One Shot Contest: Results

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Thanks to every single one of you that took the time to write an entry. Honestly they were all really good and I had to evaluate them on a scale to determine which were the best. The one shots were assessed on four aspects: Creativity, Mood/Tone, Character Portrayal, and General Writing Quality. I don't have anything else to say so...without further ado, here are the results!

Third Place: owlgal54
I think the best part about this piece was the descriptions. There weren't an overload of details but you could still feel like you are actually there with the characters. The tone and mood used fit the story really well, so that was a definite plus!

excerpt: The first tear fell. I wanted to scream. The capitol has taken everything from me, my innocence, Cinna, and even my best friend. They must be stopped. Snow must be stopped. If he isn't, the world will be in chaos. There can never be peace. Everyone I love will die. I have to kill Snow, there is no other way. If I don't the districts will be destroyed, just like 13 was so many years ago. I have to stop Snow from taking the one thing I still have, my freedom.

Second Place: equestrianism_
I think this piece by far had the best grammar, spelling, word choice, fluency, and all that good stuff. It was clearly edited, an important step a lot of people skip when writing. I especially loved the word choice, and all the different words used made the piece a lot more interesting. And like the previous piece, the tone and mood were well portrayed :)

excerpt: I hear a thump coming from another location on the hovercraft. Katniss seems to hear it too, as she sits up straighter and looks towards the sound. The door slides open and Katniss jumps out of her seated position. I sit up on the table, my eyes scanning the person, but he just motions for us to move towards him. My eyes adjust to Katniss, who seems to understand who the person is. She walks towards him, and I follow suit. I force myself to take steps towards the exit, and it feels like I'm walking on the moon, whatever that feels like. Katniss starts talking while we walk, but I can't comprehend what she's saying. The mysterious man starts walking to a door, and I know that leads to outside. I almost think he brought us back to District Twelve, and I stop in my tracks.

"It's alright, Prim. We're not back home. Not yet," Katniss says, and although it's not comforting, I find it relaxing that she's by my side.

The two doors open, not to reveal outside, but inside. Underground, rather. The man extends his arms to his side, saying the words I thought would never come out of someone's mouth.

"Welcome to District Thirteen."

First Place: 20charlie11

Now this piece was very well written. It had the best character portrayal from all the stories, and like the other two, had great tone. The piece was fun to read, enjoyable, and creative in it's own way. The whole piece will be posted next chapter and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It's a great piece.

And here's a short promo for her story, <Beginning of the End>.

Running. That's all I can remember. It might sound stupid but its true. If you wake up in the middle of nowhere, you'll know what's happened. You'll know your different.

I'm Alice.

The girl that's weird.

And I mean, weirdest of the weird.

But you don't need to know why.

Not just yet.

You'll know soon enough.

But when my friends and I are hunted down by the mysterious Ordnate,

Who will stop at nothing to get us,

We need to know all we can.

To remember.

But that's difficult now.

I'm Alice, and this is my story.

Read it if you dare.

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