2k18 Game Plan

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So just to keep this as a little reminder of my writing plans for the future, this is what you should expect from me.


Firstly I will PLAN on finishing this novel and entering it in the Adventure Category! Thus far this is going up to 30 chapters, but we're talking at 5k words per chapter, so... Let's see if I get this done.

In addition, I plan on writing a short story called Freelancers Anonymous, which will tackle something that is probably ignored in most Pokémon adventure stories (the generic ones at least). You'll see that sometime in March, when I will get most of school pressure off of me.

Lastly I do want to enter a one-shot, but it depends on a lot. I don't want to write it on a whim after all.


As some of you are aware of, I am a judge in the PWC; however, that does not mean I can't enter to compete in a theme that I will NOT be judging. Depending on which theme is available to me, expect to see this book from me:

I plan on tackling this from a romance angle, although I promise that there will be plenty of action and references that will appeal to both fandoms. How the story will develop will depend on which theme I am able to participate in (either Justice or Fire). Since it does not need to be completed, expect for 10 chapters (around 5k words each) to be up before August.

And with that, I wish luck to all my competitors in both events!

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