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Finally arriving at home, Oscar let out a sigh of relief as he shrugged his black leather jacket off and threw his keys into the bowl.

He was exhausted, to say the least.

The club had been exceptionally busy, and all the twenty-two-year-old could focus on was August.

The innocent little angel who couldn't help but need saving.

Not that Oscar minded playing the hero.

Walking through the dark corridors, Oscar couldn't help but let out a gasp as a little body collided with his legs.

"Shit," Oscar mumbled, reaching down to steady his little sister, who was visibly distraught.

"Hey, hey, pretty girl." He cooed, turning on the hallway lights and then scooping Charlie up onto his hip.

Oscar frowned at his little sister's crying state.

There was nothing worse than seeing his baby girl cry.

It hurt him to know that she wasn't happy.

"Why is my little mouse so upset, hmm?" The brother soothed, gently rubbing her back in hopes of getting the tears to stop.

"I-I didn't mean t-to." Was all the little thing could stutter out before bursting into a fresh set of sobs.

Not wanting to wake anyone up, Oscar gently leaned Charlie's head onto his chest and made his way up to his room.

As soon as he walked in, Oscar kicked off his shoes and then placed himself at the top of the bed, his back resting against the headboard while Charlie remained cuddled into his chest.

"I need you to breathe for me, sweetheart." The older brother mumbled into Charlie's hair as she began to get hysterical.

"Take deep breaths, Charlie. In and out."

Charlie listened to her older brother and shakily breathed in and out until her cries slowed down.

"That's it. Good girl." Oscar cooed, placing a loving kiss onto her forehead.

"Now, are you going to tell me what's got you so upset?"

Charlie nodded hesitantly, her breaths still shaky.

"I-I did something b-bad." She started, beginning to get upset again.

"Something r-really ​really b-bad and n-now A-atlas hates m-me."

Oscar looked down in confusion at his hysterical little sister.

"Charlie, baby. Atlas could never hate you. Why would you think that?" He asked, curious to know what had angered Atlas so much to make Charlie think to such a horrible extent.

"I b-broke something important b-by a-accident." She whimpered shamefully.

The little girl had a heart of gold.

Charlie hated upsetting anyone, her brothers in particular.

The thought of losing them because of anything was haunting for the five-year-old.

Her brothers were her everything now.

"What did you break?" Oscar asked in the softest tone he could possibly produce.

"A p-photo. Of At-Atty and a- a girl." Charlie answered, not being able to stop herself from using the nickname she gave her brother years ago.

Oscar suddenly understood.

He understood why his younger brother exploded at Charlie, even though he shouldn't have.

Oscar knew what the photo meant to Atlas and how important it really was.

But he also knew that Atlas reacting the way he did and making Charlie feel the way she felt was fucked up.

He was a fucked up boy after all. And that wasn't completely his fault.

"Charlie," Oscar spoke in a gentle sigh, reaching for her little hand and gently squeezed it.

"Darling, Atlas doesn't hate you. He never has and never will." Oscar said, using his finger to pull Charlie's chin up to face him and meet his eyes.

"Your brother is just angry right now and a little upset. And when we get angry or upset, we tend to do things without thinking of the consequences or how it affects others.
Do you get where I'm going with this?"

Charlie gave a small nod, taking in her brother's words.

"I know you didn't mean to break the photo, and I'm sure Atlas does too. But whatever he said, he said it out of pain. That doesn't mean what he did was right, though. I really need you to know, baby, that none of the mean things he said are true. You, my sweet, ​sweet ​girl, are so loved. Do you understand me?"

Oscar had never spoken more honestly.

He meant every single word and hoped Charlie knew that too.

Charlie nodded once again, giving him a whisper of a "yes." She was still feeling incredibly guilty for what she had done and was still hurt by Atlas' words, but now she understood why he snapped the way he did.

"Now," Oscar started, a grin forming on his face. "I know a baby mouse who is up way past her bedtime." He spoke exaggeratedly, dragging out the word "way."

Charlie looked up to Oscar with the most innocent puppy eyes she could possibly produce. "C-can I please s-stay with you? Please?"

"Yes, sweetheart. Are you ready for bed?" Oscar smiled, stroking her wild hair.

Charlie nodded at his question, giggling as he placed kiss after kiss onto her cheeks.

"Hmm, do you have your pajamas on?" Charlie once again nodded at the question, jumping up to show him her adorable polka-dotted pajamas.

"Have you... brushed your teeth?" He asked, getting a fast "yes" in reply.

"What about a bath? You're getting a little stinky." Oscar teased, gaining an angry little glare from his sister. "Yes, Leo made me take one earlier," Charlie exclaimed.

Oscar nodded, giving his sister a mischievous grin before grabbing her and rubbing his nose into her little rosy cheeks and neck, causing the girl to fall into a fit of giggles.

"I think you're lying to me, Bubba. You smell a little yucky." He teased, carrying on with the ticklish action.

Oscar stopped before Charlie's laughter grew too loud, not wanting to get the five-year-old too excited before bed.

"Right, into bed now. It's way past your bedtime." Oscar spoke, grabbing the comfy duvet off the bed so Charlie could crawl under.

Oscar changed into a pair of sweatpants before switching off the lights and getting in, cuddling Charlie close.

"Night-night, baby girl."

"Could you please pass me the yellow crayon, M-mason?" Charlie asked shyly.

"Sure! Here you go, fairy." Mason smiled kindly, passing over the crayon.

"Why don't I get a nickname?" Mia suddenly piped up, amused as she watched Charlie blush.

The three were sitting outside under a large wooden play structure.

Mia had declared it their special hideout and warned that anyone who tried to enter would have to face her furious wrath.

She was a little crazy.

"You don't get a nickname 'cause you're always mean to me! I could call you Mad Mia if you'd like, but I don't think-" Mason was interrupted as a box of crayons were launched at his head.

Charlie giggled at her two friends' antics. She really loved her new friends. They were a perfect mix of crazy and calm.

Mason gave Charlie a playful glare as he dodged another box of flying crayons.

"This isn't funny." He pouted, not being able to stop himself from letting out a little giggle of his own. Charlie's giggles were contagious, after all.

Soon the three friends found themselves all giggling their little hearts out for no particular reason at all.

School wasn't so bad anymore.

August was conflicted.

He was currently standing outside the club he found himself at last night.

He was so grateful for Oscar's help.

August's kindness acted as both his strength and his weakness for the boy, and his innocence never made him think that the drink the men had offered him would be spiked.

August preferred to see the best in everyone, but that often landed him in trouble.

His ex-boyfriend was evidence of that.

Putting on a brave face, August made his way into the club in hopes of finding Oscar.

It looked so different in the day. Everything was lit up by the natural light coming in from the large windows and made everything more visible.

It felt safer, but evidently more a lot duller.

August walked over to the bar, hoping the bartender would lead him to the man who had saved him last night.

"I thought I told you not to come back here?" A stern but playful voice spoke beside him.

August turned and looked up to see a smirking Oscar standing behind the bar, drying a martini glass.

He looked very handsome, wearing a tight black t-shirt that hugged his body perfectly and was paired with dark jeans that hung on his hips sexily.

"H-hi, Oscar." The boy whispered sheepishly. He could feel a blush had begun to spread across his cheeks.

"Hello, love."

August was now bright pink.

Oscar loved that he could make August blush with the use of such a simple endearment. It made him want to call the innocent boy sweet names all the time.

Snapping out of his shy daze, August remembered his reason for coming to the club.

"Umm, l-last night. I never got to say a proper t-thank you. What you did was really kind, especially because I'm just some ​helpless ​stranger." August scoffed on the word helpless.

"Anyway, I owe you money for the taxi." August finished, reaching out to give Oscar the twenty in his hand.

Oscar let out a fond chuckle, shaking his head. "Sweet boy, put your money away."

August was now bright red, looking like a tomato.

"And as for last night, you don't need to thank me. Just please, be careful. I don't like seeing disgusting, drunk idiots drooling over you. Their intentions are never anything good, angel." Oscar spoke, a hint of jealousy and anger laced his voice.

August nodded at Oscar's words, giving him a soft smile. "Well, I still appreciate it, a-and as for the money, I would very much like it if you took it. You shouldn't have to pay for my ride home."

"Darling, I wanted to."

Once again, August tried to stop himself from swooning.

The boy had never been spoken to like that before, especially by his ex—the stupid pet names he was being nicknamed by kept distracting him from giving Oscar the money.

"W-well, if you won't take it then... I-I'm sure your staff will." August reasoned and put the note in a tip jar that sat on top of the bar triumphantly.

Take that, handsome god-stranger.

Oscar narrowed his eyes at August.

He looked absolutely adorable with his smug little grin.

"Well, I'm afraid that just won't do, angel," Oscar smirked, leaning over the bar as he folded his arms to his chest, the cloth he was using to dry the glasses now swung over his shoulder.

August couldn't believe that the man in front of him was real. He literally looked like a Greek god.

Oscar's kindness completely baffled the boy.

He could be speaking to someone so much better, someone so much more like him.

August didn't deserve to have Oscar look at him.

"Now, I owe you. And I really don't like owing people." Oscar spoke slowly, looking straight into August's captivating blue eyes.

"Oh, well. I-I'm s-sorry bu-"

"Let me take you out." Oscar blurted out abruptly.

August's eyes widened with shock. The boy was completely speechless.

"An answer would be great, angel." Oscar teased, admiring how absolutely adorable August's reaction was.

"M-Me?" August finally answered, pointing to himself in disbelief.

"Yes. You. There's no one else in here, sweet boy." Oscar laughed in amusement.

"I-I think I would really like that."


Leaning against his car, Atlas brought the cigarette up to his mouth, inhaling the smoke.

The other people around him looked at him with disapproval, but he just ignored them.

Atlas was standing outside of Charlie's school, waiting for her to be released.

Never in his life had Atlas ever been this anxious to talk to someone, especially a fucking five-year-old, but he knew he fucked up.

Atlas may be naturally cold in demeanor and closed off to others, but he loved his little sister unconditionally, and he'd said some cruel shit to her.

Shit she didn't deserve.

A few minutes later, Atlas spotted the little girl waddling out with her overly large rucksack, compromising her steps, saying good-bye to two other rugrats.

Charlie looked around in search of Leo only to be met by the blank face of Atlas.

Part of her wanted to run up to him and give him a big hug.

The other wanted to run for the hills.

Considering both options, Charlie decided to be mature and confront her older brother.

However, she still took small steps to delay the confrontation as much as possible until she found herself standing in front of her looming brother.

"H-Hi," Charlie stuttered as she tried to smile but faltered, finding her little black shoes suddenly very interesting.

"Little one. Please, look at me." Atlas almost begged, softly placing his finger under her chin and gently raised it.

Charlie immediately noticed the visible regret that stained his face. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

He had been a giant meanie, and there was no denying that.

But he was also hurt.

"Yesterday," Atlas started, considering his words carefully.

"Yesterday... I said some things. Some unforgiving things that couldn't be further from the truth. I need you to know, little one, that I didn't mean any of it. I was just a stupid asshole."

Atlas crouched down, now face to face with the little girl.

He placed his hand on her cheek, looking straight into his big brown eyes.

"I'm so sorry, little monkey."

Charlie's lips immediately formed a smile as she wrapped her little arms around her brother's neck, clinging onto him tightly and causing him to stumble back a little.

Atlas pulled the little girl into his arms and stood up, burying his head into her hair and let out a sigh of relief.

"There's my girl."

-Edited 17/04/2020 with the help of the lovely MsFishyLee

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