Choices and first impressions

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Catra stood in shock at what she was seeing. Adora was staring on the other side of the arena, and she staring right back at Catra. "Hey sis um, I'm going to get more snacks for the show since we're almost out." Caya stared at the tray of food in Catra's lap,she too must have noticed this and flung it over the side of the wall earning a thank you for some odd reason. She apologized but said she'd come back with more food and ran away.

Adora followed her.
Catra looked around her,there was no sign of Adora. She sighed in relief before she was pulled aside and pinned against a wall by someone's forearm. Not only that but an arrow and a ball glitter was pointed straight at her. 'Great, the whole gang is here.' She raised her arms in defeat which actually took all three of them by surprise. "What are you doing her Catra. You know you're not welcome here anymore." Catra looked down in utter sadness, "I know that, but I'm not here to capture or destroy anything. I'm actually here to figure somethings out and to find out more about me."

Adora looked at Catra with a confused look before dropping her arm. "Catra, why are you here?" Catra peaked her head out from behind the wall to see if her sister came looking for her to question her strange behavior. Nothing, good. "Believe it or not, I'm the missing princess of this kingdom." The trio laughed for a bit before Catra became agitated. "I'm serious! My sister is princess Caya and my father is king Kallen. My mother, Queen Kiana, DIED trying to protect me and my sister! If there's anything I should feel guilty about, it should be about that I was probably the cause of my mother's death!"

Catra fell to her knees and cried, Bow, Glimmer, and Adora stood in shock. Catra could be a crybaby some times but she was sincerely crying. Could this be a trick? Could she just be pulling their legs in order to by herself and the Horde more time? Whatever it was, it wasn't going to work on them.

"I believe you." Well, spoke too soon.

Now and Glimmer stared at Adora as if she was speaking backward. Catra was speechless. Did she... Did she just believe her just like that? Protest filled her ears as the other two tried to convince Adora that she was making a huge mistake. "Didn't you believe me? Didn't you take me in? Why can't we do the same for her?"

Glimmer stepped in while Bow was thinking. "Hold up. I made a list! She's still with the Horde, she kidnapped us and she tried to destroy BrightMoon!" Catra was still speechless to retaliate,she was about to stand up when Adora spoke up once again. "Didn't you at least give me a chance when I was still with the Horde? Can you just give her a chance like you did with me?"

Glimmer was about to say something, but she was at a loss for words. She did give Adora a chance, she did let her explain herself and she did do all that while Adora was with the Horde. She sighed before looking at Bow to see if he agreed with this. He nodded, he kneeled down and grabbed Catra's hand and pulled her up. She sighed before wrapping her arms around all three of them,it was... Shocking, to say the least, but it was comforting.

"Catra!Where are you!? Don't make me get the guards and dad, trust me you don't want that!" Catra wiped her face, she smiled before stepping from behind the wall, hushed the other three and quietly walked up to her sister and scared her, making her tail and fur stand on end. "You little." Caya griped Catra's hair and tugged it. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry, you're embarrassing me." Caya looked behind her and saw the trio, she blushed in embarrassment and dropped Catra.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. Hi, I'm Caya, Catra's sister. You must be her friends. Oh wait. Hey, I know you!" Catra stiffened, dear lord in heaven, grant her help. "You're queen Angela's daughter, Glimmer, right?" Glimmer nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I've actually met your sister before." Adora, Bow, and Catra stared at Glimmer in fear. "Yeah, I was kidnapped by ShadowWeaver and I saw her, she talked with Adora for a while but that's it."

"Great! Come on, before dad freaks and sends out a search party." Catra looked behind her and smiled at Glimmer and mouthed 'Thank you'. Glimmer shrugged before looking away. "Catra, I didn't know you were friends with the legendary She-ra. Good choice." Catra blushed slightly and laughed. "Yeah, or was. To be honest I've made a lot of mistakes in the past but one of the best choices I've ever made was being friends with Adora, but I made one mistake in that friendship. I deeply regret that choice, but now I'm here to make up for my previous mistakes, if you'd let me."

Glimmer was silent while the others wrapped their arms around Catra and pulled her like she was a toy, but Glimmer was not fooled. "Come on, you've already missed the fight, if we don't hurry we'll miss the concert. Now MOVE!" She shouted playfully at her sister and her friends, Catra and Adora struck a salute pose before running away laughing with Caya and Bow following close behind. Now followed while ushering Glimmer to come with.

With a heavy sigh,Glimmer did what she was told and followed the others. The sound of music filled her ears as she instantly realized the mesmerizing voices of four new performers who had just appeared two months ago. She screamed in delight as she practically ran over everyone before Caya pulled her back to reality and held up three backstage passes. Once again Glimmer could nearly contain her excitement and teleported the entire group to the back of the stage to watch the performance.

Catra danced and to her surprise, she didn't care. She was actually pretty good. Once the performance was over, the band announced that they would like to being the returned princess on stage to welcome her back. Hesitantly, she stepped from behind the stage and waved at them. The rest of the night was filled with dancing, laughter, and questions regarding the discovery of Catra's sister and how she found out she was a princess.

"Ugh, it's so confusing, I didn't believe it when she told me." Adora laughed for a moment before a guard walked up to them, "My apologies, but the festival is closing, his majesty would like his daughters to return to the castle." He bowed before he turned around and began to walk away. "Can you ask him if we can invite friends over for the night?" The guard thought for a moment before nodding and walking away. "I feel like I owe you guys, so you can stay here for the night if you want and we can eat whatever you want. That's okay with dad, right?" Caya sat up and nodded, "Yeah it's fine. He's not picky with anything, and he'd like to meet you guys. Dad already knows Glimmer and Bow, but Adora, he'd really like to meet you."

The guard returned and told them that they're father had agreed with it, but they were to return home immediately. The twins sighed and stood up and walked back to the castle, motioning for the others to follow. Catra has noticed that Adora was shaking slightly and punched her arm playfully. "Hey, you'll be fine. If it makes you feel any better, I nearly ran away." The group laughed but stopped when they met with the large oak doors, once again Adora was shaking and sweating so much you would have thought it was the hottest day of summer.

"Come on, dads probably in the throne room." Caya lead the group down the halls, "Adora chill. If you're shaking that much they might think somethings wrong with you. Okay think of it this way, you've already met Caya, and dad's pretty much the same way, but more elegant. You'll be fine." Adora, breathed in deeply and relaxed. "Hey, dad. We brought friends." Kallen smiles and welcomed his guests. "Please come in, well if it isn't princess Glimmer and her friends Bow. Who's this?" D walked up behind Catra and tapped her shoulder.

"Dad, this is Adora or better known as She-ra." The room was filled with gasped, Kallen didn't speak while D lifted his sword, in defense and stepped in front of the princesses. "Calm down D,if she's here for the festival, she must be close friends with Catra." Adora nodded before explaining to everyone that she and Catra where close friends but were split up when she became She-ra. "So dad, since she means no threat can she please stay over tonight?" Caya and Catra have their father the most pitiful eyes they could muster and with a little effort, it would work.

"Fine, they can, so long as you're all on your best  behavior." The twins hugged their father and pulled their friends to their rooms. "Please don't make me regret this."
Here's day one of the week-long Catra's True Self marathon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please have a great day, and remember if you like Danganronpa or just a fan of anime I will be starting a new book featuring that anime and the main villains of the series. Have a great day little nightmares ;)

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