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Atlas felt the taps of chubby little fingers on his forehead.

"Atty, hey you gotta wake up." Charlie whispered, placing herself at the top of his bed. Each of her chubby legs sat on either side of Atlas's head allowing her to look down straight over his face.

"S'your birthday atty!" Charlie went to extreme measures, holding open her big brothers eye lid making him groan.

"Excuse me Mr Atlas DeLuca, this is your sister Charlie it's uppy time." Charlie spoke loudly looking down into his one forced open eyeball giggling as he proceeded to roll it.

Letting out a little grumble Atlas playfully grabbed his baby monkey pulling her down, so she was stuck cuddled in his arms.

"You are so rude! D'you know that? So rude to be waking me up on my birthday!" Atlas scolded though his eyes held complete mischief as he peppered her little face with kisses, pretending to bite her rosy cheeks.

"So," Atlas placed one last kiss on the tip of her nose "what do you say to me little monkey?"

"Happy birthday!" Charlie shouted almost deafeningly into Atlas ear jumping onto Atlas with no care in the world.

"Thank you." Atlas grunted recovering from the little ball of fluff sitting on his chest.

"You big strong girl I can feel all the cookies you had yesterday" atlas pretended to groan and he lifted her up above his head shaking her in the air getting as many giggles out his girl as possible.

"I tryna eat as many as possible so when people are rude to me, I can jump on them, and they will go splat."  Charlie spoke evil placing her hands together like some kind of super villain.

"That's my girl." Atlas nodded running his hands down her curly locks gently making sure not to catch a knot or cause irritation.

Charlie loved having her brothers' hands ran through her hair, it was the ultimate comfort for the little girl. She could be put to sleep in seconds if done right and her brothers knew this very well.

"Hey C'mere." Atlas opened the duvet for her so she could climb under and the lifted it above their heads making a makeshift den.

"This way no one can bother us." Atlas must of jinxed himself as he heard voices rattling at his door .

"Hey man I know it's your birthday and early and all but is Charlie in here? she wasn't in her room and I'm worried she's taken Paul out for a walk again."

"I'm in here now g'away" Charlie shouted making atlas snort at her bluntness.

"Excuse me little girl wanna say that again." The voice of Damien then piped up as the door opened and multiple footsteps entered the room.

"Yes I can if you didn't hear me." Charlie lifted the blanket of her head ever so slightly so only her face was revealed whilst atlas stayed under. "G'away please." Charlie shrieked the last word at her felt her feet being tickled by her annoying brother from under the blanket.

Atlas grinned under the blankets as he meanly tortured his baby sister, taking in every single giggle coming out of the rascal. It seemed to have the magical healing ability to cure any bad thought, emotion or feeling for the brothers.

The poor toddler had seemed to fallen on some bad luck being so ticklish and living with big brothers who would do anything to hear her cheeky little laugh.

"Oh you think it's funny being rude to us baby bear? After I haven't seen you in a few days!" Damien playfully scolded as Atlas continued to tickle Charlie moving to behind her knees completely betraying her.

"S'not me! It's the tickle monster, m'not laughing at you" Charlie shrieked trying to wiggle away from her youngest older brother but failing miserably.

"Atlas if you don't stop m'gonna fart in your face it's gonna be really yucky!" The little girl wriggled around as her went from one little foot to the other unbeknownst to her other brothers standing amused at the door pretending that they had no idea what was actually going on.

Atlas of course took no action to stop knowing her threat of as empty, Charlie hated farts including her own. When she did let one out, she would run away so she didn't have to endure a second of it. This left Charlie with no other choice but to lift the blanket off of atlas's head making him stop immediately, "your welcome tickle monsters dead. I killed him." He sat up pulling the giggly girl into his lap. Squishing her little face to his.

"Not nice atty." the baby flicked her brothers bare chest causing his to hiss at the little sting of pain.

"Hey!" He grabbed her little hand pretending to nibble at her fingers, "you're an evil little Charlie this morning, aren't you."

"I'm not Charlie, I'm her evil twin Barlie." Charlie grinned evil placing her hands together.

"Looks like we'll be needing to call the priest." Damien joked before dramatically falling down onto Atlas's bed and turning his head to grin cheekily at his baby sister.

"You miss me?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"No, not particularly." Atlas answers for Charlie making her giggle loudly at his rudeness.

"Ouch birthday boys got attitude today, just like his sister." Damien pouted dodging the pillow being thrown at his head.

"I'm sorry who invited you in here?" Atlas grumbled lazily placing the pillow onto Damiens head and applying pressure.

"No killin brothers before 10am!" Charlie scolded crawling off of alas to take the pillow off of Damiens now slightly red face.

"Thanks baby girl, can always count on you to save me" Damien let out a sigh of relief lifting her up into his arms and giving the five-year-old a kiss too the temple before he jumped up out of the now nineteen-year-olds bed.

"Aww what about me?" Atlas teased before letting out a shriek as Damien launched at him attempting to give him a kiss.

"Thank you, baby boy," Damien snickered as Atlas groaned pushing him away, "I'm honoured to be your first birthday kiss." He winked before running out of the room before Atlas could do anymore damage.

Before Charlie could giggle her head off at the funny interaction she was swept upside down and thrown in the air.

"Not a peep out of you trouble." Atlas warned as he blew a loud raspberry onto her little tummy gaining back his favourite sounds in the world.

Atlas walked into the kitchen with a giggling Charlie slung over his bare back only to greet a pyjama clad Leo.

Leo sat at the island, with his reading glasses slid half down his nose with a cup of boiling hot black coffee placed in-front of him by his laptop.

"Leo it's me! Look I'm with the birthday boy, he's old now!" Leo heard d Charlie's sweet voice as she wiggled her little feet against his chest.

"I'm not old you little brat." Atlas grumbled as he put Charlie down on one of the stools before standing behind her so her back could rest against his chest.

Leo took his glasses off before standing up and going to ruffle atlas's hair and handing him a cup of coffee, "happy birthday Atlas, congratulations for making it to 19 years without being arrested."

Atlas shrugged him off before gratefully accepting the coffee, he was still half asleep having expected to rest at least another three hours.

"Thank you, baby demon over here woke me up way too early." Atlas groaned as he put his hand over Charlie's little face playfully shaking it.

"Aw atlas your little sister just loves you, she wants to spend all her time with you." The voice of Oscar came through as he went over to his youngest brother putting him in a playful headlock.

Leo scooped his baby sister up and placed her on his hip to get her out of the way of the rough housing.

"What did I say about waking people up before 7 cheeky girl?" Leo playfully put his nose up against Charlie's.

"You said that it's not nice cos you all need your beauty sleep cos sometimes you look funny." Charlie grinned cheekily, placing each of her chubby hands on his cheek frowning at the tickly feeling of his stubble knowing that wasn't quite what he said.

"You're so lucky your cute otherwise you'd be in so much trouble for lying." He playfully growled into her little neck before peppering her face with as many kisses as possible.

Meanwhile Oscar still had atlas in a playful chokehold giving him 19 punches for ever year he'd now been on the planet.

Atlas was groaning having given up on any kind of escape, Atlas was a strong boy, but Oscar was stronger.

"Andddd 19! Happy birthday baby bro!" Oscar grinned releasing his little brother who looked far from pleased.

"Our little man is all grown up Leo." Oscar pretended to cry before grabbing Charlie from Leo's arms and giving her a good morning kiss and cuddle.

"Hi baby love." He whispered against her cheek, "you eaten yet?"

"Nope, I'm starvingggg!" Charlie exaggerated rubbing her belly as if she hadn't eaten in days.

"Oh your starvingggg? Well we can't have that, let's put some food in your cute little tummy before it explodes." Oscar hoisted the girl above his head and playfully pretended to bite at her little belly.

Soon the older brother began to sort out the little girl s breakfast with a bowl of her favourite yogurt and raspberry's.

"Not that I care but where's Damien?" Atlas questioned as he took a bite of an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Smoking." Both brothers answered at the same time .

"That's not a nice breakfast." Charlie shook her head with disgust.

"Your right baby girl it is yucky, you're so smart." Oscar agreed placing a kiss to the top of her head knowing he was being a bit of a hypocrite.

Both Leo and Oscar had made an effort to cut down since Charlie had entered their lives however it was unfortunately not an overnight process.

"I'm here bitches"


"Sorry I'm here bitches and my darling girl."

"Bad Damien." Charlie scolded her brother squealing when he came up behind her and pinched at her sides.

"Atlas can you please google the best ways to teach you're darling little sister how to not talk to her big brother like he's a dog." He growled the last words giving her sides another play-full pinch sending her into a fit of loud giggles.

"Atlas can you please google for me how to send your brother to prison" Charlie responded back with the upmost genuineness making everyone in the chuckle.

"Excuse me?" Damien chocked out surprised at how cheeky his little sister was behaving today.

"You want us to go prison sweetheart?" Damien continued as he playfully frowned, pulling her chair close to his so they were closer.

"No just you!" Charlie grabbed the side of his lips pulling them up into a smile then recoiling back with giggles when he playfully nipped at her fingers.

"Because you are a monster, the tickle monster." Charlie giggled her little heart out at the offended look on Damiens face.

"How could you say that about me, my own blood, the love of my life, the apple of my eye-"

"We get it Damien." Charlie interrupted before cheekily putting her chubby little hands over her mouth as if she couldn't believe what she had just done.

"Right, that's it." Damien announced scooping her upside down in his arms taking her away from the kitchen table.

"You're the one going to jail now trouble." Damien announced leaving the room.

"Be careful with her." Leo called as Damien carried the giggling baby away her laughter filling up every corridor they passed.

Charlie desperately tried to grab onto anything she could to stop Damien but any time she had a grip the mean brother would slip his fingers under her armpits immediately making her recoil.

"Don't even try it, to jail we go baby bear." He grinned throwing her onto the duvet cover and then rolling her up like a burrito.

"Now you're trapped little girl." Damien grinned placing his face just above hers smugness radiating off of him.

Charlie huffed wiggling her little body around failing at any attempt to escape.

"Lemme go you monster!" Charlie blew a loud raspberry in his face making him gasp.

"Oh well that's just not gonna do! How dare you blow a raspberry in my face you little criminal." Damien picked up the little baby burrito spinning her around.

"Apologies!" Damien demanded throwing the little monkey back on the bed and placing his face right above hers menacingly, rubbing their noses together.

Charlie instead giggled blowing another little raspberry making him chuckle and shake his head at the cheeky little monster.

"Okay I see how it is." He nodded before unwrapping the five-year-old and then picking her up, so she said across his waists before grabbing the blanket and tying it around both of them creating a baby sling.

"Now you can't escape me you little gremlin since you seem to hate big brother so much." Damien pretended to laugh watch Charlie's adorable little scowl.

"You are so fucking cute." Damien chuckled peppering kisses all over her angry little face whilst playfully spidering his fingers along her back making her giggle loudly..

"What's with the angry scowl baby? Damien cooed condescendingly stroking a little stray curl of hair behind Charlie's ear before quickly tickling his fingers under her chin.

"You." Charlie exaggerated poking her tiny little finger into a wildly amused Damiens chest. "You are makin' me angry silly boy."

"Oh everything's Damiens fault huh, he's the bad guy always making baby Charlie angry. Hmm? Is that what your saying? I'm the worst person no wait even more importantly worst big brother in the world?"

Charlie pretended to think for a second tapping her little finger on her her chin before nodding in agreement.

Damien gasped before flopping his head into the crook of Charlie's neck pretending to sob causing Charlie's giggles to flow through the entire apartment.

Charlie had a mission.

Her task at hand, a very hard one, was to get her grumpy older brother out of his room and too the living room where a cake laid with presents and the rest of her big brothers.

Since breakfast Atlas had spent the rest of his day in his room seemingly not very into celebrating his birthday and that broke Charlie's little heart.

She had knocked at his door to try and be respectful but seemingly only got a "I'm busy" in response.

"Lies." Charlie whispered to herself.

Having to take things in her own hands Charlie had no choice but to barge in.

"Atlas" Charlie ran into his room with a cheeky grin on her face giggling at her own rudeness.

"What do you want, trouble?" Atlas turned his head with a little smirk on his face. He was laying on his bed with a book in his hand, he could tell the baby was up to no good, her little grin revealed everything.

Sticking out her tongue Charlie blew a raspberry in his direction completely un provoked and threw her little slipper his way, the little girl wanted to cause some mischief.

She was on a mission yes but that didn't mean she couldn't have some fun, plus he lied about being busy so the boy had it coming.

Atlas of course caught her teeny tiny slipper with one hand giving her an unamused look.

"You smell!" She giggled out before running away, her little feet creating pitter patter sounds on the floor board.

Atlas shook his head with an amused chuckle before placing his book down next to him with the bookmark secured at the right place.

He slowly got up from his comfortable laying position before tauntingly following his baby sister giving her the chase she wanted.

"Someone is about to be in big trouble." The elder brother sang teasingly laughing loudly when he heard a tiny squeak.


Atlas grabbed the little girls foot slowly dragging her out from her hiding place behind a pair of curtains.

"Would you look at that...I've caught a Charlie! Lucky me. What shall I do with it?" Atlas spoke to himself holding the little girl sideways in his arms walking towards the living room. Charlie's plan was working!

"P'yew you stink!" Charlie pretended to give her brother a big smell before wrinkling her little nose.

"You are just asking for it right now aren't you? You must be very bored to want to deal with grumpy me and on my birthday of all days!"

As Atlas slowly walked towards the living room with the cheeky girl held sideways in his arms. He pretended to drop her a couple of times on the way making her squeal.

Walking into the large room Atlas stopped looking at the wholesome site in-front of him. Four men sat with pink party hats forcefully put on them by Charlie with smiles on their face. A large cake sat in the middle of the table with presents surrounding it gathering from art supplies to a beautiful designer watch.

"Surprise!" Charlie screamed in his face making him wince slightly.

"You don't smell! It was all a lie." The little girl cackled evilly as Atlas moved her too his hip and peppered her little face with kisses.

Even though he didn't normally enjoy celebrating his birthday he made an exception this year. This year was different. This year he had his cheeky little trouble maker back in his life who would stop and nothing to show him how loved he is.

"Happy birthday dear Atlas, Happy birthday to you." The voices of four men and one out of pitch five-year-old sang as they sat out on the large balcony, cold beers and iced tea in their hands.

Atlas smiled sheepishly giving the little girl sat in his lap a kiss on the cheek before pointing the mouthwatering raspberry and chocolate cake that August had kindly baked in front of him.

"Aren't you gonna help this old man out?" He whispered into Charlie's curls before prompting her to blow out the lit candles on top of the cake.

"You're not an old man! You're only a two year old adult, that's younger than me." Charlie responded back before helping Atlas blow out his many many candles.

"Thanks baby." He mumbled onto the side of her head as he gave her a kiss.

"What did you wish for Atty?" The little girl asked excitedly.

"None of your business nosey." He grinned tweaking her little button nose taking in her adorable little glare.

Atlas didn't know how it was possible to love a facial expression so much, he took a photo mentally and kept locked away safely in the back of his mind.

Mimicking the little troublemaker, he stuck is bottom lip out and crossed his eyes lowering his face right in front of hers.

"You look funny." Charlie giggled patting his head and turning around so her back laid comfortably against his chest.

"Excuse me, Leo." The little one formally spoke gaining her eldest brother's attention who had been in mid conversation with August about something boring Charlie assumed.

"Hello." She waved from across the table prompting the older brother to smile fondly.

"Hi baby." He waved back shaking his head fondly at her cheekiness.

"I wanna ask you something and you can't say no because then I'll be really sad and have to frown for the rest of the day and that will be boring." Charlie rambled on feeling the vibrations coming from Atlas's chest as he chuckled at her declaration.

She decided to let it slide as it was his birthday however he would have to give her tummy rubs to make up for it, Charlie mentally decided as she lowered his hand on to her tummy as a silent demand.


'Good Atlas' the baby thought.

"I'm not a dog." The brother growled in her hair Scribbling across her tummy making her jump.


"What do you want to ask me sweetheart?" Leo questioned back in a serious tone though the amusement in his eyes could not be hidden so well.

"I want Mia to come round please, she's my bestest friend and bodyguard and she said that she needs to meet you all."

"Oh really." Leo raised an eyebrow

"Sorry but you guys aren't strong enough to be my body guards, you're just to big and I've seen none of you do karate before." Charlie went on to explain in the softest tone she could possibly produce.

Someone times gentle parenting was the way with these men.

"We're so sorry to disappoint you, Charlie girl." Oscar sarcastically apologised this time with absolutely no sincerity in his voice.

"That's alright Oscar we can't all be perfect." The little girl nodded his way before shrieking as he grabbed her off Atlas's lap onto his own and held her upside down.

"How's that for karate?" The brother teased with amusement.

"It was sloppy." Charlie squealed as she felt tickle attacks coming from every angle from her four evil brothers.

Oscar turned the baby right way up and placed her back on his lap chuckling at the little pout on her lips.

"Not nice brothers." Charlie chastised the amused boys with a little wiggle of her finger.

He lifted his legs a little jiggling her to try and get a smile out of her, lowering his face so his nose was grazing her little chubby check giving her a funny look.

Charlie soon broke and the little pout that was once there was replaced by a giggle cheesy grin.

"So, Mia can come round soon then." Charlie moved on with a nod dipping her finger into the icing of Atlas's cake knowing she was being cheeky.

Leo tutted playfully grabbing her finger and pretending to bite it.

"I need her parents number first baby." He released her hand before beginning to cut up the cake.

"Ooo, ooo I can help." The little one jumped off of Oscar's lap and ran over to her coat retrieving what looked like a business card.

Leo took the card an amused grin covering his face as he looked at the work of his baby sister's little friend.

The card read 'Master Mia' with below, 'Master Mia's  minder's number'.

"She's gonna be a handful, huh?" Oscar snorted with amusement.

"You have no idea." Atlas chuckled leaning back in his chair, remembering his short interaction with the little girl.

"I'll arrange it all, bean." Leo promised putting the little card into his pocket before serving the cake out to his younger siblings.

That night Charlie couldn't get a blink of sleep, she was far too excited for her play date with Mia the next day.

Mias parents were happy for their little girl to spend the next day with Charlie and her brothers since the weekend was not yet over. She laid snuggled in her little bed thinking of the trouble they would cause together.

Whilst Charlie laid snuggled safely in bed her brothers, all four sat down toasting to Atlas birthday once again.

Leo knew this would be the right time they would discuss Lucy if there ever was one, he wanted Damien as calm as possible for it. He didn't need anymore trauma for his little girl hence why he waited for her to be sound asleep.

"Damien I need you to stay calm and know what I'm about to tell you has been handled and will continue to be handled."

"Starting a conversation with 'you need to stay calm' is the not the most encouraging way the keep someone calm Leo." Damien tensed in his seat, gripping the glass of whiskey in his hand.

"Lucy's been let go. She'd been mistreating Charlie and borderline abusing her."

"Or in better words she's been a fucking bitch and hurting our little sister." Atlas interrupted Leo with a blunter version of the event.

"She fucking what?" Damien stood up practically shaking with anger.

"Sit down and shut up. If you wake Charlie up so help me, I will-"

"You'll what Leo?" Damien shot back, "You let this fucking happen. That bitch better be dead or I swear-"

"Alright let's all calm down." Oscar interjected. "We all feel awful that this has happened. Do you think Leo would of even let her within a miles radius of Charlie if he knew what was going to happen. We all hate ourselves for what's happened to her but we need to unite and be there for her now." Oscar spoke out sternly leading Damien to sit back down.

"Where's Lucy now?" Damien grumbled out. "I would be happy to deal with her my way."

"No." Leo bit back sternly. "We are doing this the proper way; I have the police involved. "

"The police won't do shit, the corrupt motherfuckers can barely put away thieves let alone child abusers." Damien rolled his eyes.

"They can when they find the 2 kilos of coke stashed in her closet." Leo responded back cooly taking a sip of his whiskey.

"It's crazy what a few anonymous calls and a bribe to a shitty apartment building janitor can do." He spoke out loud.

"Properly my arse." Damien snorted impressed at the Leo's cunningness. He didn't think he had it in him.

"How long will she get?"

"It's to be awaited trial but at-least 7 years." Oscar responded back with a sigh.

"And after that?" Damien was unimpressed, he wanted her gone. For good.

7 years was nothing.

"It's doubtful that she will ever come near us again but if she does we'll deal with it fittingly." Leo nodded.

He had been exhausted from sorting this all out over the past few days. Guilt had been eating away at him but now he'd at-least sleep a little better knowing Lucy would be locked away and out of site for the forceable future.

The next morning Charlie had woken up at 5 am unbeknownst to her brothers to get ready for her day with her best friend.

Charlie had picked out what she was going to wear, her favourite matching hedgehog jumper and shorts. She had also attempted to put her hair up into two little space buns, they were crooked but perfect for what Charlie had envisioned. 

The next step on her agenda was to wake up at-least one of her brothers. She needed someone to make her a hearty breakfast so she could be energised for the day.

Breakfast was the most important meal of the day after all.

Deciding Damien was going to be her target of the day she made her way to the spare room where he had crashed. All she had to do was follow the snores.

"Yikes." Charlie shook her head as she crept in the dark room.

Damien laid sprawled out in a pair of jogging bottoms, his dark slightly curly hair resembling a messy mop.

Shaking her head with disappointment Charlie ran back to her room to grab her tangle teaser brush and came back to the room, climbing up onto the bed.

"Mia can't see you like this messy boy." Charlie tutted as she sat her little bum down by Damien and began to gently, or gently so she thought, brush his hair.

Two tangly brushes in grumbles came from the young man and his little sister hummed continuing to groom his hair.

"This is going to be hard." Charlie muttered to herself, and she roughly put her chubby hand on his cheek and pushed is while pulling brush through a curly not in his hair.

"Ouch!" Damien woke up, abruptly sitting up with a brush attached to his head.

"Can I help you little girl?" Damien's eyes darkened, not completely thrilled to be awake this early.

"Yes, you can sort that mess out! Mias coming over." Charlie pointed to his unruly hair unimpressed.

Damien rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone to check the time, his eyes widening as he read 5:35.

"Jesus baby it's too early for this." Damien groaned falling back on to the bed with hair brush still attached to him.

"No no no." Charlie tutted poking his bare stomach. "We have to get ready for Mia."

"Mias not coming for at-least another four hours my love." Damien mumbled tiredly, taking the hair brush out of his hair, wincing a little at the pain.

"C'mere beautiful you still need some sleep." He reached out and grabbed the toddler laying her on his chest as if she was his own personal teddy bear.

"But I'm not tired." Charlie groaned against his bare chest trying to push herself off of the big oaf.

"Shh sleepy time baby." The older brother mumbled tiredly, putting his hand under her top and tickling her back soothingly.

"Ughh." Charlie groaned. She was not tired! The little girl had already drank her fake double espresso from her tea set so there so was chance of sleep now.

"Damien, I'm warning you, it's uppy time now." The little girl spoke though her words came out a little unclear and the elder brother held her cheek smushed against him. She was like a little hot water bottle.

"Hush little baby." Damien spoke through sleep placing his hand over her face.

"I'm sorry for this Damien but you leave me no choice." The little girl announced before biting the older brother right on his chest causing him to hiss.

"What the fuçk?"  He sat up now completely awake causing Charlie to tumble right onto her back in-front of him.

"I gave you multiple warnings little man." Charlie wiggled her finger in his face, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed." She chastised.

Damien started at the tiny human in disbelief. He had never experienced anything like her and never loved anything as much as her.

He gave himself ten seconds to adjust to situation before getting revenge.

Grabbing the little girl he playfully threw her beneath him before gently bitting her little tummy and rosey cheeks.

"No!" Charlie giggled, "Two wrongs don't make a right!" She shrieked with laughter as he continued his attack.

"A taste of your own medicine baby." He cooed back patronisingly, " and it tastes like cheeky little brat!" He placed one last raspberry on her tummy before jumping out of bed with a giggling Charlie in his arms.

"Let's make some coffee trouble."

"She's here! She's here!" Charlie jumped up and down by the door as Atlas said a silent prayer.

She had each brother lined up at the door very specifically in order of age ready to meet her best friend.

"Can I answer the door, Charlie?" Leo asked, pure amusement lacing his tone. He thought it was absolutely adorable how serious she was taking this.

"Yes but then you have to get back in line please, bubby." Charlie agreed allowing Leo to open the big door.

Charlie welcomed Mia with extreme enthusiasm as Leo shook hands with Mias dad before bidding him a goodbye promising to take care of his little girl.

Leo returning to his spot in line looking down fondly at his little sister's best friend.

"Hello sweetheart, my name is Leo." He kneeled down reaching to shake her hand.

Mia walked up to the eldest brother with curiosity inspecting and watching his every move.

She went to shake his hand giving it a tight squeeze. A firm handshake was important to her.

"So?" Charlie questioned her best friend.

"He's not that old." Mia turned back to look at her friend causing Atlas, Damien and Oscar to snort at the comments.

Mia made no other comment and moved on to the next brother leaving Leo speechless.

"Damien." Damien nodded down to the little girl as he spoke his name. "And if you even think about making a comment on my age there will be wicked things coming your way." He gave her a playful glare.

"Ooo I'm terrified." Mia giggled back sarcastically before going on to Oscar who stood with a big grin on his face.

"You're adorable, you know that?" He teased the scary little girl who furrowed her eyebrows at the boy.

"Is he okay?" She whispered out loud to Charlie, "he's smiling like he needs to go to the potty." She spoke all too seriously.

"He's okay he's trained." Charlie spoke back in the same serious tone before they moved on to Atlas.

"It's you again." Mia acknowledged Atlas with a nod.

"Of course it's me, I've been looking after my girl you think I'd go anywhere?" He wiggled his eyebrows at the little one making her slip into a smile.

Atlas had successfully cracked her serious demeanour as Mia couldn't help but hide her grin.

"It's nice to meet you all Charlie's brothers. I can see why she has called me here today. I will take position as her body guard but unfortunately I must prioritise my main customer so you must all protect yourselves if you can." She have them a patronising look before being dragged away to a giggling Charlie's room.

"How old is she." Damien whispered in disbelief. "6 going on 60?"

"What just happened?" Oscar questioned slightly speechless.

"You all just got read too fifth by a six year old." Atlas explained, patronisingly patting his shoulder.

"Will you watch them, Oscar?" Leo questioned going over to grab his wallet making Oscar shudder slightly.

"I think it will more be like her watching me!" He cried back in fear causing Leo to roll his eyes. "She's only a baby, they'll be fine plus it will be good for you. You need to be humbled a little." Leo teased back as he put on his coat.

"I need to go meet with the family lawyer. It's important as I'm sure you understand." Giving Oscar a look to which he immediately understood.

"Fine I'll be a demon watching duty." He agreed trembling with silent fear for what he was about to be put through.

Oscar said a silent prayer before approaching the two adorable girls in the living room who were snacking on a pack of Oreos.

How they got them Oscar had no idea but he was not about to chastise them. Not if he wanted to come out alive.

They looked so sweet giggling away about God knows what. He wanted to squeeze them in his arms and shower them with kisses as he saw how cute they looked but feared that Mia bites.

"Are we having a girl's day?" Oscar grinned walking in cautiously.

"We're actually having a meeting right now Oscar." Mia informed him factually.

"You can come join us if you'd like." She pointed to a pillow on the floor allowing him to sit beneath them.

"Thank you, sweetheart, that's so kind." He chuckled back to Mia taking a spot on the uncomfortable floor.

"So babies, what's this meeting about?" He rubbed his hands together ready to get involved.

"How many cookies it would take to grow your own cookie." Charlie informed him very seriously.

"Okay well I think we've had enough cookies baby girl." He smiled back slightly disturbed by the thought.

He quickly swiped the packet from the gremlins before putting them behind his back.

"I knew we should have made this a no old people meeting." Mia shook her head with a sigh.

"You're a cheeky one aren't you." Oscar swiped his hand away as Mia tried to pry to cookies back. Lifting the little girl he gently threw her back on to the sofa making her shriek with giggles.

Oscar smiled warmly at Mia; she was a crazy little thing but the perfect friend for his baby sister.

"Watch it little one." He threatened playfully wiggling his fingers at the little girl in warning before standing up and making his way to the door.

"I'm going to put these back in the jar can I trust you little gremlins to behave?" he gave them a little glare as they both nodded sweetly.

Oscar began to walk out before turning too the two little fiends and pointing at them.

"No more cookies girls, I mean that." Oscar playfully narrowed his eyes at the two little monsters practically seeing the mischievous thoughts circling around their minds before leaving them to themselves.

"Oscar is being a meany." Charlie grumbled crossing her chubby arms across her chest.

"He interrupted our meeting and stole our snacks!"

"Charlie Charlie Charlie, just because someone big says something doesn't mean we have to listen." Mia put her hands together mischievously.

"We just need a plan. Big brother is currently guarding the cookie jar, correct?" Mia questioned to which Charlie confirmed, a glum look plastered on her face.

"I will be a distraction, m'gonna cry out in pain-"

"Oh no." Charlie gasped putting her chubby hands over her mouth in horror."

"Not for real silly." Mia giggled with a shake of her head, "Just in pretend. Oscar's  gonna come and help leaving the cookie jar completely unguarded and that's where you will come in my innocent friend."

"M'not gonna hurt anyone Mia, m'sorry but I can't." Charlie put her hands up in innocence.

"What? No Charlie silly your gonna go steal up some cookies." Mia shook her head in amusement.

"Ohhh I can do that." Charlie nodded sending Mia an evil grin.

"Good Charlie." Mia patted the top of her head before silently counting down on her fingers.

Charlie gave Mia a look of confusion for before Mia let a an ear piercingly convincing scream.

Within a flash Oscar was in the room ready to access the damage.

"Hey hey what's happening? Who's hurt?" The young man questioned calmly thought there was urgency laced in his tone.

"I-I hurt my foot." Mia sobbed showing Oscar her right little socked foot.

"Come here sweetheart let me see." Oscar cooed gently moving the small girl towards him.

"Show me where it hurts." Oscar questioned assessing the damage giving Charlie the perfect opportunity to sneak into the kitchen.

"I think it's gonna fall off." Mia pretended to sob grabbing her left foot in pain.

What the little tyke had sadly forgotten was that the right foot had been the original injury and unluckily for her Oscar was one for detail especially when it came to a little person getting hurt.

"Aw Mia darling I don't think it's going to fall off." Oscar cooed fake concern laced in his voice.

"H-how do you know?" Mia sadly stuttered.

Oscar wiped away the fake tear running down the girls cheek impressed with her performance before gently taking her little foot and assessing the damage.

"Because Mia my love your clutching the wrong foot." He patronisingly cooed before tickling the bottom of her little foot causing the little troublemaker to let out a squeal.

"Busted." Oscar sang before hoisting he small girl over his shoulder in order to find his cheeky little sister.

"Charlie!" Oscar called laughing at the angry attempt at escape coming from Mia.

"I almost had you fooled." Mia announced with anger as she banged on the back of Oscar's back.

"Yeah key word being almost bub, although I have to say Mia your little performance was very impressive, it's a shame nothing gets past a big brother who's used to dealing with a mischievous monster 24/7." He sang walking into the kitchen and facing his other little criminal who was quite literally stuffing the pockets of her shorts with cookies.

"Ah there's my other little crook." Oscar cooed before grabbing his little sister and throwing her over his other shoulder.

Walking into the living room he dumped both girls onto the sofa a stray Oreo flying out of Charlie's pocket almost hitting his face as he did so.

"Do I need to give both you little monsters a lecture on why faking an injury and scaring the life out of Oscar in order to steal cookies that I specifically told you girls you couldn't have is wrong?"

"No." Both girls shook their heads at the same time.

"No? Good because if this happens again this will be a cookie free home all the time, capisce?"

"Capisce." Both Charlie and Mia nodded at the same time a little grin forming on Mias face much to Oscar's frustration.

"Is something funny little miss? Another injury I need to know about?" Oscar raised an eyebrow pinching one of Mias little toes.

"Nope." Mia giggled turning to Charlie who was now holding back her own giggles.

"Ugh you girls are gonna give me grey hairs before i turn 30" Oscar shook his head before playfully pinching Charlie's side before leaving the two little gremlins to themselves.

"I'll be watching you." He glared before leaving them to their giggles.


Please don't kill me.
Life sort of just got in the way.
Anyway here's my apology in the form of 7000 words of pure cuteness. Apologies for any bad spelling or grammar I wanted to get this done today so it's not the finest editing.
I love you and thank you for your patience!!

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