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Why did he come here of all people? I never liked him!,

Yoongi thought as he saw the person approaching him

"Yoongi hyung! What a surprise? Nice to see you here!" saying so Jungkook pulled the grumpy Yoongi into a bear hug. His hands resting on either sides, not wanting to hug the younger back. JK pulled away flashing a smile. Yoongi just faked a smile, standing a step or two further from him.

"Why? Am I not allowed to come here? If I'm not wrong, it's Minnie's Farmhouse. I ain't coming here for the first time boy" he blurted out like a rap

"Hyung, why do you look so pissed off? Also you don't seem too happy seeing me here! Why?" he said pouting

"It's nothing like that. Don't keep on assuming things as you always do. Just do whatever you came here for and leave" Yoongi rolled his eyes, as he scoffed

He hated the sight of this black haired coconut-head. There was a reason behind the hatred towards him. Yoongi and JK had a big fallout in the past. Long story short, he despised him.

"Hyung, why do you keep shoving me away. It would have been so nice, if you showered little bit of love on me too" JK talked in his sweet voice, tilting his head sideways.

"Look who's here! My handsome brother-in-law! Welcome JK" a dusky voice called out from upstairs. Tae leaned on the railing holding his phone, looking down towards the boys, who were in no mood of talking to each other. The situation got a bit tensed.

"Hello hyung! How are you?" he looked towards Tae who trudged downstairs, texting someone.

"I'm all good! How are you JK? And how's Anna?"

JK's phone buzzed, a message popped up on the screen. He checked it quickly, sliding it back in his pocket, as he faced Tae.

"Anna is good hyung, she's in her 3rd trimester now, so she can't join us. Doctor advised her a complete bedrest. Mom is taking care of her" he said in a worried tone

"Take good care of Anna, she needs your support the most now, as a husband. How's aunty, I haven't met her? It's been months since I last met them"

"Yes, Mom is in good health. You should visit us with Jiminie hyung sometime, if possible. By the way how's he now? I'm worried for him. He's having those episodes again na hyung?"

Before Tae could open his mouth Yoongi cut him off,

"How do you know? He recently started having them. Even I came to know about it yesterday" he asked with crossed arms, staring at him suspiciously

"Hyung, please believe me. I had called Taehyung hyung the day before, he told me about it back then"

Though Yoongi was not satisfied with the answer, he nodded anyways.

"Hyung can I see him?"

"Why are you asking me? Go upstairs. He just woke up, you'll find him by the balcony"

"Okay hyung! Please tell Jason to keep my luggage in the room downstairs" saying so he went upstairs leaving both the boys alone.

"He knows about Jason too? Even Jimin and I didn't know about him!" Yoongi said as he glanced towards Tae, who typed something on his phone

"Hyung, I told him once, when we had some casual talks" Tae said, still looking at his phone screen, typing something.

Why does Taehyung share everything with that irritating bunny? I don't trust him. He finds ways to harm my Minnie, like he once did at the college, by spiking his drink. This bunny is not trustworthy...
Yoongi thought as his eyes followed JK, who went towards Jimin's room.

"Hyung! Are you alright?" Tae said waiving a hand in front of him, which brought him out of his deep thoughts

"Yes I'm good. And why is he here? You called him? You should have called him directly to the party Tae" Yoongi said getting restless

"Hyung, he insisted on meeting Jimin. How could I reject him on his face? It's his home too na hyung"

"Whatever, I'll go, watch TV and relax a bit. You carry on with whatever work you were doing" saying so he plopped down on the sofa, lying sideways. One of his hands' held the remote, changing channels, and the other trapped in between his thighs. He blabbered some incoherent words while changing channels.

Tae shook his head, now heading towards the study. He had some pending work to finish.

At Jimin's room,

Jimin was admiring the nature's beauty, unaware of someone admiring his beauty. He was lost in his world, when JK came and stood in front of him, taking him by surprise. Jimin lifted his head up to spot JK, showing his bunny smile. He smiled, getting up, now hugging him tight. JK patted his back.

"Finally you got time to meet your hyung. I'm so angry with you JK, how come you never visit me for so long? I missed you so much" Jimin said in a soft voice

He missed his voice, his touch. It's better to stay away from him. He is not good at hiding his emotions around him. So he decided to maintain a distance, which would be better for all. But he failed, miserably. And on top of that, he committed the biggest sin. He was guilty for it, but was that enough?

If Jimin came to know about this secret, he would hate him for sure. It was wrong, even though it happened in the heat of the moment. Nothing can justify his acts. He feared of loosing his beloved hyung, so kept the secret locked in his heart. The truth would destroy him if it's ever revealed, it's better untold.

"Why are you crying Kookie? I was joking when I scolded you. Don't take it so seriously. I know you are busy person" Jimin said as he cupped JK's face, wiping away his tears

"Sorry hyung, I wasn't there when you needed me the most. It was so selfish of me, to just think about myself. I'm so sorry hyung. I was stuck in a mess so bad, I couldn't take out time to meet you" JK sniffed, as tears filled his eyes.

"It's okay Kook_ah. I'm good now. Don't worry. I don't like to see you cry, you know that. Stop crying" saying so he kissed his forehead, patting his head.

"It's not okay hyung. How can you be so selfless? You should be selfish at times, for your own sake. Or people will trample you under their feet" he said looking away, hiding his pain

"Kook_ah, did something happen? Tell me. You know I'm always there for you"

"It's nothing hyung. Anyways now I'm here. No more crying. How are you now hyung?"

"I'm not okay JK, I guess I'm going insane again. The hallucinations are back. I'm so sick and tired of them now. Will I ever get better? Or will I just end up in a bed at some mental asylum" Jimin said as his lips quivered, tears filling his brown orbs

"Hyung please don't say that. I'm with you, no one would dare to touch you. You are safe with me" He said pulling him into a hug, Jimin nodded, as he sniffled. They sat down.

Jimin asked about his wife and mother-in-law. He was happy to know that all were in good health. He was so excited to meet his niece/nephew soon.

They were chatting, laughing in between as they reminisced about their good old days.

"I remember, how you hid behind that door at the end of our school's corridor, just to catch a glimpse of Yoongi hyung" he laughed

"Shut up JK, it all in the past" he smacked JK's arm

"But why is Yoongi hyung single until now?" this question puzzled Jimin too

"I don't know Kookie, maybe he hasn't met the one yet"

JK shrugged

"So hyung, don't you have any lingering feelings for him now?"

"Of course not JK! I love Tae. Don't ask such stupid questions" he yelled making the other flinch

"Sorry hyung. But why are you shouting?"

"Just don't ask that again"

"What is going on?"

Both the boys turned around, now looking towards the person who asked that question.

"Nothing Tae, just casual chatting" Jimin said, shifting in his seat, getting a bit nervous.

"Cool! I just came by to say that, Hobi hyung will be joining us soon" he smiled wide

"Really? That's a great news Tae!" he said getting up, crashing on him, as Tae caught him.

"Jimin, you are behaving like a baby now"

JK giggled at the back. Jimin smacked his chest, laughing

"I'm not a baby, please"

"Nope, you are my baby bo-"

Jimin covered his mouth, muffling his voice

"Tae, you are so shameless" Jimin said as his cheeks turned crimson

Tae chuckled, as he let him down from his hold.

"Aren't you my baby boy though?" he whispered in a raspy voice, sending chills down his spine.

"Tae, don't you dare call me that in front of others" Jimin whispered back, glaring him

"Okay, sorry, baby boy" he chuckled, running away

"Kim Taehyung" he shouted running behind him as JK giggled seeing them acting so cute.

At the unholy hour,

All went to bed. Yoongi felt a bit restless in his room, so he came down, going towards the kitchen. He didn't switch on the lights, just opened the fridge, picking up a bottle, to quench his thirst.

As he closed the lid, he heard footsteps coming from above. Maybe it was a reflective action, he ducked hiding behind the counter. He popped his head out a bit to catch a glimpse of the person who came downstairs at this hour.

As that person reached the last step, he turned right, going towards JK's room, unlocking it and going inside.

"Why did Tae go in JK's room at this hour? It's 3:30am. What's going on between them?"

Should Yoongi go behind Taehyung?


Should he go check up on Jimin who's all alone in his room?

What do you think he'll do?

To be continued...

Now now, Tae goes missing at night. Yoongi saw him going in JK's room. What's going on here?

Finally JK made an entry, a bit late though.

Sorry for not giving any hint about JK being married till now. Even I was unaware😅

Just kidding...

What are they trying to hide?

I hope it doesn't worsen the situation for our poor Jiminie🥺

The fallout between Yoongi and JK will be covered in another chapter.

Thank you for reading💜

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