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Irene left the meeting room soon after fed up with the office for a day. She hated disorganisation and laziness and her employees seemed to be slipping. She placed the sunglasses over her eyes to hide away from the world.

Her eyes always remained cold, numb even, but she knew that those who looked hard enough could see her resolve breaking. Those who looked hard enough could see her weakness and Irene Bae was anything but that. She used her coldness, as her defence to hide from the world. She built her walls high enough to the point people stopped trying to find the girl behind them, the scared little girl who had been left by all those she called her own. She sighed slightly looking out at the city that she held deep resentment for. It had taken everything from her. Her parents, her second set of parents, her siblings, her smile, her zeal for life. All of it had been snatched by this city and the heartless people that lay within it.

She rubbed her temples slightly. She had promised to avenge them. She had promised to fight yet after years of building herself up, of building her name up she was already tired. She doubted herself. Even if the others never saw that side she was always looking for acceptance and she never received it even amongst her own. She was an outsider within the city. She had people bowing down to her begging for mercy yet that was exactly what separated her from them. They couldn't see her. Who she really was and Irene knew that no one ever would. She blamed herself on some nights, knowing that ultimately she had pushed everyone away, she forced them to see only this side to her but she knew this was the only way to get the job done.

She looked down to her phone a series of emails and contracts flooding her lock screen. This was Irene Bae. A multi billionaire, a Mafia Queen, a business tyrant. An ambassador for greatness. A woman.

She looked back out at the busy streets of the city, seeing children play on the streets carefree and adults like herself walking around back and forth swarming the city. She called for her driver to pull up, telling him she would call if need be.

But today of all days she wanted to experience something different, a small adventure alone to help calm her restless heart that had sprung to life when her gaze locked onto the date. It was there death anniversary's. Her birth parents that she had traumatically lost on the same day, less than a year apart her sister was ripped from her on the same day. Irene pushed up her glasses knowing her eyes had begun to water, her mind completely distracted from the traffic in front of her.

She failed to notice the speeding car that was heading straight towards her. As she continued to walk she removed her glasses for a second, her eyes catching the speeding car. She stopped, staring it down.

It edged closer to her.

Jackson stood on the opposite side of the road. He had been following her since the start of the morning to try and gather some information on her, anything he could get his hands on. His head shot to the side noticing the car that was speeding towards her at an ultra fast speed. He swore loudly pushing past people and running towards her. Irene felt a hand on her waist, suddenly crashing to the floor with a muscular form on top of hers. Their heads whipped to the side as the car stopped, before driving off.

The mans hand rested underneath Irene's head to ensure that she received no injury. He turned to her, Irene's eyes widening at the sight of this man who lay on top of her. He quickly moved off her, extending a hand out to her and helping her up. He picked up her bag handing it to her as their hands connected a familiar spark jolting through them both. She had seen him before, the man at the orphanage, her eyes widened. Irene looked up at him. "Are you okay Ms?" He asked, his voice delicate yet slightly husky. Her eye brows furrowed in confusion. She had heard this voice somewhere before. He moved her hair away from her face assessing her for injuries. "I'm okay thank you. And thanks for saving my life." She said attempting to offer him a smile. He waved her off politely with a smile that had her captivated. He was handsome. His eyes a hazel colour with specks of golden that were highlighted by the suns rays, his jaw line was chiselled to perfection. As was the rest of him. His hair was slightly slicked you the side showing his handsome face of to the world. She heard a cough bringing her back. "Sorry." She said. He smiled at her. "Are you sure your okay?" He asked. "Yeah I am. Thank you again, if there's anyway I can repay you just let me know." He shoved his hand in his pocket with one arm ghosting her waist as they walked off the road. "How about a name for the beautiful face?" She shook her head with a smile. "No can do, my guys usually have to work a bit harder to get that." He chuckled. "Well I did just save your life." She laughed slightly continuing her walk. "Irene Bae." She said looking him in his eyes. "My name is Irene." He smiled up at her. "Beautiful name for a beautiful woman. True representation of peace." She laughed. "Far from it to be honest." She looked back at the road, her face tensing visibly to Jackson. "Does that happen often?" He attempted to joke through his tone. "It wouldn't be the first attempt on my life, certainly not the last." His eye brows tensed. "Why?" "I can't tell you." She said with a smirk. He pouted. "I'm a woman of many secrets." She said. "Those are the dangerous kind." He said smirking back at her. "Well at least you know." She said with a laugh. "We all have our secrets Ms Bae, the entire world is plagued with them. Every scar has a story, every smile hides one." They stared at each other for a split second. He extended his hand, "it was nice to meet you Ms Bae." She shook it firmly, Jackson taken back slightly with her grip. "You too Mr..." she paused looking up at him with a slight raise to the eye brow. He smirked. "Jackson. Jackson Wang." He finished. Their hands remained in each other's for a split second, their eyes locked. Irene pulled away first fishing out a business card. "As a way to thank you, if you need anything call me to name the price." He took the card, watching as she turned away to continue her walk. "How about a date." He called out to her. Irene smirked turning back around. "Your going to have to try harder than that." She turned amongst a sea of people as Jackson turned to look at the card that he held between two of his fingers with a smirk. "Let's play..." he said placing his sunglasses back on before turning to walk away himself, Irene stopped turning back for a second, just as he did, her heart skipping a beat. He was hot.


Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoy this one. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. I look forward to hearing back from you guys. I'm uploading a one shot later which is really long, so I hope you guys will check that out as well. Lots of love and best wishes to you all. Stay safe xx

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