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Emma looked carefully at the adult menu. Putting aside her kids menu as she preferred portions that were up to her large appetite and the variety of options. 'If only the grown-up menus came with crayons and spots to color in.'

Emma had  sat herself next to Adrien making a huge deal that Adrien should sit by her so they could figure one the word search on the activity menu the waitress gave her. She had difficulties with word searches as it all looked like a jumbled mess. "Do you see pancakes?"

Adrien without hesitation pointed to the picture on the menu he was holding. "Right here."

"I meant the word!"

Adrien moved his finger down to the bright font displaying the limited time offer of mulberry lemon custard pancakes. "Right here as well." He chuckled.

"I meant the word thingy." She added, her small brows full of annoyance. "I'm what's it called again? Dis… dis… something our another."

Marinette briefly looked up from her menu. "You are not Dyslexic, you just have a mix of A.D.H.D and bad eyesight."

Marinette looked at Adrien causing a smile to tug at the corner of her lips. As Adrien now wore thin framed silver reading glasses. An additive that made his sharp features more refined. "Which reminds me, Emma. I need to pick up your glasses on Thursday."

"They're clear! I pick them out myself."

Marinette wondered if Emma's 'sperm donor' had this specific trait. As Tom and Sabine, Marinette's parents had no need for prescription glasses. Those inquisitive green eyes were not as much of a blessing as they seemed. That did not make them any less beautiful. Any less a membrane of the past.

"Adrien, you don't have to do that. She can still read. She just needs a small correction and a blue light lens. She usually gets the same thing, anyway."

An older waitress smiled at the three. "It is so nice to see a family having a nice dinner together."

Without skipping a beat, Emma with widened eyes looked up at Adrien. "DAD?!"

He attempted to laugh off Emma's under-appreciated joke. "I sure hope not."

Marinette curled her lip briefly. Adrien's comment felt like an insult. She dismissed her traveling thoughts as Adrien was not the type of person to purposely insult someone. Or perhaps she was wrong? That he had changed his morals to fit in with a more grown-up lifestyle. Stepping away from what was. She briefly shook her head. 'I am just overthinking.'

The Waitress attempted to apologize to her customers. "I am so sorry! Please excuse me. I just assumed that you were her father. You two look so much alike…" She waved her hand; a gesture attempting to put aside her first conclusions. "What would you like to drink?"

Marinette was the first to answer. "Coffee with cream and a glass of water."

He thought momentarily that he should order something more appropriate to show to Marinette that he was a responsible adult. But, he was not known for making decisions that would benefit his future. So, why start now? "A Blue Moon on tap."

"Orange slice?"

"Yes," Adrien replied to the waitress of a Pancake house. A more casual joint than Adrien was used to.

"And you, kiddo?" The waitress asked.

"Strawberry lemonade." Emma liked how this restaurant made strawberry lemonade. They would chop up strawberries in the lemonade and Emma would try to get them out with her straw instead of using a fork or spoon. This activity would keep her busy for quite a while.

"Are you guys ready to order or do you need more time?" The waitress asked.

Adrien smiled, "I think I need a little more time to decide."

"No problem, I'll be back with your drinks."

Adrien had a lot of options, nearly too many to pick from. Besides serving meals revolving around the restaurant's name sake, they provide the options of salads, soups, hamburgers, chicken sandwiches.
All sounding delicious as he had skipped lunch as he was preoccupied with nerves. He knew whatever he ordered he would have to work off the extra carb intake to prevent losing his model physic.

"I want pecan waffles with lots of butter!" Emma said borrowing her Mom's adult menu just in case she might have missed something better than Pecan waffles. She figured that if the place was breakfast themed then it was her obligation to match the theme.

"Mom, are you getting the lettuce, bacon thingy, like last time?"

Marinette nodded. As she liked their salads that were more toppings than anything. The Pancake house had one of the best wedges. Bacon bits, bleu cheese crumbles, quarter of a lettuce head, in-house red dressing, and garnished with tomatoes and red onions.

"Do you come here often?"

"Careful Agreste, that almost sounds like a pickup line." Marinette teased. Enjoying getting a little bit of revenge for her teenage self.

"I… did not  mean for it to come off that way. I-I… I  sort of lost my train of thought."

"Guess, it's true what they say about blondes."

"That we're good in bed because I can guarantee you that one is true."

Marinette's jaw dropped, she covered her mouth as she did not expect him to make such a brass statement. He was outgoing in highschool but never became a romantic deviant. Not to her knowledge, away.

Emma gagged at Adrien's comment as she could deduce what he meant by her Mom's reaction. "Gross!"

Marinette nervously laughed as she was not expecting old feelings to bubble to the surface. Feelings that she could not act upon not until the collaboration with Gabriel Agreste was over. She did not want to make the workplace awkward if things didn't work out. Not wanting to rewind to her school days where she was rejected time and time again. "So, how has working for Gabriel been going?"

"It's been the same."

"Oh, I thought things might be a little different. Since, you two seem to get along better now compared to back then."

"It might sound cliché but, the Agrestes aren't good at dealing with our feelings. If we talked about every-" He paused realizing Marinette was just making polite conversation and he didn't need to reveal everything. She was not his  therapist. "Sorry, I don't mean to rant on. My father and I's relationship is passing as functional. And that's really all I can say."

Marinette found herself laying her hand on top of his. An attempt to comfort him. "I knew it was going to be a touchy subject and I still asked. The apologies are all mine."

Adrien wanted to tell her that it was fine. That he was accustomed to curiosity, accustomed to invasive questions. But if Marinette was invasive he would be all too welcoming if she decided to encroach on his territory or explore his native land. 'Breath. She's just trying to comfort you.'

Her hand retreated as the waitress broke his train of thoughts with the passing out of drinks. The smell of Marinette's fresh coffee filling the space.

"Are we ready to order?" The waitress asked.

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