What if?

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"I.... I. Sir, I never obeyed Mr. Kim's orders fully, which angered him always. I was afraid it might hurt you beyond repair. I was indebted to you and your father as he too helped my father to get out of our debts in the past. But my father went out and took more loans which brought us to this situation" James spoke in one breath, surprising Jimin.

"Sir, I don't want to be of help to Mr. Kim in any way, but I didn't have much of a choice back then. I'm sorry to have hurt you in the process. And I'm ready to help you out in any way possible. Just order me what can I do for you" he stated widening Jimin's eyes. He never thought James would agree to his demands so easily. Were his intentions pure?

"Are you sure of it? You can't betray me hereafter!" Jimin warned as James nodded.

"I would never think of it! You can order me anything. Also Mr. Jeon's phone was destroyed as you instructed. I threw it in the lake nearby, no one can get it now. Is it enough to make you believe in my loyalty?" James spoke.

Jimin contemplated his options, it would benefit them to bring James to their side. This fight against Taehyung is going to be difficult, when he once loved that man, even if he just used him. He sighed looking at James who never met his eyes once, his legs shivering a bit under Jimin's gaze. Though Jimin was a sweet guy, still people could feel intimidated under his gaze.

"I can't fully trust you after knowing that you worked for Taehyung. I'm pretty sure you are trying your best to change, and I don't want you to go back to that dark side. So I'm willing to lend you a helping hand, but in exchange for it you have to promise me you won't betray us" Jimin sighed raising his chin to meet his blue eyes which turned watery.

"Thank you Sir, I'm really grateful for your help. I would do anything to help you. I promise to not betray you, I can't say the same about others" he sighed wiping his eyes which held unshed tears.

"Okay" Jimin sighed feeling bad for pressurizing him. "Following my instructions should suffice. Don't worry I'll take care of your debts" Jimin assured with a small smile, patting his shoulder. He nodded.

"Actually I have something to report to you" James blurted with a serious face, Jimin was slightly taken aback, nevertheless, he gestured him to continue. "Mr. Kim was planning to prove you're a person with an unstable mind and claim the position of the CEO in the upcoming Board Meeting. But now since there are so many people in here, he can't execute his plan. Yesterday when he came late, I thought he would go to your room in an attempt to manipulate you to send Mr. Min and Dr. Lee away. But to my surprise I saw Jungk- I mean Mr. Jeon entering Mr. Kim's room this morning, though he left his room immediately with eyes full of tears, clearly showing he felt betrayed" James murmured making Jimin wonder if Jungkook left Taehyung's room immediately, what happened in such a short while to make him cry. He needs to ask Jungkook sooner.

"Thanks James! Please continue giving us info and be careful not to get caught" Jimin warned as he nodded. "You can leave now" Jimin smiled, James bowed leaving the room. A loud thud followed by shuffling of feet reminded Jimin of Hoseok's presence.

"Do you trust him?" Hoseok asked with his brows raised.

"I don't have an option hyung. Anyways where did you even hide to get to this state" Jimin  chuckled watching Hoseok's hairs standing in all possible directions, a few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned and dust covering his clothes from top to bottom. He was sweating profusely, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Don't ask me" Hoseok sighed feeling sticky and itchy all over. "I need a hot bath" Hoseok groaned going towards the room's door. He stopped in his tracks remembering about a key hidden in his pocket.

"What?" Jimin asked watching him in a daze.

"I got a key behind there" Hoseok said unsure, showing the key to him.

"Huh! Where does this belong to?" Jimin wondered.

"I'm not sure, keep this with you for now" Hoseok kept the key on Jimin's palm running towards the door, "Let's talk later" Hoseok squeaked before leaving.

"Now what's this" Jimin wondered holding the key in between his thumb and index finger. He went towards his cupboard, removing the drawer covering a hidden drawer behind, which only Jimin and his father knew of. He kept the key inside that drawer and aligned the other drawer in front as if was never removed.

"This should take care of it for now" he sighed going towards the gallery. The view in front of him as he stood at the gallery had beautiful forest and an open ground covered in grass in front. He sighed taking in a long breathe feeling nostalgic. He smiled remembering old memories, when his father used to lift him up in the air as a kid. Initially he felt afraid, but later on the adrenaline rush made him feel lighter as if he was flying. While he ran aimlessly on that ground not caring about what lies in the future, he felt so free. What if he was given a chance to go back to his past self? Would he change the past or let it flow like it was supposed to? Such questions are difficult to answer unless you actually face them.

"I won't let your murderer get away so easily Papa. I'll make sure he won't get an easy death" Jimin huffed looking down to spot Jungkook sitting on a bench talking to James who went in later. He thought of asking Jungkook about this morning, maybe he'll get some more info about Taehyung's intention.

"Kookie" Jimin yelled from above gaining the younger attention who looked up to spot Jimin waving towards him. "Wait there, I'm coming"

Jimin ran downstairs towards Jungkook who sat in the backyard at a bench they used to sit as kids. It used to be their favorite spot to gossip about their school/college life, or their love life. They discussed about their future sometimes only to end up thinking about funny situations they would end up if they remained unemployed. It was fun back then, no issues, no betrayal, just two young boys talking casually about their daily lives.

"Hyung, what happened" Jungkook smiled watching Jimin run towards him, engulfing him into a bear hug. "Jiminie hyung, please tell me what happened. You're scaring me" Jungkook whispered while patting the elder in his embrace.

"Just felt a bit nostalgic, do you remember how we used to sit in this very place and discuss our future" Jimin sighed leaving Jungkook's embrace taking a seat on the bench with him.

"Yes I do. Hyung, are you alright?" Jungkook asked with concern laced voice. Jimin shook his head looking ahead, watching the beautiful garden they built together as young kids. It had varieties of roses, except the black one which was somehow stomped upon and Jimin cried for two days over that incident. He could never see black roses the same way after that incident so he never planted one and the gardners were instructed to never plant any in the future.

"I'm not okay, JK" Jimin mumbled, his eyes not meeting Jungkook's.

"Why? Did something happen between you and Taehyung?" Jungkook asked, but regretted the very next moment. How can he still love a guy who betrayed Jimin and him as well. This morning when he went to talk to Taehyung about ending everything between them, he found another person lying in his arms, naked. He knew what happened, was he so easy to move on from? Did he ever have any feelings for Jungkook? Maybe it was just him who fell hard for the other. What can you expect from a guy who betrayed his husband!

"Not me, it was you who left Taehyung's room this morning. Jungkook, please tell me what you saw there to make you cry?" Jimin asked holding his hands which went cold. Jungkook looked away wanting to disappear from this place, the situation he was afraid of stood right in front of him. His eyes started to get teary as he tried to withhold those tears which no matter what appeared whenever he thought about Taehyung besides someone else.

"I don't think so you would wanna know what I saw hyung. Even though I thought I had moved on from him, I felt like being stabbed multiple times in my heart seeing him in that situation" Jungkook sighed as a tear left his right eye.

"Jungkook! How bad could it be that it would break my already broken heart? Please tell me, I'll try to get over this too like his first betrayal" Jimin looked down with a sigh.

"I um... I saw him... with someone else, naked" Jungkook said with a sob. "I should have known better, once a person betrays someone he could do the same with anyone" Jungkook mumbled as tears coursed down his cheeks, he covered his face with low sobs leaving his lips. Jimin felt that Jungkook's situation was worse than his own. He felt guilty for somehow ending up in a better situation than his brother, atleast he had his friends supporting him.

"Kook, I'm not even surprised now. I'm not sure whether sleeping with you was the first time he cheated on me after dating and marrying me, or were there others after meeting me" Jimin sighed, not feeling any pain in his heart. "I think you should find someone who loves you for you and not just your body or looks JK" Jimin patted his shoulder which shook as he sobbed. He pulled him in his embrace wanting to take away all his pain, which wasn't possible.

"I loved the wrong person" Jungkook sobbed. "Or am I the wrong person to get involved with him knowing he was your husband" he sighed.

"We would never know someone's agony unless you step into their shoes. Like how you're in mine right now" Jimin sighed patting his back, Jungkook kept sobbing in his embrace while Jimin silently watched him cry. What could he even say to ease him when he himself was going through a similar situation. Jimin sighed holding Jungkook's shoulder, looking into his blood red eyes which were now puffy due to all the crying.

"You've to overcome this Kook. I'm not the one who can advise you anything. But let me tell you, once you have someone who understands your situation and offers a helping hand, the pain lessens a bit. Do remember, this betrayal will stay with you for life. It's up to you how you handle it and finally overcome this" Jimin sighed patting his shoulder as he got up.

"I'll try my best" Jungkook sobbed wiping his tears as he too got up to go inside. Both the boys made their way inside. Jimin went upstairs towards his room whereas Jungkook went towards the kitchen where James offered him a pouch of ice for his red and puffy eyes.

Can he move on from Taehyung? Was Jimin over Taehyung yet?
Time would tell their tales...

At night,

Jimin slept in his room alone today. Taehyung stayed back at office due to being overburdened with work. He informed Jimin that he'll return early next morning. Yoongi went out with Taemin to meet up with Dr. Kim Seokjin to talk about something which they didn't reveal to Jimin yet. James went to market when Jimin asked Jungkook to accompany him, going out would freshen up his mood. Yoongi called Jimin a while back asking about his whereabouts when he said he was all alone. He panicked knowing the killer was on loose so he told Jimin to be alert all the times as he made his way back.

Jimin's POV

Knock Knock

I sat up taken aback, being alone at home right now, who would knock the door? I got up going towards the door, opening it slowly to take a peek. But I couldn't see a thing since it was pitch dark outside. Who switched off the lights, I wondered. When suddenly the lights of my room flickered, I quickly closed the door going towards the gallery, my heartbeat speeding up. I shouldn't have sent Jungkook with James, but his face looking all pale made me do that. F**k, what do i do if that killer comes here? I went toward the drawer where I kept a taser which Yoongi hyung gave to me in case of emergency.

"So you were here my dear prey" a familiar husky voice greeted me from behind. I turned around to spot my kidnapper aka killer.

His face covered in black cloth, with his dark eyes visible. He was hanging by the balcony as I took a few steps back in shock only to fall on my ass. He jumped in making way towards me as I shivered under his presence.

"Finally we meet" he chuckled evilly pulling me up, grabbing the taser from my grip easily and throwing it away. "These toys won't stop me from taking you Jimin" he growled lifting me up and placing me on his broad shoulders.

"Leave me, why did you come back" I cried in his hold while trying to punch his back. He just laughed taking me downstairs.

"Stop right where you are or I'll pull the trigger" I heard Yoongi hyung's voice from behind when my killer stopped in his tracks.

"You would never harm your dear Jimin" the guy who held me captive made me his shield, making me stand in front of him. He chuckled watching Yoongi hyung's face go pale.

"Leave him alone and back off. I'll leave you alone" Yoongi hyung warned.

"That won't happen" he growled pulling a knife from his pocket and placing it by my throat making me yelp. "Don't move if you don't wanna get hurt" he warned as I stood still, his other hand gripping my shoulders.

"Don't waste our time, just give up already. I've called the police and they'll be arriving anytime" Yoongi hyung warned.

"I'm not scared of your fake threats" he laughed like a maniac making me afraid of his next move. We heard low sirens coming from outside making the guy shuffle a bit behind me.

"See I told ya! Now move" Yoongi closed the distance between us trying to hold my arm when he backed away.

"No you can't have him this time" he mumbled, shivering a bit.

"We won't harm you, hand Jimin over safely" Yoongi hyung talked in a calm voice.

"No, no, no. It can't happen again" he mumbled as his hand grabbing the knife moved away from my throat. Taking the opportunity I pushed his arm leaping towards Yoongi hyung when I heard a gunshot from behind, a crash sound followed by a low groan.

"You're under arrest for attempting to harm Jimin and holding him captive against his wishes. You have the right to not answer any questions, but if you do answer any questions your answers can be used against you as evidence. You also have the right to ask for a lawyer" Namjoon hyung spoke in a loud voice as he cuffed his hands behind while keeping the gun on his temple.

Then everything went black as I heard few voices in the back of my head, loosing my consciousness. A thought popped in my head, "What if my child and father would have been alive? Whatif I never fell ill? What if I never came to this cursed place? What if Taehyung never betrayed me? What if....."

To be continued...

Sorry for not posting for a while... I was busy with exams and my internship:')

Also please leave comments, it helps me to get some motivation to continue this story...

Now let's see what happens to this killer and why was he trying to kidnap Jimin?


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