Hi! Bye!

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So yeah, I'm still alive in case anyone is wondering. After next week, I'm free from school! (I realize not many people get out of school on June 2nd but eh)

But I'm excited/nonchalant/anxious/paranoid for next year. Goodness, I'll be a good old high school senior by then. For one, I'm looking forward to start a new chapter in my life. However, there's still grades, drama, tensions, and more drama to deal with.

Well for one I signed up for AP Psychology, AP Environmental Science, AP Government, AP Lang, and AP Statistics. Along with pre-law for safe measures. Why? Simply so that I won't slack off and graduate without any extra hassle! :)

(On the term of AP classes good luck to anyone planning on taking any next year and/or waiting for their recent exam results this July!)

Anyhow, since I have finals on the last week of school, I'll definitely be logging off of Wattpad just so that I'm focused. I'm even considering taking a break from FE: Heroes.

Oh who am I kidding? No one really cares, but in case there's anyone who's slightly curious about me, there you have it.

Okay I'm salty rn because my mom basically is saying that I'm an arrogant bitch. Apparently arrogance can consist of lack of self-confidence and a state of depression. Oh wait, her logic says that I'm too young to be depressed. And that sarcasm is a sign of aggression.

Eh, who cares? Just as long as I survive this psychological warfare I should be fine. Hell, maybe next year AP Psychology can help me endure her manipulative words even better.

For now I'm going to find stories that I need to spam before I log off and all. Have a great summer guys (or have a future with a great summer break)!

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