Guess Who?

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Well Hurricane Harvey was definitely everything that I did and didn't expect. I already knew that I was going to have to at least help out in my aunt's neighborhood with people to clean our their houses. I knew that it would even leave me even more time without school; in addition, that the city would take a while until there is a return to normalcy. What I didn't expect was that I was to be left without a job.

No, I didn't get fired. Rather, in the middle of when Hurricane Harvey struck, looters felt that it was a terrific time to ramsack some stores and take everything. No, not the basic essentials like food and water. I'm talking about shopping carts, shoes, televisions, and even the ATM machines. I already saw the best of what disasters could bring out of people, but the news failed to show the other side. The darker side that social media captured proficiently thanks to videos. The worst of people, the type so selfish to leave people without jobs as stores are forced to remodel themselves – including my own. So yes, this greatly altered how much money I can actually save for my college funds. However, other people have it worse. You know, those that actually own the businesses, or have bills to pay off.

Seeing a similar incident in Florida while Irma visited them really enraged me. I hope that unlike Texas, they can round up those crooks and imprison them so that they won't further backtrack the process of recovering. Speaking of Irma, even though it wasn't as stationary as Harvey, they still suffered fatalities. My uncle from there assured my mom that he and his family was okay, and that the worse that happened was that the trees fell down and cut off their power. Well I hope this is the last hurricane that hits the southern part of the United States. I'm not sure if we can handle another one this year.

So yes, part of my inactivity was from helping people take out their ruined furniture and find the salvageable things. Well I did catch a fever so bad that I passed out, but it wasn't much. I also helped clean out where I worked before the people to renovate it came, but just dang. One thing is to steal, but another thing is to try and take away the device for employees to punch in for work. Or attempting to disarm some shelves. I'd rather keep my faith in humanity, but to see the damage done all over the place was something. Even watching families cry in front of me at all the possessions they lost tore me.

My time on helping the community wasn't for long as I still had school. Another reason of why I'm busy is what me and a couple of friends are deciding to do. We plan on gathering money to buy the basic items and give it to the people that have yet to get any response from FEMA or actual help from the Red Cross. However, it takes time to arrange a meeting with the school so all of our classmates can agree on it. Not to mention that I was busy adjusting back to the schoolwork and my AP classes.

Or for that matter, arrange where I want to go for college. Two weeks of focusing on Harvey was more than enough to distract me from my future, and it's difficult to transition. But hey, at least I still have a roof over my head and don't have to attend any funerals, right? But essentially, in the midst of this and also investigating to see if my classmates were alive, Wattpad was the last thing that came to mind.

But now, after a week of school, I'm ready to find my own normalcy in this mess. But anyone else who has been affected by the hurricanes (probably to you Sheare as you are in Florida) know that we'll get through this. Disasters, as much chaos as they leave, will give us enough room to breathe and reconstruct. Or if you know someone who has been affected by the hurricanes, be their support. They really do need it, at least until they find a place that can bring them to a return of normalcy.

So for now, at least until they can reopen my job, I can be around Wattpad kinda like the summer. The Pokémon Wattys is something that I can't do at this point, unless I really do wing it. And since I don't want to do that, I'll probably only have a one-shot to enter. Great, so much for doing more muscle to compete. However, that leaves me more than enough time to catch up on notifications, which is what I'll do! So for now, I leave you with the following video.

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