8. Mortal Coil

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There was only a split second of dead silence before the demon roared, the sound alone nearly sending me to my knees. I lunged forward, energy blades in hand as I soared across the room. My swords bit into its chest before he bashed me away and sending me through the living room wall. I groaned as I sat up, pulling myself from the debris. "Just what the hell are you?" I snarled as it lumbered towards me, its arms nearly dragging the ground. "It matters not," it muttered past teeth that were nearly too large for its mouth. "Know only that I will end you, and take the boy with me."

I snarled as I began gathering energy around me, causing picture frames and shelves to shake on the wall. "You will not lay a filthy paw on my son," I growled. "Mom? What's going on?!" I tensed as Waylen finally left his room, Of all the times! "Waylen stay-" the demon took advantage of my distraction as he dashed forward, claws lashing across my chest and sending me flying again. "Mom!!" Waylen screamed as I hastily picked myself up, wincing at the pain in my chest. They weren't deep, a few hours at most to heal, but they still stung. I glanced up as I heard small feet on the stairs, and gasped as the demon made for Waylen as he came down the stairs.

I shot forward, using some of my magic to gain speed before slamming into the demon. I stabbed my sword through his gut before he knocked me away again, though it wasn't as hard. I righted myself, backing up until I felt Waylen behind me. I reached back and firmly yet gently grabbed his hand, "Honey, I'm sorry." I said quietly as I felt him shake. "I never meant to bring you into this. I just wanted you to be happy, like you used to be." I glanced back at him and smiled softly, "I love you Waylen. And I promise, I will do everything in my power to protect you." His eyes began to tear up before he nodded, squeezing my hand tightly before letting go.

I turned back to the demon as he finally stood, having removed my blade from his stomach. "I want you to stay in the staircase closet, and don't come out until I say." I felt Waylen nod against my back before he moved, and I listened as he got inside. "I've played enough with you Geist," the demon snarled before bringing his clawed hand up. A nasty looking purple liquid began seeping from his claws, and the smell was none too pleasant either. He moved forward again and I gasped, He's gotten faster!? I ducked underneath his swiping claw, using a blast of energy to knock him away. I slashed down with my sword, causing an energy wave to shoot forward, taking out almost the entire front of the house. The dust began to clear, and I was not prepared for what happened next.

The demon was right in front of me, and I had no time to move, I barely had time to blink. His claw pierced my side, and I was immediately consumed by a burning pain, my skin felt like it was on fire. I screamed as his foot slammed into the very side he punctured, and I was slammed with such great force into the wall I was sure something was broken. That worried me immediately because I never got broken bones from a single kick, it took much more than that.

I slide to the ground clutching my wounded side, and everything felt wrong. I couldn't feel the weight of my wings or my tail, Am I paralyzed? No, I could move, but just barely. I managed to pull myself to my feet only to come face to face with the demon. He grabbed my face and lifted me off my feet so we were eye level. His claws dug into my cheeks, though now they were no longer dripping poison. He threw me through the kitchen wall and I landed on the hard tile with a crack. I could barely focus, pain wracked every inch of my body and breathing was becoming a chore. Why am I so weak?!

The demon strolled into the kitchen, stopping beside me and placing a foot on my shoulder before stomping down with all of his strength. I cried out as my shoulder dislocated and I tried to crawl away, but I had no more energy. "Leave her alone!!" A small voice cried, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. "Waylen... Run..." I gasped out, my throat raw. I saw Waylen run at the demon with a bat, that mearly snapped in two on contact. The demon laughed before grabbing onto his hair and lifting him into the air. Waylens pained scream made my heart clench and I used all of my strength to try and stand. "Let go... Of my son!" The demon mearly laughed again before lifting his foot off of my back, only to send it straight into my head.


I wiped the sweat from my face as I finally got a break in the fighting, glancing around me. There were just so damn many. I winced slightly as I felt the scar on my arm burn, glancing down at the faint claw marks. I rubbed them slightly, hoping to get the burning to stop. "Gajeel!" I jumped as Mavis nearly screamed in my head. "I'm working on it woman!" I yelled, turning to face the mass of demons, before I blinked. They were vanishing.

"It was a trap, you must return home now!" I frowned, as did the other angels who could hear her. "What are you going on about?" Gray asked as he wiped his forehead. "Waylen and Levy have been attacked, you must return quickly." I felt my heart stop in my chest, and I didn't wait for the others before taking off into the air. I should have known! I should never have left them! I flew all the faster, and my arm burned once more. I could almost hear that bastard laughing.

The flight took hours, and ever second was like another knife of panic through my heart. My arm had eventually stopped burning, and for some reason it had my gut twisting in fear. My heart nearly plummeted as the house finally came into view. The front door was non-existent and part of the front had been blasted away, by what I couldn't tell. I landed with a stumble, going too fast for my feet to catch me right as I ran inside. "Levy! Waylen!!" Even to my own ears, my voice had never sounded so panicked. The house was destroyed, one of the living room walls was gone, pictures were on the floor and there was a strange smell on the air. I followed the destruction to the kitchen, and my heart stopped.

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