Chapter 25

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"Good morning lovebirds!" A shrill voice yelled startling me awake.

The birds chirped outside and the rays tickled my eyes. I groaned, not wanting to get up. The bed is in fact feeling lumpy, warm and hard. It was breathing. The bed is breathing. My eyes popped open. I could see an arm and I could feel another on me holding me down.

I looked up to find what I thought is my bed stir awake.

Oh no. Ew no. How did I end up on top of him?

His eyes peered open and shock greeted me. I let out a nervous whimper and sat up.

"Aren't you guys gonna get out of-" Vic walked in. This is about the wrongest person to walk in on this scene. "Whoa. Ew, are you guys having sex?"

"What? No." I said still shocked. My current position, however,  begged to differ. I am- straddling Nolan. He sat up quickly bumping into me.


"This is so disturbing on so many levels." Vic still stood there astonished.

"You should have knocked." I said hurriedly getting up from Nolan's lap. It is indeed disturbing.

"I should have. Does this mean that I'm gonna have a little niece or nephew running around soon?"

"Hell no!" Nolan and I exclaimed.

"So if I hadn't walked in, you guys would have kept on with it?"

"We aren't even naked." Nolan argued.

"You are halfway there."

So Nolan was in his boxers and I in a short and flimsy top. My cheeks flamed in embarrassment.

"There was heat."

"I was not comfortable."

We both replied simultaneously.

"Please don't tell anyone what you saw"

"I won't." he said quickly. Too quickly. I narrowed my eyes at him not believing him. It's either there is a catch or he is so going to tell.

"Stop looking at me like that. Come on out, breakfast is ready." He grinned widely strutting out.

"I don't like that look on his face." Nolan finally said dressing.

"Me either." I folded my arms across my chest.

"I'm pretty glad I don't have a younger sibling."

"No wonder your life is boring." I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing happened between us."

"Of course nothing happened. You think I'd like to have sex with you? Oh puh-lease."

We made our way to the dining room where my mum had set food of different kinds. Looks like she is trying to impress someone.

"Morning." We greeted one another and set down to eat.

Halfway through the meal, Vic exploded. "Anna was straddling Nolan this morning."

Nolan and I froze in our seats. I heard my dad cough repeatedly hitting his chest.

"Oh well, Vic was watching Fifty Shades Of Grey, an x-rated movie, when you weren't home on Valentine."

"Victor Ryan Leslie Bill I strictly told you that x-rated movies were not allowed in this house." Mom fisted her palm.

Vic pouted, "You promised not to tell."

"If you hadn't told, I wouldn't have had to." I pointed out.

"Annabelle Joyce Brian Bill."

Nolan snorted obviously trying not to laugh. I really wonder what my parents were thinking when they named us.

"Yes, Daddy." I smiled giving him an innocent look.

"Please none of that- straddling in the house. I still can't accept the fact you are married so please none of that." His tone hinted sadness with his eyes cast down and lips drawn to a frown.

"Of course, Dad." I looked down at my plate.

"Can we all get back to eating?" Mom suggested.

Dad toyed with his food for a while before getting to his feet. "Excuse me."

I stood up to follow him but Nolan stopped me shaking his head. "I'll go instead," He said and left the table.

"This is all your fault." I glared at my younger brother.

"My fault?"

I gave him the finger and ended up receiving a glare from my mom.

I think Nolan has won over my dad because for the rest of the day they were stuck to each other like glue. Strangely, it kind of was nice of a change. Nolan was laughing, like actually laughing. The both of them argued about everything. From sports to politics. I swear if I hadn't known either of them, I'd think they were friends or father and son.

Nolan watched my dad cook, how he fillets fish. Something his own two kids are still unable to do. Nolan got it on his first try.

They made a connection, something I didn't see when Henry came around. Mom was more enamored with Henry.

Me, I kept burning myself each time I tried to fry the fish.

Once my mom saw me, she shook her head sadly. "You are goddamn lucky you are married to a Prince. You are terrible in the kitchen."

I grunted and ditch the apron. I give up on cooking.

The doorbell rang. Vic went to get it.

"Anna, someone sent flowers."


He came into the living room with a bouquet of red roses.


My poker face melded into a wide grin. He didn't forget me. I awwed and brought out a vase to put it in. My family members just stared on amused. Nolan smiling expression turned glum.

In my mother's arms was the photo album of my childhood.

"Hey, I thought we disposed of that." I called out dipping my hand into the sauce dad and Nolan made.

"We don't throw away memories,  Anna." My mother dearest retorted.

I don't even remember why I wanted to throw it away. I sat beside her and Nolan who were looking at the pictures.

"This is Anna's first birthday. She was just so adorable," she turned the pages, "and this was when she took her first step and when she tried to read." She kept on pointing pictures out, " I always wonder sometimes if she was meant to be a boy because she is very stubborn and hot headed."

"I agree." Nolan nodded his head in agreement. I looked at him sourly earning a grin.

"I mean she never liked wearing clothes until she was five."

Oh now I remember why I wanted to throw this book away. Mom placed the album in his hands.

Nolan began to laugh pointing at pictures in which I was very naked.

"Mom." I groaned out trying to snatch the book away. Nolan kept it out of reach laughing hard.

"It's true Anna, I'm glad you didn't turn out to be transgender."

"You are the one who named me Brian."

Vic hit the table repeatedly as he was laughing. My dad frowned.

"What's wrong with 'Brian'?" He asked confused.

"It's a boy name."

"Oh my gosh, Brian." Vic said

"Shut it Leslie."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not? It's in your birth certificate."

"Mom, make her stop."

"Anna." Mom drew out with a warning.

"But he started it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Both of you. Enough," Mom yelled, "not another word from either of you."

And so she continued to show Nolan pictures of me.

"Anna can dance? You dance?" Bewildered he asked.

"Yes I prefer free styling and break dancing to the boring waltz." I bit into a strawberry.

"Wow" he stared at me with new eyes.

"And she paints and draws. She is terrible at singing. Don't make her sing. Your ears will bleed." Vic teased.

"So I'm not Sia but I'm not terrible at singing. Right dad?"

"Ehh well..." he look up from his book about cooking.

"Well, what?"

"You are a nightingale." His smile was a little to wide.

"See? Don't believe anything Vic says. I'm going to sing for you now."

Dad got to his feet, "I think my stomach is making some funny noise. I'm heading for the toilet." He dashed away.

"And I've got to wash the dishes." Vic got up too.

"Since when do you do the dishes?"

"Since now." He hurried away.

"Are you going to give an excuse too?" I eyed both my mom and Nolan.

They shook their head slowly.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. I started singing.

Snow glows white on the mountain tonight.
Not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation and
It looks like I'm the queen.

Nolan looked like he wanted to burst into tears, his nose turned fury red. His lips were pressed tightly and he was bobbing his head furiously.

My mother looked to the ceiling sporting a fake smile. I hit the chorus. Nolan went wide eyed.

When I finished I asked how well I did. Silence ensued.


"Wow." He breathed out.

"What do you mean by wow?"

"That was interesting. One of a kind."

"Really?" I lit up. I have officially forgiven you for kissing me and snubbing me after. "See I told you not to believe anything Vic says."

"Mhm," he nodded​ again, "he lies."

"Of course he does, it's Vic," I got up, "would you like me to cook more of that for you?"

"No, I'm full." He hurriedly said.

"Okay. Call me if you need anything."

"Sure. Why not?"

I walked out skipping. Take that little brother.

Till we meet again.

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Toodles. Xoxo

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