Catching You - 29

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Sutton's POV

Pulling the car in front of Cafe Marina. I park close to the entrance. Before I step out of the car I call Hayley. The phone rings a couple of times before she picks up.

Hayley: Hi, Sutton. Is everything okay?

Me: Yes, it is. Today I'm meeting with the manager of Saving Ryder. We're going to discuss you going on tour with them.

Ahhh, she screams.

Hayley: That's great news. Are you serious about me going on tour?

Me: I am. I'll go through the contract with him and then once everything is finalised all you need to do is come to the office and sign.

Hayley: You don't have an office yet?

Me: I'll be using my parents place as an office. Until my building opens in January.

Hayley: I can't wait to hear more about the tour.

Me: I'll talk to you later. Bye, Hayle's.

Hayley: Bye, Sutt.

Hanging up the phone I walk into the cafe. I look around and see booths occupied by people. There's one in the far right hand corner that has 'reserved' sign on it.

That table is mine.

As I approach the table I see a guy wearing a suit walk over to it and he takes a seat. "Are you Harrison?"

"That's me," he smiles at me, before looking me up and down. "I wasn't expecting to make a contract with a woman that looks like you."

Why would he need to make a comment like that?

Crossing my arms I ask. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I don't like being treated like I'm a piece of meat. Especially, by these business men types. Always, presuming that I can't do a job like them.

"Can we forget I said anything?" He leans back against the booth. "I can't afford to piss someone off who has a signing that my band wants playing at their gigs."

That's more like it. This is fun making him squirm.

"Of course we can." I sit across from him. "Is that the contract?"

"Yes," he pushes it across the table to me. "If there's anything you'd like to add we can do that."

I go through the contract carefully and it says that Hayley will receive $1,000 for each concert she does.

She's going to like seeing that.

Going through it more I don't see anything about security. That's one of the important things I want taken care of when it comes to my signings.

I add that to the contract.

1. Client will have four security guards with her at all times. Two in front and two behind.

2. Sweets to be left on the dressing table in the dressing room. Fridge filled with bottles of water, orange juice and a few diet soft drinks.

Sliding the document across the table to him. He picks it up and goes through it carefully. "We can make sure those things are done. If you need anything in the future. You can contact me."

"Thanks," he puts them in his briefcase. "I'll contact you once this has been added. Then we'll find a time when Hayley Blake can come in and sign the documents."

"Sounds good." I shake his hand. "It was nice to see you, Harrison."

"You too, Sutton." He stands up and walks out of the cafe.

Walking over to the counter I order something to eat and drink before going back to the booth and sitting.

Ding, my phone goes off and I pull it out of my bag. Looking at it I see a message from Ryder.

Ryder: How did the meeting go?

Me: It went well. I just added a few things to the contract and then Hayley will sign it once it's completed.

Ryder: That's good. Is there anything I can do for you?

Me: Why don't you meet me at Cafe Marina? I don't want to eat alone.

Ryder: I'll be there in ten minutes.

Me: Okay,

I go through my phone and look at different things until Ryder walks into the cafe.

People start screaming his name. "RYDER," they ask to take photos of him and autographs.

Once he's given them his attention he walks over to me and takes a seat opposite me.

"Who's that?" A woman asks.

"I don't know. There's one thing I know and that's she's lucky to have him. What I would do to have a man like him in my bed."

A waitress walks over to the table with a muffin and hot chocolate on a tray and beside it is another cup and a muffin.

Ryder smiles at the woman. "Hey, Nancy."

"Hi, Ryder." She places the tray on the table and gives us our drinks and muffins. "Hi, Sutton."

"Hi," looking closer at her I see the blonde hair, light brown eyes that belongs to a woman we went to high school with. "Nancy, I can't believe it's you."

She laughs. "You didn't recognise me right away did you?"

Shaking my head. "No, am I bad for not remembering you?"

"No," she looks around the cafe. "You're the only one that didn't make it to the reunion this year. So, of course you wouldn't recognise anyone from High School."

"Did I miss out on anything?"

Nancy and Ryder share a look. "Actually, you did. Do you remember Venus?"

"Yes, what about her?" I lean forward, interested what they have to say.

"Well, she forced herself onto Tyler and he called the cops on her. She was arrested for harassment. Apparently, it wasn't the first time she's done that. She's not supposed be within 500 metres of him. She broke that."

Laughing I look at them. "Well she was eager to get closer to the man she's had a crush on since she was thirteen."

"She's had a crush on him for that long?"

"Yep, where have you been all those years?"

Nancy looks back at the counter. "I have to get back to work. It was nice to see you again." She walks over to the counter and starts serving the new customers that have entered the building.

The door opens and the woman that were outside Ryder's place last night enters the cafe. "Look," on them points towards us. "Ryder Sanchez is in town and he's having a drink with Sutton."

Standing up I move towards the woman. "This isn't the time and place for your bullshit. He has the rights to be here. Just like all of you. If I find any of you harassing him or hanging around my property I will make sure that you are taken away in handcuffs."

"You can't threaten me." Briana says. "This isn't your home anymore. You left and never returned."

"Briana, I'm back now. I don't want drama in front of my house. How would you like it if someone did that to you." I take a step closer to her and she steps back.

"You can't threaten me, Sutton. We both know that you can't do anything to me. Your threats are just that, threats. When you have something solid then I'll believe it." She looks towards Ryder. "We'll see you at the house." She winks at him.

She won't be in front of his house for long.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"


Sending a message to Kyle.

Me: Do it.

Kyle: With pleasure.

Kyle sends me a video and I show it her. "Are you sure you want to continue doing what you are?"

Her face pales. "Please, turn it off. I won't return to your house."

That's all I wanted.

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