Chapter 21

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Slowly, I walk upstairs to my mothers room, my hands fidgeting with each other as I get closer and closer.

When I get outside of her room, I take a deep breath and open the slightly ajar door.

There she sits, on her bed. She's sitting Indian style and looking at a computer screen. Her jet black hair, like mine, is in a messy pony tail. Her green eyes follow down the page as she types at a rapid pace, stopping every so often to fix a mistake or two.

She finally stops working as I stand off to the side, nervousness radiating off of my body.

"Hi, sweetie. Do you want something?" She asked me.

"Um, yeah actually..." I trailed off. "I just wanted to tell you...that, um," I take another deep breath,"I'm going on a date tonight." I finally manage to say.

"Oh that's great honey!" She gives me a smile. "What's his name and what type of boy is he?"

"His names Seth and he's a bad boy." I finish but see as my mom's smile falters after I say bad boy. I try to fix it. "But he has really helped me out. He was there for me when you were at work. Mom, I really like him."

"Hmm...ah, okay. He seems great if he's helped you out. I'm still a little skeptical but I don't see why not." Her smile returns back to its full glory.

"Oh thank you so much!" I jump on her bed and give her a hug with a sigh of relief.

She hugs me back. "No problem. And, thank you for telling me. Most teens would just go without telling their parents, so I really appreciate that. I trust you and if you say he's a good guy, then I believe you."

Those words make me tighten my hold on her. This is why I love my mom. She is so understanding.

"Okay, now get off of me and let me get back to work." She patted my back twice and I let go of her. "Oh, what time is he picking you up?"

"At 7. I'm gonna start getting ready in a little while. And Bonnie is gonna be here to help me." I tell her honestly.

"Okay, sweetie." She said, distracted by her work now.

I shrugged and left her room walking back to mine.

It was only 4, so I decided that I was gonna take a tiny nap, that way I'm not so drowsy during the date.

I laid down, on top of my blanket and curled up. My eyes were getting droopy as I yawned. I sunk into the comfy mattress. My eyes closed, so I could see nothing but black. Sleep over took me.

I was awoken by someone shaking my shoulders.

"Leilani, Leilani! Wake up!" Exclaimed Bonnie as she continued to shake my shoulders.

"Huh?" I sat up and scratched my head. Finally, I was able to process what was going on. "Oh crap, what time is it?"

"Um..." She glanced at my night stand clock, "5:15."

"Crap, I should start getting ready, he's gonna be here at 7." I told her as I frantically tried to get out of bed.

"Girl, get your ass out of bed and get into the shower." Bonnie demanded.

"Okay, okay. Sheesh." I said, getting out of bed and running to the bathroom.

I took a shower that lasted no longer than five minutes. Most of the time was spent washing my body and hair. The strawberry scented shampoo stayed on my hair, even after I combed it out. Walking out of the bathroom with only a fluffy white towel hiding my naked body, I found Bonnie rummaging through my organized shoes, looking for the perfect shoes to go with the outfit she picked out for me.

An over sized purple sweat shirt laid on the bed, a pair of black crop leggings going with it. It was an easy and cozy outfit, but still looked good together. Although, I did wonder why she chose this specific outfit.

"Hey, Bon?" I asked

"Yeah?" She responded.

"Did Seth, by any chance, tell you what were doing on this date?" I said.

"Yep." She popped the p.

"Oh. Are you gonna tell me?" I asked, giving her a grin.

"Nope." She popped the p again.

My grin dropped. "Thanks." I said sarcastically.

"No problem." She said, inspecting my shoes, trying to find the perfect pair to go with the outfit.

Grabbing some underwear, a tank top and the clothes, I went back into the bathroom. Slipping on the sweater with only my spaghetti strap tank top underneath it, it slipped off my shoulder, making it look like it was supposed to be there.  I put on the leggings and checked out my butt in the mirror.

What? We all do it.

I walked out and saw Bonnie holding out some one inch black wedges . I took them out of her hands and put them on, making me one inch taller.

She walked to my spinning chair that was sitting in front of my vanity and patted the seat. "Come on, sit down."

I walked over there and sat down in the awaiting chair. She started with my makeup, putting my hair into a bun to keep it out of the way.

Bonnie didn't do to much with the make up. She said she just wanted to bring out my 'natural beauty'. I didn't know what she was talking about so I just let her do her thing.

After turning the chair around, so I'm facing away from the vanity, she started applying primer to my eyelids before she did my eye shadow. Light pink eye shadow is what she thought would fit best. Mascara was next and then, using the eye liner, she lined my top lid and my water line, giving me a cat eye look. Instead of putting on some colored lipstick, she applied some EOS lip balm, using her finger. Next, she held up light red blush, but didn't apply it.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, furrowing my eye brows.

"Nothing. It's just, you don't need blush because you cheeks are naturally rosy." She said.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Hold on." She squinted, brought her hands up to my face, and pinched my cheeks. Not hard as to bruise but hard enough so I could feel a small sting of pain.

"Ouch!" I said. It didn't hurt that much, but it kinda did.

"There we go!" Bonnie exclaimed with a big smile.

She turned the chair around so I could see my reflection. My makeup looked great. When she said that she would bring out my 'natural beauty', she wasn't kidding. Heck, I didn't think I had any.

"Now for your hair." She grabbed a chunk on the right side of my hair and started braiding it back. She did the same thing to the other side. She made the two braids meet in the middle, making a slight half up/half down look. Taking the rest of my hair, she took a heated up flat iron and quickly ran it through my hair. By then my hair had mostly dried.

"I'm done." Bonnie clapped her hands together. I stood up and stepped back, trying to see my whole body in the mirror. When I did, the outfit, the makeup, the hair. It all went so well together.

"Thank you so much, Bon." I give her a hug to show my appreciation.

"No problem." She hugged me back.

I glance at the clock once we release each other. It was 6:47. I have to wait exactly 13 minutes before Seth arrives. Nerves started to settle in my stomach and I began sweating a little.

"Oh no, Leilani!" Bonnie whines. "Stop it. You shouldn't be nervous. Stop sweating, you'll ruin my master piece." She brings over my small fan that was sitting in my window sill. She placed it in front of me, plugged it in, and turned it on. The cold air hit my face, instantly cooling me down, but I was still nervous.

Sure he's my boyfriend, but what if, after this, he doesn't want anything to do with me?

"Bonnie..." I trailed off. "What if he doesn't want anything to do with me after this? What if he realizes I'm just a loser?" I voice my thoughts with worry laced into my tone.

"Lani." Bonnie grips my shoulders and makes me look at her. "He will not think that. He will think that you are smart, cute, funny, and all around awesome, cause that is what you are." She gives me a smile.

That reassured me a little bit. My nervousness wasn't as bad anymore.

For the remaining time, Bonnie and I decided to play cards. I still couldn't get the nervousness to go away. It was eating away at me.

I had to take a couple of deep breaths, just so I don't faint. Even while we were playing cards, the nerves kept on.

When the door bell rang, it scared the absolute shit out of me. I jumped up in surprise, throwing my cards in the process.

"Woah, relax, Lani." Bonnie said.

I took another deep breath before walking out of the room. Bonnie and I started down the steps, when we heard the door open.

"Oh, Seth. What brings you here?" My mother asked.

I my eyes widened, oh no. I lightly jogged my way down the rest of the stairs, trying my best to get down there.

"Taking your daughter on a date." By the time he said that, my hand was holding on to the edge of the door.

"Wait, your the Seth she was talking about?" My mother asked.

"Wait, do you two know each other?" I asked them skeptically.

"Yeah." Seth and my mother said at the same time.

Wait, what?

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