It's Not Over Yet

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Flashback to seven months back...

It's a Lie, it's not true. I know, I'm hallucinating. I am not standing at the edge of the cliff, I am at home, with Tae and my baby Minji. I am hallucinating, hahahaha. I am hallucinating

Jimin kept repeating these lines, laughing insanely, his hands were trembling, covering his ears. He heard  cries of a baby. The lines between reality and hallucinations were blurry now. He stood at the edge of the cliff, looking down he lifted his foot leaning forward. His will to live no longer existed. Nothing is left for him now, he had no purpose in life. It's better to die then to suffer he thought.

Meanwhile Tae searched the whole house for Jimin. A thought crossed his mind, he remembered putting a tracker on Jimin's necklace.

Previously, when he suddenly disappeared, leaving them to search for him madly. They found him, later, on the rooftop, hands wide open, walking on the egde balancing his body. As he was about to loose his balance, they caught him, at the right time or he would have fallen off the roof, badly injuring himself.

He opened the tracker app on his phone and got the location. Running towards the car, he inserted the key, starting the engine. He drove off looking at the map for directions. He reached the spot showing on the map. Opening the door of the car, he jumped of the seat, looking everywhere for Jimin. He called his name, but couldn't see him anywhere. It was turning him restless.

The sun was up in the sky shining brightly, he saw someone standing at the edge of the cliff. He squinted his eyes, trying to see who's that person. It was Jimin. He screamed,

"Nooooooo, Jimin. Stop" he ran towards him. Jimin turned around to see Tae coming towards him.

"This is also an imagination hahahaha, my bad. I should go now, bye Tae Tae"  saying so he waved his hand laughing. Then he looked ahead taking a step towards deep valley, he wouldn't survive the fall. Tae caught him on time pulling him back. Both fell backwards.

"Jimin! What were you doing?" he shouted as they sat up facing each other.

"It's not a hallucination? I'm not imagining you here! You are real?" he said touching his face, arms, still unsure about it. He looked so vulnerable, Tae didn't like it. He was on the verge of crying.

"Jimin" he hugged him, crying. Did I loose my Jiminie already, no, I can't. I'll do everything to make it right. You will get better Jimin

He kissed Jimin's forehead, they got up. Jimin felt dizzy and fell over. Tae caught him and lifted him bridal style taking him to the car, making him sit comfortably he pulled over the seat belt. Then he came and sat in the driver's seat. Both went back home.

Flashback ends...

"Ahhhhh, Tae" he screamed

Tae quickly searched for his medicines, gave him the tablet with a glass of water. His hands were trembling, Tae helped him out, putting the tablet in his mouth, he made him drink water.

"Jimin, don't stress out. Everything is fine. Please take rest" he was too worried about him, why is it happening again. It had stopped.

He hugged him, Jimin was trembling in his embrace. He patted his back slowly, making small circles on his back, it calmed him down, he fell asleep. Laying him on the bed he covered him with the duvet, sleeping besides him. He pulled him closer, kissing his forehead. They fell asleep, unaware of what awaited for them ahead.

Next morning,

'Is it back, the hallucinations?' He thought as he caressed his face,
'He looks so beautiful while asleep, just like an angel.
What should I do? Should I call Dr. Kim? I think I should!'

He got up, took the phone calling Dr. Kim.

Dr. Kim, Taehyung here
Yes, tell me. How's your vacation going?

It was going good until yesterday night. Jimin is having those episodes again
He's having hallucination, it can't be.

No, he talked about meeting Hobi hyung late at night, at 3am. You know na Dr. he can't be here
Ya, you are right. It's not possible. Continue the medicines. If I get time I'll drop by.

Thank you Dr.
It's my duty Taehyung, take care of him, for now

Bye Dr.

Saying so he hanged up. He heard Jimin groan in his sleep. He shuffled in the bed, Tae went and slept besides him. He cuddled with Tae. Both fell asleep.

In the Afternoon,

After what happened yesterday, Jimin was a bit disturbed. How did he start having hallucinations again, he was recovering. This time he could touch and feel the person in the hallucinations. Is that even possible? He still believes he met Hobi hyung yesterday night. But how will he explain his disappearance?

Jimin was stressed, Tae saw that.

"Jimin, let's go out today! What say? We'll do sight seeing!" Tae said with a smile

Jimin was not in the mood, but he nodded faking a smile. He didn't want to trouble his sweet husband, who's always trying to make things better for him. He felt lucky to have him, he's the love of his life.

"I love you"

"Love you too sweetheart"

Both were having a brunch, as they woke up late in the afternoon. They got up after finishing it. Tae went upstairs, Jimin was sitting on the sofa thinking about yesterday's events!

"Sir, would you stay back for lunch?" Jason asked

"No Jason, you can leave for the day. We may come back late at night. Thanks"

"Okay Sir" he bowed and left

Jimin got up and started climbing the stairs. While going up, he felt someone's presence behind him. He stopped on the tracks and turned around to find no one. He came down and went behind the stairs, again there was no one. Is he imagining things. He was loosing his confidence which he gained all this while. Why is this happening with him?

He shrugged and went upstairs. As Jimin was out of sight, someone came out from hiding behind a door.

Just wait and watch, how I'll take everything away from you Jimin, like you did to me. You have already lost your father and child. Next was your Hobi hyung. Now it's Taehyung
*evil laughs*


Jimin and Taehyung got ready to go out.

"You look hot Babe, let's stay back" he smirked looking at Jimin

"Yah, Kim Taehyung, I know what's going on in your dirty mind. Shut your mouth and let's go"

Tae giggled..

They went for a long drive, enjoying the view, listening to music and jamming to it together. Tae was so excited he was singing on the top of his voice. Jimin laughed. He looked out of the window, feeling cool breeze across his face, he smiled.

Then they stopped at a place to have lunch. Both were chatting and giggling while they ate. Jimin got up as he excused himself to go to the washroom. He was washing his hands later. As he looked up in the mirror, he saw a person standing behind him, wearing a black hoodie, a black mask covering his face and a hoodie over his head.

Jimin dried out his hands, and turned back. The person quickly grabbed him covering his mouth.

"Don't speak a word, or I'll kill you. I have a gun" he whispered in his ears. Jimin was scared to death, tears rolling down his eyes. He nodded silently. Something poked him from behind, it was the muzzle of the gun. Jimin froze, what was happening with him. He couldn't understand a thing.

"Keep quiet and listen to me. Your Hobi hyung is dead. I killed him, he wanted to save you from me. Poor guy, be rest assured, I didn't torture him, gave him an easy death" the voice was hoarse, but the touch was of someone known. Who's this person?

Jimin cried hearing what he said, his favorite hyung, was no more.

"Mmphmmm" Jimin said something in muffled voice. That guy removed his hand covering his mouth, letting him speak

"W.....why did you k.....kill him? What was his c.....crime? What is your p....problem?"

That person laughed like a maniac. Jimin got confused

"You are the problem Jimin. You don't deserve to exist. You will die, soon. And if you tell anything to your husband, I'll kill him first. So keep your mouth shut"

Someone knocked the bathroom door. He flinched and gestured Jimin to wash his face, he was a crying mess. He hid in one of the bathroom stall, gesturing Jimin to keep quiet or he'll be dead. Saying so he disappeared inside the stall.

"Jimin, I'm getting worried, open the door. What happened? Are you okay?" a voice came from outside

Jimin looked behind one last time before opening the door.

"Why did you lock the door Jimin? I was worried, you took so much time to come out. Is everything alright? Why are your eyes so red and puffy? You cried?"

"No, something got into my eyes" Jimin said avoiding eye contact. He didn't want Tae to get hurt by that killer. Jimin grabbed his arm to leave but Tae got suspicious. He pulled his arm out of Jimin's hold, and started searching the stalls of the bathroom one by one. Jimin's heart was racing fast, sweat dripping off his forehead. Tae was nearing the stall in which the killer was hiding, Jimin was about to stop him. But as he opened the stall, he found no one in there. How? Jimin was confused, did he vanish in thin air? How is that even possible!

Jimin feared the killer may come out of nowhere, so he pulled Tae out of the washroom. They were sitting in the car, later. Tae turned around facing him,

"Jimin, are you hiding something from me?"

Jimin's hands were trembling. He didn't know what to do, he can't say anything, or it would put Tae's life in danger.

He grabbed Tae's hand, faking a smile and shook his head slightly.

"Nothing is wrong Tae, let's go" he said squeezing his hand slightly.

Tae wasn't convinced but he didn't want to pressurise Jimin to speak anything against his will. He'll wait for  him to talk on his own. He just caressed his cheeks kissing his forehead and then drove off.

Someone was watching their car leave

The trap is set. Let the game begin. And let me tell you Jimin, there's no choice. You will die and I'll make sure it's painful. Hahahahaha
*evil laughs*

An hour later,

Jimin and Tae reached their destination. He took out the mattress spreading it on the grass, both sat on it enjoying the view, it was nearing sunset, sky was pink, the view was mesmerizing. He let the gentle breeze cool his mind, closing his eyes.

They were relaxing near a lake. Where couples were boating, kids were running here and there, giggling.

Jimin's was zoning out, thinking about that person who attacked him back then. Was it an illusion or was he real? He's so confused from what happened earlier. He wants to tell Tae everything and hug him tightly, he feels safe in his embrace. But he can't do so, he loves him, he'll protect him.

"Jimin are you okay?"

"Huh" he broke out of the trance

"I asked are you okay?"

"Hmmm, I'm okay" he looked away, trying to hide his tears

Tae was worried,
He was okay back then at the restaurant, what happened? He went to the washroom and everything changed thereafter, did something happen in there? And why is he hiding it from me?
He thought

Both sat in silence looking up at the sky which was turning to a darker shade of orange now. Jimin lied down on the mattress keeping his hands below his head for support.

He was so stressed out, his head started aching badly.

"Tae, my head is aching" Jimin said as he sat up grabbing his head

"Wait, I'll bring your medicines" Tae got up and went towards the car, opened the back door, and brought the medicine with a bottle of water.

"Here" he gave them to Jimin, taking a seat besides him, rubbing his back

Jimin took the medicines, rested his head on Tae's shoulder. His eyes getting heavier, drifting off to sleep. Tae patted his back slowly hugging him. He saw Jimin falling asleep. He carried him bridal style making him sit comfortably in the car, pulling over the seat belt. He sighed and went towards the drivers seat.

"Jimin, why do you do this? I'm so worried for you. Don't hide anything from me, you are getting better now. It will make matters worse" he said caressing his face. Jimin was fast asleep.

He sighed, starting the engine and driving off towards their farmhouse.

At the farmhouse,

Tae carried Jimin inside their room, removed his shoes, changed his clothes into comfortable ones, then laid him on the bed, covering him with the duvet. He went to freshen up later.

As he came out of the bathroom, he got a call. He glanced at Jimin, he was sleeping. Then he looked at the phone screen. He looked worried picking up the call

To be continued...

Hmmmm, who's calling Tae? Who was at the washroom back then? Is Jimin hallucinating again or it is real this time?

It will get more interesting now on, just wait and watch. Everything will fall into place.

Till then Please Vote 🌟

Thank you for reading💜


I saw it now, this Chapter long na😅

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