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I never felt so scared.

Chimin: what happened!?

I have a stalker.

Chimin: Really!? Call the police

But it's a weird stalker.

Chimin: OK?

He said I'm going to die...and I have a choice or whatever...I don't get it

Chimin: I think he just wanted to make your day by telling you one or two jokes, since your face is enough to tell everyone about your mood ~.~

Hey! This is serious! You would probably cry by now if this happened to you instead

Chimin: That's not true at all! Liar! I would have laughed along with him

He wasn't laughing. He looked dead serious.

Chimin: Just call the police then

Not yet. I'll give it another day.

She threw her phone away on the other side of the mattress as her chat with her friend came to an end. Bringing her arm on her face to cover her eyes, she shut the world out and entered a new one as darkness hugged her mind.

She woke up the next morning thanks to the blinding rays of sunshine peering through the curtains, as if greeting her good morning. She hoped it'd be good.

Shooting up from the bed, she strode over towards the window and peeked outside for any sign of the man's presence. She admitted the fact that his dreadful words from the day before triggered her fear and made her more aware of her surroundings, as if anyone could spring from the corner and point a gun at her or shoot an arrow through her heart without hesitation.

She shook the awful feeling off and continued heading to her workplace. Until she saw something black from the corner of her eyes.

Her head whipped to her right, and right across the road, the same tall man in black stood with his arms resting at his sides. She trembled in both fear and annoyance.

Her pace sped up before entering the first shop that was closest to her. She fished her phone out, glad to have fully charged it beforehand, and tapped on the digits which would link her to the police.

Pressing her phone to her ear, she looked out to make sure he was still at the same place. He was as still as a statue. People walked past him like he was just another person.

He probably was, or wasn't. He had the strangest vibe around him.

She tapped her foot impatiently before it stilled as the other line answered her call. Her voice sounded quiet and frantic as she briefly explained her situation and urged them to act as soon as possible.

What horrified her was that the man made no movement as the sirens were heard. What was wrong with him? Wasn't he frightened at all?

One of the members of the police entered the shop after Aelin waved at them to signal her spot.

The woman wasted no time. "So, where's this man you were talking about?"

Aelin pointed at where he was still standing. "He's been following me since yesterday."

The woman squinted at the direction. "Which person exactly?"

"That person. There," her heart started drumming against her chest.

"You sure? I see no one there."

Aelin felt the world swallow her whole. Why could no one else see him? What kind of trick was he pulling? She wanted to sob her way out of this and forget about it all, but decided it was no use. No one would be able to help her except herself.

Her throat tightened as she looked at the black figure and said, "Yeah...they ran away."

The police woman nodded. "OK. Do you remember what he looked like? It would be helpful for our investigation."

Investigation my ass.

Aelin knew it would be useless, but she nodded in response and provided the information required.


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