, returning my smile. "It's only right, since he's thirteen now."

"I bet he'd be excited to have a little brother or sister."

"Probably," she giggled.

"We should-" The words died on my tongue when we reached the school. I stared it in open-mouthed shock as we landed. "What the hell?" Bits of the school seemed to be destroyed, and several areas were smoking.

"Mom! Dad!" Waylen shouted. He was grinning like the devil as he ran over to us, his hair sticking up all over his head, slightly smoking. His face was black from smoke, and his clothes looked singed.

"What the hell?!" I repeated, gaping down at him. I looked over when I heard Levy chuckle, and she winked at me again.

"Did you see what I did?!" He asked, excitedly.


He nodded. "Mom told me if those guys bothered me to use my new powers and show 'em who's boss!" He exclaimed, still grinning.

Pride was practically radiating off of Levy as she pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his singed hair. "That's absolutely brilliant, Waylen," she told him.

I sighed, chuckling as ruffled his hair. "I can't say I encourage you to destroy the school very often, but you seemed to do a good job of it, pipsqueak." He beamed up at me, his tail swishing behind him.

"Let's head back to Lucy's," Levy said. "I'm sure Waylen would like to meet his new cousins."

"Lucy had the twins?!" He asked, his eyes growing wide.

"A little boy and a little girl," I nodded.

As we flew back to Lucy and Natsu's, Waylen told us all about his prank on the school, his spirits high. He also reacted excitedly when asked about having a younger sibling, informing us that he'd teach them all sorts of magic and pranks.

"I think we have his permission," Levy whispered with a giggle.

I grabbed her hand, smiling, "then let's have another baby."

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