Chapter Four (Bonus)

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October 6th
5:57 pm
(Present Day)

General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross had quite the reputation among the United Nations as protector of human rights and his protests against the mutant and enhanced human world. Something about his past had really riled him up, though most had no clue what that could be.

His close friends, though, mostly blamed a Doctor Bruce Banner, better known as the Hulk. To Ross, it wasn't even the fact that Bruce always eluded him, got him fired and made his special ops fail the one case they had ever been assigned.

No, he didn't care about any of that. His problem with the Doctor went so much more personal. No one ever mentioned it, including Ross himself. But from the Hulk a deep hatred of anyone abnormal had grown and flourished. These people thought they could rule the world, unchecked, living outside the law. Not in his country, not in his world.

Years ago, Natalie Rushman aka Natasha Romonov, widely known as the Black Widow had dumped all of SHIELD's heavily incripted files onto the internet in an attempt to expose HYDRA for what it was. Thankfully, the military had highly trained hackers that managed to open some of the lesser secrets. One including a very interesting case that General Ross had been called in to talk about. His motto: fight fire with fire. That was no myth, either. Firefighters used it all the time.

So, in his mind, to find and incapacitate enhanced people, recruit other loyal enhanced. For example, Air Force pilots with undying patriotism for their country. Steve Rogers and Buchanan Barnes would have been on that list of not for the mind control fiasco that started this mess. No, Ross was looking for something new. Someone different.

"Captain, it's nice to finally make your acquaintance," he welcomed, shaking their hand in a firm grip as he walked into what they had dubbed the war room.

They smiled in a tight fashion. "And you as well, General. What have you summoned me here for, if I may ask?"

"The President has seen fit to assign you to my new task force," Ross told them. They nodded.

"And what task force would that be, sir?"

"Super Human Containment. You'll meet your teammates very soon. I am very glad you have decided to join us."

Carol Danvers smiled tightly. "Thank you, sir. I await your orders."

To be continued...

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