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Yet the moment hadn't lasted. Because once again she was called back, her eyes glaring in anger as she walked through the doors of the courtroom, once again. Just when she was about to settle in her happiness the wider world called her back to reality harshly.

She had left Jackson with a kiss before descending her way to where she was needed, her eyes were cold yet the embers of fire were apparent in the soft brown orbs. She walked past her friends who shot her looks of concern yet it all brushed over head. She looked down at the stuff that was handed to her, her eyes shooting up the judge who sent her a cold unforgiving glare.

Irene suppresses the roll of her own eyes, passing the same look back to her. And she knew she was going to be given hell. She looked over to the defence lawyer who sat with a similar glare in her direction, she cursed under her breath, her fingers playing with ends of the papers arranged in front of her until her attention was diverted.

"All rise in the reopening of case 1257, in which we have the Kang's and Kim's vs the state police." The waited for the judge to signal them to their seats as Irene fixed her gown her eyes flashing momentarily to her friends.

She cleared her throat slightly. She couldn't show her nervousness. It would end up costing her too much. She walked around the table. "Your honour-" she began to greet only to be cut off harshly. "Let's slip the pleasantries shall we Ms Bae. You've already decided to reopen a case that was inconclusive and now you're wasting my time so please..." Irene seethed under her breath. "Of course your honour." This was going to be harder then the last case. "As you've already said your honour this is in fact a case that has been brought to life for the negligence in handling it in the first place. Seems like people haven't been doing their jobs correctly, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here wasting my own time." She counteracted, the venom in her words resonating.

"On 15th June 2008 the sisters of Ms Kang and Ms Kim were murdered in a park, past midnight...Police were called at approximately 1:35 AM with a missing persons report and yet the police didn't do anything, as recorded in their call log, they received in the next five hours a total of seven phone calls. Yet nothing was done..." she handed the call log over. Taking a step forward. "The fact that the police chose to do nothing, is one massive part of the case. People who pledge themselves to society. To making it safer, and to protect those who are vulnerable couldn't even understand the silent pleas of a family who were concerned about their daughters. In fact your honour, the police hadn't even bothered going to the scene until one of the victims boyfriend's Mr Son had decided to go look for them himself. Can you imagine the emotional trauma he must have undergone finding the love of his life dead? Because I can. Anyone capable of human emotions should. Yet this is far more complex in relation to the normal protocol for a murder case, because two officers sent to the scene, messed everything up. it was then found out recently that two officers took pictures with the deceased and sent them on a group chat,  not only trespassing the rights of the deceased but in the process destroying the evidence. The case was shut as a result and the killer was not caught. But not only were officials trying to protect the officers in question but in fact the actual murderer." She chuckled slightly. "You know what is even more interesting your honour, is that the boyfriend of Ms Kim was found dead less then two weeks later after openly criticising the work of the government and the state police. Would you like to know who followed? The entire family." "That's a strong accusation Ms Bae. Don't you think you should have evidence before saying such things carelessly. You're talking about the government, and that can be regarded as treason, watch your words." The judge warned. Irene looked at. "And why should I? I can see what you're trying to do your honour. You're trying to disprove my words before I have even solidified my argument. That isn't the role of a judge is it now?" "And it is the work of a Mafia Queen?" She threw back. Irene looked up at her with a smirk. "My evidence in relation to the case is right here in my hands as we speak your honour. Where is yours stating I run a Mafia?" She crossed her arms, a smug look directed to the judge who simmered down, her eyes glaring wildly into Irene's. "It's clear your honour that you're not interested in this case. I could read it on your face the moment I entered. And so I'm left to wonder if you're involved." "That's absurd Ms Bae! Watch your words before I throw you out of this courtroom." "I'd like to see you try..." and before she could be cut off again, Irene turned slightly. "The reason why I say that your honour is because it's noted here that you were in fact in charge of this case when it happened." She watched the judges eyes widen, others shooting looks up towards her. "Yoona Park is it?" Irene leaned back. "Funny I've been dealing with a lot of the parks recently. Your husband owns Park industries correct." "You're getting off topic." "What? Can't handle the fact that I'm digging into your personal life in the way you just tried to dig into mine. Double standards your honour." That seemed to hush the older woman into silence as Irene picked up the stack of evidence, flicking a page over. "So, back to the case your honour..." she mocked. "Since you're so desperate to see the evidence, let's strip this case bare shall we?" She took a step forward. "On the 14th June 2008 it was found in the last Ms Kang's phone messages she has are between the victim and her boyfriend. Within this detailed a breakup which the recipient seemingly couldn't handle as he moved to hurl some hateful language to her. One message passes as a subtle threat to the victim in which he states, 'Leave me and I'll kill everyone around you. You cannot escape this.'" Soft gasps were heard as Irene looked around at the shakes of heads in disapproval. She smirked slightly. "The evidence is there that can point to the boyfriend of Ms Kang as the perpetrator. And now I think it's time we meet the one and the only."

Irene sat down, her eyes looking over to the judge who shuffled in her seat. "Mr Jason Chang, son of the District Attorney." Sounds of outrage were heard. "YOU HAVE NO PROOF!" A voice boomed, causing Irene to turn. She smirked seeing the district attorney walk towards her. "Oh but I do." She pulled something into her grasp, a file. A file that had been misplaced at the time of the trial. She flicked it open, her eyes dancing into the mans in front of her menacingly. "Your honour, I think this was the file you needed when the trial was in session twelve years ago, in which the police themselves in writing declare that Mr Chang's footprints were found at the scene as well as an article of jewellery belonging to him. In fact, the fields were searched and a murder weapon found in which traces of his DNA were found. Not only that your honour it is stated here that the CCTV footage that was conveniently removed the next day captured Mr Chang arriving at the scene at approximately 12:00AM before leaving fifteen minutes later the time at which the deaths were predicted." Irene slammed the file down commanding the entire room into her mercy. "The evidence is there." She spoke leaning forward. She could hear the flashes of cameras, the distant typing of journalists and she knew that the higher ups within this room were now trapped. 

The district attorney looked towards his son, caring more about his position then his own blood and so he raised his hand to strike him down. The slap resounded within the courtroom, Irene crossing her arms at the display in front of her. "Is this how I raised you!" Irene chuckled to herself. The way people would throw their own under the bus just to ensure their own security, it disgusted her. Human nature her mind chimed yet she hated it.

She stood from her leaning position, watching carefully as the son spoke against his father. "You were the one who wished to bury it!" He spat. "Too concerned about your position and reputation you paid off everyone to keep their mouths shut. You misplaced evidence, which in your world is known as fabricating evidence. What's the charge for that?" Irene quickly butt in. "Article 49, fabrication of evidence 10 years in prison." The son looked up before turning back to his father. "You're  the one who wanted to run-" his father moved to slap him again. Irene's clap breaking through. "What a show." She spoke, grabbing the District Attorneys arm and standing in the way. "How disgusting." She seethed. "You have a duty. A duty to protect those who are vulnerable, a duty to be a beacon of hope to those who have just had the world shaken and yet despite that, you chose to corrupt your position for your own benefit. You have failed the people of this city. How many other cases have you been paid out of?" She threw her eyes burning as she looked towards him. "And your son? It is the job of a parent to nourish their children, to tell them what is right and wrong so that they can learn to differentiate between that and instead of doing your job as parent you taught Him that he can continue to make mistakes because daddy dearest will always be there to save him. You have failed at not only being a district attorney but at being a parent as well, and I don't know which one you should be more ashamed off." She shook her head. "Ms Bae stay in your limits!" She heard from behind her and she couldn't help but chuckle as she turned, waiting for the judge to continue. "You are in a courtroom remember your spot. Who are you to talk about parents?" She laughed standing from her seat. "You don't even have a set of parents." And Irene's face fell. Her eyes darting up as she looked towards the judge, her friends standing in equal shock. Irene knew she could play this in two ways, and with a calm breath she leaned back, allowing her arms to crossover against her chest. "And how would you know?" She watched the judge squirmer in her seat, and her suspicions had been confirmed, but she needed to pull the focus back. "I think you should do your job your honour, you're yet to convict. The criminals are in front of you, they have owned up to their mistakes, what is left?" Irene took her seat ignoring everything else, especially the ache in her heart and nauseous feeling the stemmed from her stomach. And she waited to hear the words for her friends who sat at the edge of their seats. Irene looked up at the judge as she could see the conflict that passed through her eyes. "I sentence Mr Chang to  life in prison for the murder to two young women. I sentence Mr Chang senior to 15 years in prison for the fabrication and the misplacement  of evidence, the police officers responsible for negligence, trespassing of a scene and disturbing the deceased, are suspended from duty and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Court adjourned." And Irene could now breathe with relief, she looked to her friends who had tears in her eyes and they ran to her encasing her into a hug.

She smiled through her own. "This is only the start." She spoke. And they returned the words. "Let's go and celebrate." Yeri called. "You guys go, I'm going to head home." Wendy smiled. "You're going to Jackson you mean?" Irene smiled. "He is home." She stated and the girls smiled. "We're happy for you Rene. You deserve it. Give Jack our love." Irene nodded as she bud them goodbye before leaving to head home.

She walked through the door seeing him playing his guitar, she leaned against the door frame resting her head against the frame as he strummed the strings as he played. She clapped her hands when the soft tune finished as he turned to her with his own smile. "How was it?" He asked, his smile melting her heart. "Good, we won." "Congratulations." He spoke as she walked closer to him, her arms wrapping around his torso as she rested her head against his chest. She felt her eyes water, as she shuffled closer. "Irene?" He called softly. "I think I know who is responsible for my parents death." She whispered out, her voice cracked. "Oh Babygirl." He whispered back tightening his embrace around her. "I'm glad you're here." She spoke and he felt himself smile. "I'm glad I can be here for you." She smiled into his chest. He bent down sweeping her off her feet as squealed slightly clinging to his shoulder blades as he carried her bridal style. Two souls happily in love.

Yet hours later, Jackson pulled the duvet closer to Irene who lay bare in his arms, his guilty heart thundering under her as he pushed her curls back, kissing her forehead. And he knew, he now needed to find his own answers.


Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoy this one. Let me know what your thoughts are. Lots to love to you all.

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