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"Day s'ain!"

"What's she saying?"

"Day s'ain Atty!"

"I can't understand you, Charlie." Atlas huffed, failing miserably to communicate with his one and a half-year-old sister.

"Daisy chain, my love." Miriam giggled softly, running her hands gently through Atlas's chestnut brown hair from where she sat next to him on the picnic blanket.

"She wants you to make her a daisy chain."

"And what makes her think I can make daisy chains," Atlas mumbled, pushing the pile of flower bracelets he'd subconsciously been piecing together under his legs.

"Atty!" Charlie shrieked ear piercingly, her little body tumbling into Atlas's lap.

"Day s'ain!"

Atlas, of course, caught the one-year-olds tiny form and placed her comfortably in his lap, reaching to grab the daisy chains for her.

Using her chubby fingers, Charlie inspected the flowers, her big doe eyes counting each and every petal.

Soon Atlas felt her sloppy lips on his cheek, giving him one of her famous thank you kisses leaving behind a trail of baby slobber much to his delight.

"Thank you for that, Charlie." The brother remarked sarcastically.

"s'kay." She responded innocently.

"Why don't you go give Oscar and Leo a kiss, monkey? I'm sure they'd love one." Atlas spoke enthusiastically down to his baby sister who's eyes immediately lit up with joy.

"'ake paul?" Charlie blabbered practically shoving the stuffed animal in Atlas's face and then waddling over to her two other brothers who sat on the other side of the blanket they had laid out.

"Don't you dare, little girl," Leo warned, pointing his finger at her in mock sternness. Charlie's lips turned into a cheeky grin as she made her way over to her eldest brother with a squeal.


"Charlie. No."

Charlie ignored Leo's warning, stumbling towards him, one chubby leg flailing out at a time until she managed to collapse onto her brother's chest.

The little girl held onto Leo's shoulders for balance whilst resting each of her tiny wobbly legs on his knees.

"You're so cheeky," Leo grumbled as Charlie gave him a slobbery kiss right on the tip of her button nose. The little girl then fell into a giggling fit when he pulled her away and held her out in front of him, her tiny legs kicking out in front of her.

"Dow'n!" Charlie squealed, looking over to her next victim.

Oscar immediately narrowed his eyes at her.

"Dow'n bubby!"

Leo brought Charlie close, blowing a loud raspberry on her rosy cheek in revenge, and then released his squirmy sister, who then made her way over to Oscar via crawling.

A faster technique in her opinion.

"You come over here, you'll see what happens." Oscar threatened, knowing her intentions were to slobber all over his face like his other brothers.

Charlie wasn't phased by Oscar's threatening words as she kept crawling on route over to her big brother, ready to give him a big 'Charlie' kiss.

"Right then." Oscar grinned, grabbing Charlie's baby blankie and laying it out in front of him like a little bear trap.

As soon as the child crawled onto the blanket Oscar trapped her, laying her down and then rolling her up like a little baby burrito.

Charlie gasped, looking up at her big brother with angry eyes.

How rude!

"Look what I've got." Oscar cooed, leaning down to rub his nose against hers.

"It's a Charlie sandwich." Oscar grinned, picking up the baby in a blanket and gently biting the material as if he were eating her up.

Hysterical giggles filled the flowery field as Oscar continued the playful, ticklish action.

"Yum yum yum," he growled in a monster-like-tone nibbling at the blankie.

"N-No!" Charlie shrieked, trapped by the blanket, unable to escape.

"It's not nice, is it you little slobberer?" Oscar teased, laying the little burrito baby down and peppering her face with kisses tickling the blanket's side as well.

"Oscar, sweetheart. Let your sister go." Their mother giggled after a minute or so, noticing Charlie's little cheeks were now bright red.

Giving her one last peck of the cheek, Oscar unrolled Charlie letting her catch her breath from all the giggling.

"Look at you." Miriam gasped, reaching down to pick up her baby girl and cradle her in her arms. "You're all giggled out, aren't you." The mother cooed fondly.

Charlie then looked at her mother with a grin, ready to give her her very own slobbery kiss.


Oscar ran his thumb gently over the picture of him and his siblings that day with their mother. Their father was obviously unable to make it due to work, but they still had the best time.

"I can't believe she's having a boy around." The older brother sulked to himself pitifully.

"You're being a bit dramatic, Oscar. It's a play date." August softly smiled, patting his boyfriend's shoulder sympathetically.

"You don't get it, baby. It all starts with a playdate." Oscar grumbled, pulling August into his lap and resting his head on his shoulder.

"They're only five, my love." August giggled, shaking his head a little, "Don't overthink it." He spoke, running his hand through Oscar's dirty blonde hair.

"You're right." Oscar murmured, bringing his lips to August's plump ones, "But I'm still gonna watch em like a hawk."

The two were soon interrupted by the ringing of Apartment door; if not seconds later little footsteps were heard running down the stairs towards the door.

Charlie came down looking like she was merely midway, getting dressed with only her pyjama bottoms on making a beeline for the door chanting, "He's here!"

"Oh no, you don't." Oscar jumped up, sprinting over to his little sister and scooping her up in his strong arms.

"I let myself in." Damien's voice suddenly came into hearing as he walked through the hallway holding a little pink bag.

"Charlie," Atlas groaned, running down the stairs past Damien and August. "You're a little pesty, know that? You can't just run like that when I'm halfway through getting you dressed."

"I just' wanna answer the door." The five-year-old pouted adorably.

"You can do that, baby, but I'm afraid you're gonna have to get dressed first."

"C'mon, bub. Let's go get you something cute to wear." August smiled, taking Charlie's hand and walking her upstairs.

"Not too cute," Oscar shouted dramatically after them.

Charlie lead August to her room showing him where all her clothes lived so he could pick something out for the little one.

"You've got a lot of cute outfits here lovey." August grinned back at Charlie as he flipped through all the different pieces of clothing.

Charlie returned back a shy smile while mumbling a quiet "t'ank you."

"Is there a certain colour you would like to wear?" August asked.

"Um." Charlie hummed raising one of her chubby fingers to tap again her chin, "everything!"

"Everything?" August gasped playfully reaching his hand over to poke her nose.

"You crazy little monkey! I'm sure we can find you something." He giggled pulling out different items of clothing.

Meanwhile downstairs the boys were going into panic mode.

Once the two had left, Atlas didn't waste any time turning round to Damien with a raised eyebrow and a not so friendly glare.

"So, why are you here?" He bluntly questioned.

Damien chuckled at the younger boys rudeness, it reminded him of a younger Damien.

"Heard a little intruder was coming round and wanted to give Principessa a little something." He spoke, shaking the pink bag in his hand.

"What is it?" Leo questioned walking down the hall from his office to where all they other boys where.

Opening the bag, Leo looked inside and then back up to Damien, giving him a dull look.

"Seriously?" The eldest brother deadpanned.

"What'd he get her?" Oscar questioned, walking over and grabbing the bag himself, pulling out the mystery item with confusion.

"Dude, is that a taser?" Atlas questioned wide-eyed.

"It's a gift for Charlie", Damien stated obviously.

"You do realise the little shit's only six."

"I don't give a fuck. Every girl should have a taser. We live in a fucked up world, Atlas." Damien spoke darkly.

"Just-Just put it away before Charlie sees it and accidentally tases someone." Leo sighed, running his hand through his oak brown hair.

Minutes later, an enthusiastic Charlie came running down sporting a pair of rainbow dungarees accompanied by her yellow converse. Her curly blonde hair was tied up into two adorable space buns.

August following behind with a fond smile.

"Look at you, sunflower." Oscar grinned, throwing the little girl into the air as soon as she was in arms reach.

"You look so damn cute."

"Too cute."

Both Damien and Atlas muttered in unison.

"You do realise this poor boy is gonna be terrified." August teased, walking over to his boyfriend and leaning his head against his shoulder.

"What d'you mean?" Oscar questioned back innocently, putting Charlie down who was quick to run in Damien's direction, offering him a hug.

"You know exactly what I mean," August spoke, giving him a playful jab in the ribs. "He's gonna open the door and see you four glaring down at him."

"Wasn't that the point?" Atlas mumbled, warning a slap on the shoulder from Leo.

"No. That was not the point. We're simply protective." Leo interjected.

"And if that doesn't work, we can give baby Charlie her gift, can't we." Damien cooed sarcastically, bouncing the oblivious Charlie on his hip.

"What gift?" The toddler immediately perked up but was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.

"Ah, saved by the bell." Oscar whistled.

Damien lowered Charlie down onto her feet, chuckling as she speedily ran over to the door. The four brothers didn't hesitate to follow behind.

"Masey!" The little one grinned as soon as she opened the large oak door.

There Mason stood next to a beautiful blonde woman who seemed to be in her mid-thirties.

"Fuckin hell." Damien whistled, earning his own slap on the head from Leo.

"You must the famous Mason our Bambina won't stop speaking about." Leo stepped forward, placing his hands on top of a blushing Charlie's curly head.

Mason nodded with his own little nervous grin, "n'you must be fairy's sister."

"B-brother!" He quickly corrected as he heard a few low chuckles from Charlie's many big brothers.

"Y-you must be fairy's brothers."

"That fucking nickname", Atlas growled quietly to himself.

The blonde woman behind Mason gave her own chuckle and then stepped forward next to the little boy.

"Hi, I'm Mason's mother, Lily." The woman smiled kindly and then averted her stare to the youngest DeLuca. "You must be little Charlie. I've been told so much about you by Mason here. Nothing but kind words."

Charlie shyly nodded, giving Lily a little wave of her own.

"Unfortunately I really have to dash, I have a couple of clients to meet downtown."

"What a shame," Damien smirked, looking the older women up and down.

Coincidentally, Charlie took a step back painfully, treading on Damien's toe, making him flinch.

"What is it you do?" Oscar quickly intervened, trying to cover up Damien's stupid behaviour.

"I'm an interior decorator. I work mainly on the upper east side." Lily spoke elegantly.

To Charlie, she looked like a princess.

"Well, we shan't keep you. Mason is safe here." Leo smiled reassuringly.

After discussing what time she would come to pick him up, Lily left, leaving Mason alone with the four brothers and Charlie.

"Alright, kiddos. Time for ground rules," Oscar spoke, kneeling down and clapping his hands together once they were all inside.

"Oscar!" Charlie whined with embarrassment.

This was seriously not cool!

"Shh, love bug. Now I assume you will either be entertaining yourself in the living room or Charlie's bedroom. I want doors open at all times, and I will be checking in every twenty minutes." Oscar explained as a dad would to his teenagers.

Completely ignoring her big brother's word, Charlie took Mason's slightly larger hand in her own and led him away, leaving Oscar in complete awe.

"Did you see that!" The brother shrieked to a now giggling August.

"Don't laugh, baby! This is serious."

August took Oscar's hand, leading him away to the living room.

"C' mom you big oaf."

"His name is Paul?"


Ignoring Oscar's ridiculous rules, Charlie had taken Mason up to her bedroom introducing her best friend to her other one.

"It feels like he's staring into my soul," Mason mumbled, staring into the black beaded eyes of the stuffy.

"He's very protective." Charlie declared picking Paul up and placing him onto her bed much to Mason's relief.

"You're not scared of him, are you?" The five-year-old giggled, turning round to a blushing Mason.

Mason was quick to shake his head no, but the pink tint on his chubby cheeks instantly portrayed him.

"Then why are you red." Charlie giggled, waddling over to Mason and poking his cheek.

"M'not red." Mason fort back poking her side. "You're the one that's red fairy."

"Liar Liar pants on fire." Charlie sang out loud, giggling so much she found herself stumbling onto the floor.

Mason playfully glared at the little girl grabbing a pillow and gently hitting her with it, "Take that back, little fairy."

Shaking her head, Charlie rolled around the floor, giggling her little heart out chanting out, "Mason's Scared of Paul!"

"I-I can't b-believe you're afraid of P-Paul." The child squealed through laughter.

"Now, you're gonna get it, Fairy," Mason grumbled, raising the pillow up to get Charlie again but failing miserably as she rolled away, making a run for it.

"Hey!" Mason called running after his little friend, "get back here, you little weirdo!"

"Never!" Charlie shrieked, running through the big house towards the nearest room, which happened to be Oscar's.

"I've got you now," Mason smirked, chasing after her.

Charlie clumsily pushed on the door seeing the bedroom was empty and then making a b-line for the wardrobe.

"Charlie!" Mason called entering the bedroom himself in hopes of catching the rascal.

"I know you're in here, fairy."

Giggling with adrenaline, Charlie stumbled back into the large closet but soon found she had quickly discovered a wooden square like object among her brother's long jackets and dress shirts.

Though the little girl couldn't see much that didn't stop her from investigating, Charlie reached her tiny hands out, feeling the sides of the large wooden object which seemed to be a frame.

"Found you!" The doors suddenly sprang open.

Charlie didn't pay any attention to Mason, though. Her eyes were glued on the now revealed object.

A painting.

A portrait of Damien to be exact.

Charlie knew straight away. This was her Mumma's work.

She had a passion for painting, especially painting loved ones.

"Is that-"

"Damien." Charlie interrupted Mason with a nod of her head, "Yeah, It's him."

Mason took a step forward and placed his hand gently on Charlie's shoulder in reassurance.

"Why has Oscar got this in his room?" Charlie whispered to herself.

This was strange, very strange.

"Maybe he just really loves him," Mason suggested sweetly, causing Charlie to erupt with giggles.

She had heard enough of her brothers' squabbles to know that was not the case.

"I don't think that's the case, Masey."

"Well, then maybe Damien just left in here by accident."

Charlie nodded, resting her head on Mason's shoulder, "That's probably it."

Smiling, Mason grabbed her tiny hand in his little one, "There's nothing to worry about, little fairy."

And Charlie would have believed that she really would, but she couldn't help think back to Damien had questioned her about her mother.

What if he was looking for the piece?

How much importance could this small portrait hold?


She suddenly felt a poke on her cheek.

"Just so I know you're happy," Mason murmured, tucking a stray curl behind Charlie's ear.

Charlie's lips instantly lifted as the gesture; a shy smile soon took over her face.

"There's my fair-," Mason whispered with a grin of his own.

"Oh shit."

Both kids suddenly jumped at the worried voice of Charlie's second eldest brother.

There Oscar stood wide-eyed at the doors evaluating the scene in front of him.

Two little kids

One curious monkey

An 'evil little intruder.'

Both stood in front of a painting they should never have seen.

Snapping out of his haze Oscar ran over to the two kids and scooped them uncomfortably in each of his arms.

"Shit shit shit." The older brother repeated carrying the two out to the living room.

"Language," Charlie complained with a sigh of disapproval.

Oscar ignored the five-year-olds criticism and dumped both Mason and herself onto the sofa.

"What did you see?" Oscar jumped straight to the point, looking at his little sister dead in the eyes and then moving his intimidating stare to Mason.

"Why do you have it?" Charlie shot back courageously, ignoring her big brother's question.

"So, you saw the painting," Oscar sighed to himself, grabbing his phone and sending a message to someone.

Merely seconds later, a grumpy Atlas stormed into the room, glaring daggers at Oscar.

"It seems your rules worked perfectly." The youngest brother spoke sarcastically with feigned sweetness.

"Shut up." Oscar weakly shot back, "we obviously have bigger issues right now." He spoke, gesturing to the two little people on the couch.

"Did they see the whole thing?" Atlas questioned quietly to Oscar but was met with another question from the youngest DeLuca.

"Why do you have a painting of Damien? Does he know because if not that's a little strange." Charlie mumbled quietly, diverting her eyes to her yellow converse.

"Listen, sweetheart," Oscar spoke, kneeling in front of the little girl, "it's just an old painting. Nothing more. We received it from mum just weeks before we got you. We don't know why she sent it or what her intentions were behind it, which is why it is kept hidden away." The brother explained slowly and clearly.

"Why did mummy send it to you?" Charlie fidgeted in her seat.

"Did- did she say anything?"

"No, bub," Atlas interrupted, giving her a soft smile, "We got the package, and that was it."

Charlie nodded, silently lowering her head back down but soon felt her chin being raised up.

"I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this, Charlie," Oscar spoke, his voice now stern and severe.

"But why-"

"Because he said so, Charlie." Atlas interrupted, giving her a pointed look.

"Not even Damien?"

"Especially not, Damien." Oscar scolded, getting more and more irritated with her lack of cooperation.

"But that's lying, and you always say that lying is ba-"

"Charlie. If I'm frank, I don't give a crap if lying is bad. You do not tell him." Oscar ordered harshly, making both kids jump and Atlas roll his eyes.

An uncomfortable silence filled the air as Charlie lowered her head a little giving him a nod whilst Mason mildly glared at the man for being so mean to his fairy.

"Look, babe. I'm sorry." Oscar sighed realising he was a little too harsh to a mere five-year-old. "This is just really important to us. I need you to promise you will keep this a secret." The older brother asked, almost desperately.

Charlie looked over to Atlas, noticing he had a similar look of desperation in his eyes.

"I promise I won't say anything ."

Both brothers let out a breath of relief as Oscar stood up from his kneeling position back to his tall height.

"I'm gonna let you two go now since August is probably wondering where I am, but I need you to promise you won't go back in my room nor anywhere else but the living room and Charlie's room," Oscar spoke parentally.

"What about the bathroom." Charlie shot cheekily, easing some of the evident tension in the air.

"I think you know the answer to that baby girl." Oscar smiled ruffling her curls before leaving for the kitchen for August.

Both children jumped off the sofa heading to the staircase before being stopped by a grumbling Atlas.

"Your brother looks grumpy," Mason whispered, not so discreetly earning a glare from Atlas.

"What are you, two-foot?" Atlas shot at Mason, raising an eyebrow at the little boy.

"3'11. What about you?"

"6'3" Atlas stated smugly, completely forgetting he was currently arguing with a six year old.

"This is silly." Charlie shook her head, grabbed Masons' hand, dragged him away, not before sticking her tongue out at her older brother.

"Little shits."


This isn't the end of Charlie and Masons play date! There will be more in the next chapter it I wanted to get this out because I didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer.

I hope you like this chapter and please please please give it and a vote and a comment!

I hope you're all safe and healthy right now, in the UK were all currently having a huge heatwave so I hope your all safe and hydrated!

I will try get the next update out soon x

Lots of love xx

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