Catching You - 5

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Sutton's POV

Talking to Hayley has eased some of the fears that I have about going back home.

I just hope things go smoothly when I get there.

Moving around the house I start putting some of the stuff into moving boxes.

Ding, my phone goes off and I pick it up from the table.

Mom: Hey, sweetheart. Do you the flight information?

Me: I do. Why?

Mom: It's a surprise.

Why does this woman like to torture me with surprises?

I give her the details.

Mom: Thanks, sweetheart. I'll see you on Friday.

Me: Ok,

Putting my phone back on the table I wrap my photo's in bubble wrap and put it in a box.

Once all the photo's a safely put in a box I walk to the kitchen and start making dinner. I cook bacon and eggs over the stove.

When I finish making dinner I head to the living room and turn the TV on. Going through the Paramount plus app I find Teen Wolf and turn that on.

I need to do a re-watch of this series before Teen Wolf Movie comes out.

As I get through the second episode of the season my phone goes off alerting me to a news article. Clicking on it I see that it has something to do with Saving Ryder.

Saving Ryder is at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

At least one of us made it there.

There's a picture of him and the band standing in front of the tower. He has a smile on his face, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. It's like he's happy to be there, but something is missing.

Is that something me?

In another picture the guys are trying to right the tower and it shows off Ryder's tattoos and biceps.

He's bulked up since the last time I saw him.

Reporter: Hello, Saving Ryder. How are you today?

Kyle: We're great. How are you, Veronica?

Veronica: I'm fine. What do you think of Italy?

Ryder: It's a beautiful place. It would be great to take a woman out for dinner too.

Veronica: Do you have sights on one?

Tyler: Don't answer that.

Ryan: We know who she is.

Kyle: Shhh, let him talk. if he wants to share it, then we should let him.

My heart begins to race and my hands begin to sweat as I read the article.

I think he's talking about me.

Ryder: I've had my eyes on a girl for a long time. Ever since I was a kid she was part of my life. I miss her dearly.

Veronica: Are you in love with her?

Ryder: Yes, she's a keeper. I let her go because she wanted to follow her dreams. It's been ten years since I last saw her. This Christmas I'm going to Catch her.

I would love to see him try and catch me.

Veronica: She's one lucky woman to have you come after her.

Ryan: Stop flirting with him, Veronica. It's showing your desperation to be with one of us.

Kyle: Ryan, that's uncalled for.

Ryan: It's the truth. This interview is over for me.

I haven't seen Ryan worked up like that before. However, I'm used to him defending me.

Kyle: I'm sorry about him. When it comes to Ryder's Girl he's protective.

Veronica: Are we going to find out the Girl's name?

Ryder: Absolutely not. Her identity is going to be kept under wraps until we're ready to make it public.

Kyle: Knowing Ryder he's going to get the girl during Christmas. Did you know that's his favourite holiday.

Veronica: No, I didn't. What are you hoping to get for Christmas?

Tyler: Seriously. Do we have to turn this group interview about what Ryder wants? It's not all about you, Ryder.

Veronica: I'm sorry. How about I ask something else?

Tyler: No, I'll let him answer it. After that we need to get back to the topic. Which is about the tour and band.

Veronica: Ryder, what are you hoping to get for Christmas?

Ryder: My Girl coming home for Christmas and having a family dinner with her. That would be the best gift that Santa brings me.

Damn, I'm going to be in a lot of trouble when I get home. I can't read any more of this article.

Turning off the notifications for Saving Ryder, I head to my room, getting ready for bed.

Before I climb into bed my phone starts to ring. 'Contractor' appears on the screen and I swipe my finger across the screen.

Me: Hello, this is Sutton.

Contractor: Hi, Sutton. It's Jerome. I'm calling you about the building.

Me: Okay, please tell me there's not going to be any delays of me opening it next year?

Jerome: No, you'll still be able to open next year. It's just that we have come across a few holes in the walls and we're wondering if you'd like them fixed?

Me: Everything that needs to be fixed. Do it. I want to start work in the new year with a place that is safe.

Jerome: I'll get on top of it, Miss Holgate. We'll see you when you come to Los Angeles.

Me: Have a good night, Jerome. I'll be by over the weekend to check on the progress. You don't need to contact me again.

Jerome: See you over the weekend.

Hanging up the phone I put it on the nightstand and climb into bed.

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