Chapter 18

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Say what now?

Mara leads me up the stairs into the house.

"Can't I have a house of my own? Do I really have to live with him?"

"Yes." Her brows crease slightly.

I toy with the fabric of my dress as I grudgingly follow her to a suite.
"This is where you will sleep tonight." She opens the door and usher me inside.

"I don't understand. This is mine, right?"

"See you in the morning." With that, she walks out and locks the door.

I bang the door. What on earth?

"Mara. Mara, let me out, please let me out." I yell on and on hitting the door in anger. I grip the door handle trying to open the door.

When I see her again, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind. I fume and sit on the couch. I spend the rest of my time looking around. It is a sitting room with a bright chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The couches are in a circle facing the small glass table at the center. There is a corridor with glass doors at the left.

There are two doors. Curious, I get up and open the first one. It leads to a study. The room is sparkling clean and the lights are dim. The table is wooden and the chair leather. On the table is a lamp and a messy pile of papers. A small shelf of classic books are in a corner and a sign that said 'do not touch' was taped on it. This person sure loves his books. Chuckling, I leave the room for the other one. It is a bedroom with a queen sized bed and more adjoining doors. The bed is made and there are white and red roses on the floor. I go  on discovering new things. The bathroom that made my jaw drop. It was way bigger than my preparation house's. I try opening an adjoining door but it is locked. Hmmm. Meh.

I open the third one to find a walk in closet filled with male clothings and accessories.

This can't be right. This is not my room. Oh my God.

No, no, no. I am in jerk face's room. Why, oh why?  Panicking, I pace from one spot to the other. I seriously did NOT think this through. I am not ready to give up my V card and not to some egotistical bastard.

I hear the outer door open. Heart thudding, I try to hide under the bed but the gown didn't want to gown it. Stupid gown. I tuck myself at the edge of the bed breathing hard. I hear the door open and someone walked in. I cower, waiting for someone to call out or something to happen.

Minutes passes and it is still quiet. Huh? What's going on? When it got too excruciating, I raise my head and saw no one. Did I imagine it all? I walk to the door and open it slowly, peeking out.

Huh? There's no one-


I sshriek and fly a feet back. Heart pounding, I turn to see jerk-in-royalty laughing. It takes a minute or more for me to calm down. Furious, I scowl and punched his face.

He keeps on laughing as he held his face. "Ok, ok. For one I never pictured my wedding night to be like this. Two, you punch hard."

"Good." I glare at him and sit on the bed. "Don't scare me like that."

"You should have seen your face, it was all..." His mouth rounds to a o and his eyes looks like it wants to pop out of its sockets.

"My face is not like that."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"It is."

"You are a pompous jerk."

"I know." He ssmirks. His smirk turned into a malicious grin,"I'm going to take a shower."


He gets rid of his suit and start to unbutton his shirt.

"What are you doing?" I back away from him annoyed that he is walking closer to the bed.

"It's hot."

"Leave me alone."

"You do realise I plan on making life miserable for you. So far, I've been having fun."

"I hate you." I spit out.

"I hate me too." Hands on hips, he walks to the bathroom.
What's with him?

Soon he is out wiping his face with a towel. He has only a towel on hanging from his waist. My eyes almost fell out. He has abs. I stare at them for so long, I couldn't bring myself to look away.

A white t-shirt falls over it and he starts to chuckle obviously reading my disappointment. Why am I disappointed? I've seen abs before. Lots of them.  I turn away and try to suppress the drool at that statistical unlikelihood.

He sits on the bed and I scoot away.
"Get off my bed." he says, without care.


"You're dirty. So get off."


"This is my bed and if you want to sleep on it, you've got to bathe."

Bathe means taking of my gown.  I turn away, cheeks flaming, "No."

"Okay." He comes over to me, carries me and dumps me on the floor. Astonished, I gape at him.

I get up from the floor, pissed. "I was here first tonight, you should sleep on the floor." Did i just say that?

"Excuse me?"

"Excuse me, you have no respect for me. I'm surprised your girlfriend is still in a relationship with you."

Uh oh.

He sits, stoic on the bed glaring at me in a way that sends shivers down my spine. Oops, I went too far. It is his fault. He stands fists balled, his Adam Apple bobbing up and down.

"Uh Nolan? I'm sorry?"

His glare didn't make me feel any better. He approachs me slowly, staring me down. I shuffle backwards and step on my dress. I slip and fall to the ground hard. "Don't involve Aubrey. Ever."

I wince as pain reverberated up my spine. His hardened gaze never leaves my face until he climbs into bed and pulls the covers over him. I lay on the floor, crying.

A shaky sigh escapes my lips. I wipe my tears and hug my legs to my chest. I watch Nolan sleep, his chest rising and falling. My eyes slowly close and I yawn, exhausted. In my drowsy state, I feel someone lift me up and lay me on a bed. Though it came from far away, I hear someone apologize.

Tap on that star please.

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